Will You Return?

Kaitlin pulls back from the hug and motions Nathan to take a seat on the couch. "So tell me how are mom and dad?" Kaitlin asked as she took a seat next to Nathan. "Alina gives me updates whenever she can but I want to hear what has been going on at home since I been gone."

"Mom and Dad have missed you," Nathan said, "I told them everything that has happened to say that they are not happy with how I dealt with the situation is a big understatement." Nathan shook his head at the memories of the lectures he received from eat of their parents. 

"Alina told me that Celia has been working with Samuel since she got back," Kaitlin said.

"Yes, when she came back she tried to get a position at the family company but by that time I had already informed Mom and Dad about everything that had been going on," Nathan said looking at Evan before turning back to his sister, "Mom was furies and blames herself for not checking in with you more often. They both came to the same conclusion that since Celia was old enough she was going to be cut off from any benefits she was getting before from the family."

"I am guessing she didn't take it well," Kaitlin said giving Nathan a half smile.

"As well as you can imagine, especially considering that Mom and Dad were still helping her pay for a lot of her living expenses," Nathan said. "Now she has to work to get what she wants."

"I am sure that Samuel will get it for her if he has her working in the office for I am sure that he made it easy for her," Kaitlin said.

Alina looked up from where she was playing with Evan at Kaitlin, "You would think so, but from what I have seen and heard, Celia is now the one following Samuel around and clinging to him like a baby koala bear."

Kaitlin let out a laugh at the image that Alina had just painted. "When are you coming back home?" Nathan asked taking hold of Kaitlin's hand.

"Not yet, I am still working on some things here, but I think I could be done within a year. Evan will be a little older," Kaitlin said squeezing Nathan's hand. "Meanwhile I need you to keep my location a secret from Samuel."

"Fine, we will give you one more year," Nathan said, "but if you are not back I am personally coming down here and taking you back home."

"I promise," Kaitlin said. "Now let's stop talking about this and go get some food, I do want you to enjoy your time here."

Nathan smiled and got up pulling Kaitlin with him. He let go of her hand and turned toward Evan. "Come here big guys let's go get some food," Nathan said as he walked away toward the dining room with Evan in his hands. 

Kaitlin pulled Alina up, "Come on let's go see what food was prepared today," Kaitlin said. 

Alina walked next to Kaitlin, "Are you going to move back next year?" Alina asked.

"I have been thinking of what my next step is going to be after we finish establishing my identity as the number one designer," Kaitlin said. 

"What have you come up with?" Alina asked.

"I just want to go back home and be with my family," Kaitlin said, "I need to get with David and make sure all the legal documents are in order and make sure to ask him to draw up papers to make sure that Samuel cannot take my baby away."

"I got your back, whatever you are missing we will make sure to get it and file it," Alina said, "You know I am here for you."

"Lets get inthere before Evan starts making a mess," Kaitlin said.

"I am sure your brother can handle baby Evan," Alina said a little smile taking over her face.