Starting The Party With A Yang

Authors Note:

It wasn't said exactly but Mal0 can be seen by other summons and individuals with certain powers.


I wake up and see the date: December 23rd, 2005.

'Huh, it's my birthday. That means I am 19 today.'

As I think about that the system sends a message.


[Congrats Host On Reaching 69 Years Old. The Creator Of The System Has Programmed Me to Deliver A Mystery Gift On Your Birthday.]

'A mystery gift or box?'


[Mystery Gift]

After I ask the question a box in colorful wrapping paper appears before me. I decide to open it as I figure if it is something embarrassing no one will see it but me. I open it and inside is 2 things 690000 System Points and a random summon card with a note attached.

The Note is as follows:

Dear Rio,

I hope this note finds you well. I was told by Aphrodite to send this gift to you each time you reach 69 Years Old. I don't get why she insists on this age specifically but Athena says it is for a stupid reason and to ignore her. I figured that sending you a gift packed into the system would be a nice thing to do. Please do know that this letter was written before you left our universe so I cannot see where you are at when opening this gift. Also, know I only made 2 of these packages as when I tried to make a third Athena caught me and called me an idiot for no reason. Then Aphrodite helped me pick out the gifts as she said she knows what men like more than me. Oh, I am getting off track sorry, I was going to tell you to not worry as Aphrodite swore on her divinity that her gifts would not be dangerous or useless to you. I also hope you are doing well in your new life and all the remaining gods wish you a Happy Birthday.

P.P.S. This is Athena I checked the gifts and removed the explicit content Aphrodite tried to sneak in. Sorry for her immaturity and go with my blessing on this most splendid of days.

'That was interesting and I am glad Athena is looking out for me as I am kind of scared as to what kind of materials Aphrodite tried to sneak in. Now do I use this summon now or wait? I mean it is a gift and it might be rude not to but I have no way of knowing what is summoned.'

I debate with myself and eventually drag Lucario and Tex into the argument. The end result is we eventually decide to summon the unknown person. I start the summoning and when the result ends I see a blonde-haired woman with sunglasses on.

???: "Sup. So you are my summoner? I guess you pass."

'This is the weirdest summoning to date. How do I respond to her.'

Rio: "Hello, I think I know who you are but could you tell me your name just in case."

???: "The name is Yang. The most badass Huntress and coolest older sister."

'Ah, so it is Yang Xiao Long from the RWBY universe.'

Rio: "I am sorry if this is a tough topic but what happened before you were summoned?"

I can feel apprehension and sadness from my question.

Yang: "I was killed. Big invasion lots of people needed to get out I fought this real piece of work and he cut off my arm and I couldn't get help before he took off my head."

She then notices her right arm and is surprised by its presence.

Yang: "Look, I appreciate you giving me a new body and second chance at life but what I want to know is why, what do you want from me."

Rio: "Ah, this is a bit awkward but I received your summoning item for a birthday gift from a friend. I have no particular jobs for you I just thought it would be rude to not use my birthday gift when it was given to me."

She lowers her head and her sunglasses almost fall off as she is completely befuddled by my words.

Yang: "I am sorry but did you say you summoned me because of a birthday gift? I thought you were a great wizard from the fairy tales and needed me to save your kingdom or something. But you don't have anything for me to do? Like, nothing, are you sure? I don't mean to brag but I am pretty tough."

Rio: "No, really I don't have anything you need to do, and since I summoned you I suppose you can stay here while I have an identity made for you. Just stay out of Lucario or my room unless you receive permission. Oh, Lucario is the wolf-looking Pokemon trying to sneak out of the room to your left."

My statement causes Lucario to jump. He then turns around, and waves sheepishly.

Yang: "Woah, thats a wierd looking Faunus."

Rio: "Well that's just rude. You just met him and are calling him weird-looking."

Yang: "Oh sorry about that. I didn't mean to insult you."

Lucario: "No offense taken. Your Aura is a nice color."

Yang: "Uh, thank you? I don't think anyone has called my Aura a nice color before. Wait you can see it? I thought you could only see it in battle. Also, how are you talking your mouth doesn't move but I hear your words."

Lucario: "Oh so you are aware of your Aura. That's rare most I have seen either have very little or don't know how to use it. I am talking to you using my Aura."

He turns to me and smiles while saying.

Lucario: "It's about time you summoned another Aura user. I was getting worried that only Mal0 and you would be users besides myself."

I roll my eyes at him.

Rio: "You know I don't control who I get as a summon. Now why don't you be useful and show Yang to the guest room and help her understand the differences in this world compared to her original."

Lucario just sticks his tongue out at me and takes Yang to show her around.

'Kids these days. I swear just a month ago he was that precious little Riolu who broke my ribs when I tried to give him a bath. Ah, memories. Oh yes, system can I deploy large objects yet?



'Perfect time to go to space.'

I head to the forest clearing before transforming into my Alicorn form and flying to space. Once I get there I head to the opposite side of the moon and deploy the Aura's Revenge and its complete cargo/crew. Then I also deploy the Halberd. Once I deploy those 2 I leave Tex to organize the fleet and head closer to Earth to deploy the ODIN space station. I notice the C.I.S. insignia instead of the US on the ODIN space station. After deploying all I need to I head back to base.

'Now that ODIN is in orbit I feel a bit safer. Tex will also get everything crewed properly. Shield might make a fuss when they discover ODIN but with their budget, I doubt they will do any expeditions to deal with it. I need to ask Lex to build a deep-range scanner for when I need to send Aura's Revenge away.'

I spend the rest of the day playing games with Lucario and answering questions for Yang.

The Next Day...

I check the time it is just before 2 pm and most of the guests will arrive soon. I double check everything is ready. I welcome the first guest.

Rio: "Merry Christmas and welcome to the party I am glad you could make it."

Mal0: "I wouldn't miss this party for the world and Merry Christmas to you too."

I direct her to the waiting area while I welcome in the next few guests.

Mal0 POV

I walk past Rio into the living room and see a Christmas tree in the corner. I place my gift underneath and I am surprised when I see someone I don't recognize. It's a female human with long blonde hair. I walk over to her to greet her.

Mal0: "Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Mal0 or Mal."

She freaks out for a second when she sees me. She seems to relax when I don't attack.

Yang: "Nice to meet you as well my name is Yang. Sorry about my reaction you just look like a creature from my old world that is not friendly."

Mal0: "No worries I am used to that reaction. Most react in either fright or they attack me. So what brings you here, I haven't seen you around."

Yang: "Well, I live here so I figured I should check out the festivities."

I freeze when she says she lives here as I try and think why she would live here.

'Maybe she is related to Rio or is a family friend. Why didn't Lucario tell me about this? I need to go find him and ask.'

Mal0: "That's interesting but I need to go find a friend of mine. It was nice meeting you, and Merry Christmas."

Yang: "Likewise, see you around, and Merry Christmas."

I leave and try and find Lucario


I relax after welcoming the last guest and head to the living room to start the festivities.

Rio: "Okay, anyone who wants to play Smash Bros gather around."

Everyone comes over to play or watch when it is someone else's turn.

Rio: "I call dibs on Mewtwo."

Seto: "If so I call Bowser."

Lucario: "I call Link"

Mal0: "I will play Kirby."

Lex: "I will play Ness when it's my turn."

Yang: "I call Samus, she knows how to kick rear and take names."

Tex: "If I must play I will play Mr. Game & Watch. Though I want it on the record that this is not what I was programmed for."

Rio: "Okay first to lose all their lives switches out with the next person in line. The order is as follows Lex, Yang, Tex, Me, Seto, Lucario, and Mal0. Any arguments?"

Everyone shakes their head but then someone calls out.

???: "What about me, don't I get a turn."

We all turn and look at who said that and see Santa Claus. (SCP 4255)

Rio: "Oh Santa, I thought you couldn't make it. If you want to join I will put you after Mal0."

Santa: "I thought I couldn't make it either but I was able to make some time. HOHOHO. A little time travel humor you see."

Yang: "I like this guy."

Rio: "You are only saying that because he made a pun."

Yang: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Rio: "Uh huh. Well, Santa come on over, and let's play. Oh and what fighter do you want."

Santa: "I will choose Jigglypuff."

Rio: "Okay, whoever gets the most amount of KOs and the least deaths wins a favor of anything in my power to do."

That gets everyone's attention and I can sense the strong desire to win from everyone except Santa but that is expected.

The end results were

1st Mal0

2nd Yang

3rd Rio

4th Lucario

5th Seto

6th Lex

7th Santa

8th Tex

Yang: "Dang it. It's not fair she is literally part program."

Rio: "Now let's not fight she won fair and square. Otherwise, Santa would have said something."

Santa: "It's true she didn't cheat."

Yang: "Ugh fine. But I want a rematch in the future. Next time I will be more familiar with this game."

Rio: "Congrats Mal0 On winning the contest. You may use the favor whenever."

Mal0: "I will let you know when I think of something."

Rio: "Okay now that games are over for now let's eat dinner and then we can play a different game on the computers this time."

After we eat I take them to the computer room where I set up a LAN party.

Rio: "This next game is a personal favorite of mine and all 8 of us can play at the same time. The game is called Age OF Empires 2 The Age of Kings. Just so everyone is aware Tex is forbidden from teaming up with anyone. I played against him before and I lost 58 out of the 100 games. So I strongly suggest allying against him. We will be playing the Regicide mode with a 500 Population limit. We can do a quick practice round to familiarize yourselves with it. The reward for winning is a secret and you can team up and win as well. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor."

End result we lost badly to Tex. To the point where he was banned from playing. The new winner was a team consisting of Lex, Yang, and Lucario. Their rewards were a choice between 1 million dollars or a personal droid assistant that I would design myself. Lex and Yang chose the droid and Lucario chose the money.

After that it was bedtime and Santa had to leave. Lex, Seto, and Tex went home. Mal0 decided to stay over so she didn't spend Christmas morning alone. Everyone including myself went to our rooms to sleep until morning.