first encounter part 2

Turning to Hermione, Neville felt a surge of confidence and decided to introduce himself, inspired by her earlier introduction. Speaking slowly, as if rehearsed for a grand stage, he said, "Hello, I am Neville Longbottom. These are my friends, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter," pointing toward them with a hint of pride.

Without missing a beat, Hermione confirmed, "Harry Potter, the one who defeated the Dark Lord."

Ron, ever the loyal companion, echoed her enthusiasm. "Yes, he is the Boy Who Lived—Harry Potter, the one who defeated," pausing, he said slowly, "you know who."

The air in the compartment grew heavy with expectation, each word reverberating as if announcing their identities in a realm where names carried power and history.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Hermione blurted out, "How?"

Her voice, louder than intended, drew glances from others, Flustered, she quickly turned her gaze to Harry, her eyes wide. "How did you defeat him? You-know-who, I mean."

Draco, observing her behavior, thought that despite the differences in the world, some things remained the same. Even with his initial disinterest, he found himself curious. His gaze shifted toward Harry, silently waiting for an answer.

Neville and Ron, too, became more attentive. Though they had always been told the basics—that Harry had defeated the Dark Lord—the specifics had never been shared. Even when they had asked him in the past, Harry never seemed to give them any real answers.

Harry met Hermione's gaze with calm composure, his tone steady and even as he said, "I don't remember. It was a long time ago." The truth of his words hung in the air—he genuinely had no memory of that day.

James had instructed him long ago to use this line whenever the question arose. And while it was true, there was something unsettling about it. Even when Harry had tried asking his parents, they would skillfully evade his questions, leaving him to wonder what they weren't telling him. There was always a deliberate vagueness, a wall between him and the truth.

Seeing the same response from Harry, Ron and Neville felt a twinge of disappointment, though they quickly masked their expressions.

Hermione, too, was dissatisfied with his answer.

Realizing no new revelations would come, Draco felt a sense of disappointment settle in. No useful information, as expected, he thought. With that, he leaned back, deciding to return to his nap, the mystery left hanging once more.

Seeing his action, Ron immediately said, "What's your reaction, Malfoy? Even if Harry doesn't remember, he still defeated you-know-who. He's always better than you."

Now Draco couldn't supress his frustration, looking at ron he can't understand why is he deliberately targetting him . He tried to remember if he did something to him but didn't find anything.

Although the one infront of him are still young it still annoying.

Finally, Draco asked coldly, "What's your problem? I don't think I've done anything to offend you."

His sharp gaze made Ron flinch. Sensing the tension, Harry stepped slightly forward, trying to mediate. "No, you didn't offend us. It's just "

he hesitated, searching for the right words, "my friend doesn't take kindly to disrespect."

Draco's brow furrowed. "What disrespect?"

Harry fell silent. It was true that Draco hadn't done anything wrong; it was Ron who had thrown the first punch, verbally speaking. But he couldn't just ignore Draco's presence. Just as he was about to respond, Ron jumped back into the conversation. "Stop pretending to be right. Everyone knows your father worked for the Dark Lord. I wonder why they even allowed you in Hogwarts."

His words cause everyone eyes widened. Hermione, fresh to the wizarding world, turned to Draco, searching for his reaction, but he remained inscrutable, betraying no emotion. Inside, however, Draco felt his patience wearing thin. He resolved to teach Ron a lesson in the future. Today was his first day in this World; he didn't want to create a scene.

Seeing Ron's attempt to provoke fail to elicit a response from Draco, Harry said, "Looks like Trevor isn't here." He paused, glancing around the compartment. "We should search for him in another compartment."

Harry, too, wanted to escape the charged atmosphere, eager to leave the tension behind.

As the trio left the compartment Draco closed his eyes again , thinking about his future.

Hermione look at him not knowing what she was thinking but didn't uttered a word.


Author's pov

Harry is still not too arrogant, it will be slowly after death of quirrell . Then he will start to change.

Harry didn't fight draco as he is mature not like the original one , who immediately becomes lion.

Should Hermione go to ravenclaw or still Follow original route?