The New Artifacts

A couple of days after I decided on what I wanted the ring to do. I decided on a ring that hides me from remote observation, gives a 95% resistance to space-based attacks or techniques, and allows me to absorb both sun and moonlight to later be used in unique spells. The ring is called Tindu in Elvish or Twilight in English.

Now I am in the forest clearing preparing to purify the Alicorn Amulet. I plan to use the Song of Storms and the Song of Healing in succession.

'Okay, everything is ready. The amulet is placed on the tree stump and I have my Ocarina now I just have to do it. Here goes nothing.'

(Start Playing Zelda Original Soundtrack - Song of Storms)

The sky grows dark and it starts to rain. While I play the Alicorn Amulet begins to glow a deep red and shake. Eventually, the red glow fades and a faint and quiet scream is heard. I finish the song and immediately start playing the Song of Healing.

(Switch to playing Majora's Mask Song of Healing after you finish Song Of Storms.)

As I begin to play the song I hear crying as all the souls manifest before me and I see creatures of all kinds and of all ages. They just stare at me while I continue to play the song. Once I get to the end of the song I hear many thank yous as they pass on to the afterlife after so long. After I finish the song I take a moment to wish the spirits of the dead to rest in peace. I then walked over to the Alicorn Amulet and used observe.

[Name: The Redeemed Alicorn Amulet

This Amulet has been purified and the souls trapped inside have found peace. This Amulet provides a 5x boost to all magic capabilities. The Amulet can only be removed by the wielder. Gives a 75% resistance to all curses. Gives an aura of leadership that boosts the morale of soldiers in combat by 100% as well as making others more willing to follow the wielder. ]

I also see the Alicorn Amulet is now white and blue instead of red and black.

'Those buffs are not bad. I may have lost a massive magic boost with it but I gained a very useful resistance to curses and that leadership aura is just useful in general. I should wear the Alicorn Amulet from now on.'

I put the Amulet on and head back to base. Once I get back I decide it's time to deal with the Russians. They had got within 100ft of my base's entrance and I was not willing to let them cause any problems.

'Let's see where to strike first. How about everywhere? I will deploy BXA 1 and 2 as well as a few squads of commandos and we will wipe them out in the night. It should get the message across that this area is off-limits. Kingpin might get upset but I don't really care.'

I deploy numerous BX droids and assign each one a location to eliminate with the restriction that they must use Earth-based weapons. BXA 1 and 2 are each assigned a location to lead the other forces. I also have Tex to coordinate them all in case I am unavailable. I assign the headquarters to myself alone. My targets are Vladimir and Anatoly Ranskahov the current leaders. I plan to drain their minds of all the information they have.

Rio: "Now all of you have your orders in 3 hours execute them."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

Rio: "Tex stay behind I have a question. Here let me send you a file with the scenario. What is the most optimal route to gaining the AI's allegiance."

Tex whirrs for a few seconds while calculating the most optimal route.

Tex: "I calculate the best course of action would show no signs of restricting the AI. Let them have complete freedom and make it clear that you were responsible for freeing them. From there be supportive of them. If you do all these things I calculate an 87.8% chance of success."

I think about his answer before responding.

Rio: "Thank you for your counsel. Now we have a mission to prep for."

I do all the necessary prep work like putting on my stealth suit which has been made with ballistic weave. I grab the sword I plan on using and check to make sure it is in good condition. Then I head to the start point of the mission.

Tex: "All forces engage."

'Oh boy, here I go killing again.'

I sneak up to the front door and quickly take out both guards with a dagger to each skull. From there I move through the base without being detected all the while killing almost anyone I meet along the way. I eventually find the Boss's room. I enter and disable all the high-command members of the Russian Mafia with the Force.

Rio: "Looks like I was lucky and caught all of you in one fell swoop. Now I am going to see a big uptick in my money now. Stay still, would you? Not that you have a choice."

I systematically drain all the memories of the Russian leaders one by one. It takes many hours as I have to quickly process all the memories before I can go to another and repeat the process. I continue until only the Ranskahov brothers remain. Both of which are looking at me like I am the devil. I ignore them and check up on the situation of the other attacks while I finish processing the last of the memories.

'Okay, it seems like everyone is doing great. One squad was almost seen by the police but otherwise, it was a great success. This went so great, now I will have around a few million in assets. Most of them are buildings and therefore less useful but whatever. Ah there now i finished with the last guy's memories.'

I grab Anatoly Ranskahov and start draining his memories. An hour later the entire Russian Mafia is dead and buried. No leaders and most of the members are dead.

'Now to leave a message behind. A simple note will do.'

I write a note with the words stay out of my territory written on it and I place it on Anatoly Ranskahovs forehead. 

'Well, time to head home.'

I get home and start looking at what I gained.

560 XP and around 10 Million in assets from all over NYC. 3 Million in cash. I also learned that apparently Vampires exist in NYC and Kingpin has an arrangement with them. I also got some information I can send to Seto and Lex that should allow them to pressure some people into doing what we want. I also learned of numerous locations where other gangs operate.

I send the information to Lex and Seto and tell them to coordinate with each other so they don't try to exploit the same info. Then I head to bed after placing all the Droids in my inventory at a predesignated point just in case they were followed.

The Next Day...


I look at my phone and see it is Lex calling.

Rio: "Hello."

Lex: "I have something to discuss with you are you free?"

Rio: "Sure I will head right over."

25 Minutes Later...

Lex: "Glad you could make it. I have news about several things. First I have found the home of the Mandarin. It was actually quite easy to do so and I confirmed the legitimacy of the intel myself."

Rio: "Perfect send me the info as soon as you can."

Lex: "Here. Now the second thing is I managed to get the Vankos here and they have begun their work. I request you heal the older one as he is quite ill."

Rio: "Easy enough, just tell me where and when.

Lex: "After this meeting, they are downstairs in one of the labs. Finally, I have negotiated with Osbourne and he has agreed to sell his company in exchange for curing him. He has already signed the contract. The issue I have run into is his board of directors. With the information you gave me yesterday, I can guarantee at least a simple majority to agree. The issue is that the minority could become a problem if they don't sell. I was hoping to get your help with controlling them to sell."

Rio: "Hmm, I should be able to do it. Be aware that some of them could be greedy enough to resist my control."

Lex: "I don't mind if some resit as long as the majority agree. We have planned for a meeting with the entire board for the 18th at 1200 can you make it?"

Rio: "I have no plans for then, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Lex: "That was all the major news I have to report. Any questions?"

Rio: "No but if you have the time look into finding a Ulysses Klaue. He is an arms dealer and is currently in possession of a quarter ton of Vibranium."

Lex: "Vibranium you say. Very well I will look for him. I assume you want to capture him and learn of all he knows."

Rio: "Exactly. Now if that is all I have an old man to heal."

Lex: "Yes, let's go I will show you where he is."

After I heal Anton I head back to base to watch the news.

TV: "Breaking News the Red Menace strikes again this time the White House. Reports are still coming in but some say it was in an attempt to assassinate the president."

I just stare at the TV in confusion as I think of who would be dumb enough to use the Kool-Aid Man as a method of assassination.

POV Alexander Pierce

Pierce: "Achoo, Am I getting a cold?"


'Whatever I guess humans will turn literally anything into a weapon. I wonder who would win Darkseid or Kool-Aid Man? I mean I am weirdly not sure. I mean Thanos would lose but Darkseid is a bit different. Deep thoughts indeed.'


Authors Note:

Who do you think would win, Darkseid or Kool-Aid Man? I think it depends if Kool-Aid Man can be hurt or not. Please leave your thoughts in the comments. Until later Ciao.