Chucky Cheese is where chaos meets comedy in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona. Jonathan, a perpetually annoyed employee, spends his days dodging insane customer requests, managing clueless co-workers, and surviving his overbearing manager, Indira. With aliens ordering burgers, Greg nearly flooding the place, and Alice trying (and failing) to hide her feelings for Jonathan, every shift is a disaster waiting to happen. Throw in Corey, the charming football star who always steals the spotlight, and Amy, who seems sweet until someone gets too close to Corey, and you’ve got a recipe for non-stop workplace chaos. Oh, and did we mention the gang wars and Jonathan’s mysterious past? From alien invasions to secret crushes, Chucky Cheese is an unpredictable rollercoaster of laughs, drama, and ridiculousness that makes every day in the restaurant an adventure!
this seems like it'll be funny different to your other story that's for sure
it's alright need more chapters so that we can see what this is about
Phoenix Arizona is a weird place for Chucky Cheese to be set, i swr its'sa California thing
The one might be better than TCOT 😂😂🤩 Jonathan is hilarious and Alice is pretty interesting