Sorting part 2

One by one, the students were called forward. Their names echoed through the chamber, and each time, the hat would shout out a house—Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw.

How are they sorted? Does the hat read everyone's mind? Draco wondered but quickly dismissed the thought. No respectable family would allow their children's minds to be invaded. He knew they were all given protective items, especially those from powerful families like his own. He glanced down at the silver ring on his finger, a subtle charm meant to shield his thoughts from probing magic.

"Granger, Hermione," McGonagall called.

Hermione stepped forward with her head held high. Draco's eyes followed her intently as the Sorting Hat was placed on her head. After a brief pause, the hat shouted, "Ravenclaw!"

Draco's eyes narrowed, though his expression remained unreadable. Ravenclaw? That wasn't what he remembered. His mind was already processing the implications, wondering what other changes lay hidden in this new reality.

The Sorting continued, and Draco remained composed, his pulse steady, though his thoughts raced. He knew what was expected of him—Slytherin. It made sense in this world as well, especially given the dangerous power dynamics. Yet, his knowledge from a previous life left him cautious. The lines between loyalty and survival were more blurred now. The storybooks had oversimplified things.

"Malfoy, Draco," McGonagall finally called.

The room fell into a tense silence as all eyes turned to him. Draco strode forward with calm, measured confidence, his gaze briefly flicking to the older students at the Slytherin table. A mix of curiosity and expectation simmered in their eyes.

The hat barely touched his head before it declared, "Slytherin!"

Draco allowed a small smirk to cross his lips, though inwardly, a knot of tension coiled tighter. This was expected, but there was no relief in it. Slytherin was his house, yes, but it was also a den of snakes—cunning, dangerous, and full of those who thrived on power. To survive, he would need to tread carefully and play his cards close.

As he moved to the Slytherin table, he noticed Harry being called next. The hat seemed to deliberate longer with him, its silence stretching just enough for Draco to wonder if history might diverge here. But then, with a firm cry, the hat announced, "Gryffindor!" and the hall erupted into cheers.

Draco's gaze hardened. So, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, remains in Gryffindor. That much hadn't changed. But the presence of his parents in this world, subtle shifts in personalities, and a heightened sense of danger all pointed to a future far more unpredictable than before.

He took his seat at the Slytherin table, already running through potential strategies in his mind. The Sorting was over, but the real game had only just begun.

As the final students were sorted, the chatter in the Great Hall began to quiet. Draco, now seated among the Slytherins, observed the room with cool detachment. Small shifts in this alternate world hinted at deeper differences yet to be revealed.

Professor McGonagall returned to her seat, and the hall fell silent as Dumbledore rose to speak.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore's voice carried easily through the hall, his presence commanding yet warm. "To our first years, let me extend a special welcome. You are now part of something truly remarkable, and I encourage you to embrace the wonders of learning and magic. To our returning students, welcome back. I trust the summer was restful, though I suspect a few of you found your own adventures."

The old wizard's eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles, but Draco's expression remained unreadable. He knew that Dumbledore's lighthearted tone often concealed deeper intentions.

"As we begin another year at Hogwarts, there are a few notices to share," Dumbledore continued, his gaze sweeping the room.

"First, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that magic is not to be used in the corridors. He has, as usual, posted a list of forbidden items, which has now grown to include several of Zonko's latest inventions. You can find that list on his office door, should you care to peruse it."

A ripple of quiet laughter spread through the students, but Draco remained focused. He had little interest in school rules; it was the interactions and undercurrents between people that intrigued him.

"Second," Dumbledore's tone darkened, "the Forbidden Forest remains off-limits to all students. It is a dangerous place, and those who venture too far inside may find themselves in more trouble than they expect."

Draco smirked faintly. The Forbidden Forest… another forbidden place filled with secrets. He would explore it eventually, once the time was right. Forbidden places always held the most valuable information.

"Third," Dumbledore continued, "Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should speak with Madam Hooch."

The mention of Quidditch caused a stir of excitement at the Slytherin table, but Draco remained indifferent. First-years weren't allowed to join the teams anyway, and even if they were, Quidditch wasn't part of his plans. He had more pressing matters to attend to.


Author's pov

Answer the below questions:-

which compilation is better

Power system will be adjusted accordingly

just choose 1 or more :

1. Labyrinth of slave harem × redo of healer

2. 1 + overlord without Nazarick

3. 1 + how a realistic hero

4. 1 + Shield hero without waves

5. All in one or you customise one

Next choose which plot is better :

1. Mc got a summoning response and use it .

He is summoned by Elisha Elfrieden in alone as their kingdom can't handle aggression anymore , her husband died , now mc start kingdom building also found that this world is compilation of multiple others.

2. Mc got permanent portal world travel card.

He find himself in jioral kingdom, purchase setsuna but at same time he found another slave who he is familiar with . She was Elisha ( from realistic hero) and her daughter. Purchase them found they are war slaves , found their identity was not known to others , he then save some others of original characters .

3. Similar to 2 but this time he found Mirellia Q Melromarc as slave or save her during some quest .

4. Mc got summoned as shield hero, no waves, but battle with demons , some conspiracy etc. Upsuring happened, mc saves Mirella and her daughter and takes them as slaves . Travelling dungeons or something similar.

5. All above with some adjustments

6. Write your customize plot

Choose the one which will take first with other happened afterwards