After one year of pleading and asking for forgiveness, Kaitlin finally granted the forgiveness Nathan had requested from her. Nathan had to prove to Kaitlin and Alina that he was a changed man and would not keep making the same mistake repeatedly. Kaitlin was not heartless; she wanted her family in her life. She just needed time to heal her wounds before she could let them back in.
Alina was the only one who knew where Kaitlin was hiding, and she had been there when she went into labor. Alina took all the precautions to avoid being followed to Kaitlin's home.
"How much longer until I get to see my sister?" Nathan asked as the car made its way to the meeting point.
"Stop being so impatient. We have to ensure we are not being followed," Alina said as she watched the streets.
"It has been a year since Kaitline went into hiding. Samuel has not made any attempts to find out where Kaitlin is," Nathan said. He had stopped talking to Samuel; he still had to socialize with Smuel due to business. Still, besides those occasions, he ensured he was never alone with Samuel. Nathan was still mad at himself and Samuel for hurting Kaitlin so much.
"He has not been asking, which makes me even more suspicious," Alina said. Like you said, it has been a year and a half since Kaitlin gave him the divorce. It stands to reason that he should have either proposed to Celia or gotten married to her, but neither of those things has happened."
"After everything that happened, I was expecting the same thing," Nathan said, more concussion about the situation clouding his thoughts. "I was expecting for Celia to move into Samuel's house as soon as she came back."
"Exactly, okay, we are pulling up now," Alina said as she pulled up a driveway.
Nathan looked at the house; it was nothing like the one they had back home. The house looked well maintained, and it was in a nice neighborhood. "The house is not bad," Nathan said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
"Thank you for your approval," Alina said with a smirk on her face, "Come on, your sister and a special person are waiting for you."
Nathan was captivated by Alina's beauty when she smiled. He would acknowledge that Alina was attractive, but at this moment, she looked more beautiful than any other time that he had seen her. He remembered Alina and Kaitlin playing around their house when they were younger; up until this point, he still had seen her as the little girl from back then and not the beautiful and capable women she had turned into.
Nathan got out of the car and followed Alina inside. "Honey, I am home," Alina called as they walked through the door.
For a moment, Nathan thought Alina was calling out to a man, but before he put his foot in his mouth, he heard Kaitlin answer, "I am in the living room." You could hear the laughter in Kaitlin's voice, which cemented the fact that Nathan had not heard his sister sound like that in the past years, especially in the four years she had been married to Samuel.
As they turned the corner, Nathan saw Kaitlin sitting on the couch, but what stopped him in his tracks was the little boy sitting at Kaitlin's feet playing with some toys.
Kaitlin looked up and smiled at Nathan. "Welcome to my home, big brother," Kaitlin said. At hearing his mom's voice, Evan, Kaitlin's one-year-old son, turned around.
"Oh my, look at my big boy, how have you been?" Alina said, stopping and kneeling before Evan with her hands outstretched.
To Kaitlin and Alina's dismay, Evan looked like a miniature version of his father. "Ali," Evan called out as he stood up to go to her. Since Evan was born, Alina had made it a point to be in his life. She had promised Kaitlin that she would be a great aunt to Evan and that she would help her make sure that he grew up loved and cherished for the rest of his life.
"You had a kid," Nathan said as he looked at Evan.
"Nathan, let me introduce you to Evan, your nephew," Alina said, bringing Evan closer to Nathan. "Look Evan, I brought Uncle Nathan to meet you."
Evan looked up at Nathan curiously. Kaitlin didn't bring many people around Evan, so the only people that he was familiar with were Alina and Cesar, the bodyguard Alina had instructed to protect Kaitlin and Evan.
"Surprise," Kaitlin said as she looked at Nathan's reaction.
"You were pregnant and didn't tell us," Nathan said, looking at Evan. He was one of the cutest babies. "Does Samuel know?" Nathan asked, extending his hands toward Evan, "Come here, little Evan."
Evan shied away from Nathan and tried to hide in Alina's neck. "Don't be scared, little man. He is Uncle Nathan. We will help take care of you and Mommy," Alina said.
Evan pulled his little head from Alina's neck and looked at Nathan, who was smiling at him. Evan outstretched his hands, and Nathan picked him up.
"Before he left on his business trip, I let him know that I was pregnant. he told me to do didn't want to be a part of the babies life so I decided to leave," Kaitlin walked closer to Nathan and Evan.
"Samuel knows that I was pregnant, but like I said, he said he didn't want the baby, so I decided to remove myself and keep this cutie all to myself," Kaitlin said, playing with her son's hair.
"Do mom and dad know that you were expecting?" Nathan asked as he rocked Evan back and forth.
"Yes, I told them. I also sent some pictures to Mom," Kaitlin said, admiring the sight of Nathan carrying Evan in his arms.
"Here, let me take him," Alina said, bringing Evan back to her arms. "Evan and I are going to go play over there while you and Nathan talk."
"I am so sorry that I didn't know what you were going through," Nathan said to Kaitlin. "You are my sister, and I should have paid more attention to you and believe you more than someone that had come into our home."
"I don't hold it against you, Nathan," Kaitlin said, "over this last year you have shown me that I can count on you."
"I will always have your back, little sister," Nathan said, "But as the big brother that I am, I might need to punch Samuel purely out of the respect that he owes you," Nathan said stretching out his hands to hug Kaitlin.