A New Beginning

The early morning sun broke through the clouds as Jake sprinted down the street, his heart racing with the familiar anxiety of being late for school. "Not again," he muttered under his breath, glancing at the time on his phone. He had a math test today—one he hadn't studied for—and the thought filled him with dread.As he rounded a corner, his mind was consumed with thoughts of his friend Alex texting him about their weekend plans. "Maybe I can wing it…" he thought, mentally running through his notes and trying to convince himself he could salvage his grade.Just then, a loud honk shattered his concentration. A massive truck loomed in front of him, its horn blaring like a warning siren. Jake's eyes widened in terror as time seemed to slow. The last thought in his mind was, How the hell did that truck get here when the road is under construction?He barely had time to brace himself before the world went dark.

The people around him ignore all this like nothing happened, they didn't even saw this.

The truck move forward and driver mutter ," target sent, atleast now I have rest for sometime."


When Jake regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a lavish bed, surrounded by opulent furnishings. Confusion washed over him as he blinked at the ornate details of the room. "What... where am I?This don't looks like hospital" he murmured, the words sounding strange and distant. He checked his body and was terrified to see the changes. His hands become small so we're legs . He jumped from the bed to see his body is much smaller then it usedto be. He immediately open his pants to see his little brother size is decreased, immediately cause him angry.

He then move towards the mirror and look at the appearance which shocked him. This was Tom Felton, no the role he played Draco Malfoy form Harry Potter verse.

He move back to the bed and try to remember anything. As he tried to focus on past. Pain started in his head. He clutched the pillow with his mouth to make sure no sound came.

It last only for few seconds and the pain lost as it never occurred.

He sigh and cursed his luck because it's right he transmigrated as Draco Malfoy but not in original plot world. This is an alternate world where potters didn't died 11 years ago. Sirius Black had not been sent to Azkaban . But all this is not important,the most important thing is Draco father, means Lucius Malfoy is more strict and cruel than original. He doesn't care about Narcissa and him , instead hate us.

Draco once asked Dobby about the reason, to which he learned that Lucius had loved a girl from France but had to marry Narcissa due to family obligations.

From the age of five, Draco had been subjected to brutal training. Lucius would torture him under the guise of discipline.Narcissa couldn't interfere for some reason. She cried but never tried to intervene—perhaps due to some kind of contract.

What was his plan now? He needed to figure out how to navigate this world, one where Harry Potter still lived and where he had to survive under the oppressive watch of Lucius Malfoy. A sudden thought struck him: he had to find a way to gain some control over his situation.

He look at the cealing and though , " It will be good if I can get some cheat , he couldn't help but think of various beautiful and sexy characters in hp Verse ".

Like the Omniverse decided to accept his request.

He heard . Ding. Gacha is online.


Author's pov

He will kill Lucius in second year and take Narcissa after that.

He will accept the role of Draco and become more proud .

Template and summon suggestions