Christmas Suprise

Christmas Morning

I wake up to hear Lucario running down the hall towards the living room. I decide I have to get up. I transform back into a human and walk into the living room to see Santa passed out on the couch.

'Must have been an exhausting night for him. I love the work he does but man that job must be really hard. I will let him sleep.'

I use the Force to lift Lucario up and out of the living room to the kitchen. Lucario struggles at first but I send him a glare and he stops. I set him down in the kitchen and started making breakfast. After about an hour Yang comes in with a rat's nest for hair. I struggle not to laugh. Lucario doesn't resist and falls over laughing before stopping abruptly when Yang punches him in the stomach. I just continue cooking.

Rio: "Rough night."

Yang avoids my eyes.

Yang: "Yeah, just some nightmares."

Rio: "Want to talk about it."

Yang: "I'd rather not."

Rio: "Fair enough, I won't push but if you want to talk I am always available."

Yang: "Thanks."

Rio: "Now let's eat then I will try moving Santa to a spare bedroom if he is still sleeping when we are done."

After we finish I end up having to carefully move Santa to another room. Once I return I see everyone ready to open presents. The first to open one is Lucario. I got him a ballistic weave black leather jacket.

Lucario: "I love it thank you."

Next is Yang when she opens hers she tears up a bit.

Rio: "It's technically not the originals but they automatically restock every day. So technically they have infinite ammo."

Yang gives me a bear hug and I feel some bones creaking. 

Yang: "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much I missed my babies."

The present I got her was a store-bought Ember Celica with restocking ammo. It was surprisingly cheap.


Next to open one was Mal0. Getting her a present wasn't easy as I don't know much about her so I chose a trust-based gift. When Mal0 opened hers she was confused so I stepped in to explain what it was.

Rio: "That necklace allows you free access to the base or any place restricted by Yrden runes. That way you don't have to feel excluded or trapped whenever you come over."

Mal0 tears up a bit before saying

Mal0: "Thank you. No one has ever been willing to trust me like this before. I promise I won't betray your trust."

Rio: "Honestly I didn't know if you would like it as I thought you might have wanted something more useful so I am glad you like it.

Next was my turn and the first one I grabbed was from Lucario. I open it and am touched by what is inside. Inside lays an intricately carved wristband with depictions of Lucarios and humans working side by side in battle. It's a keystone ring.

Rio: "I thank you from the bottom of my heart. That you would make such a thing for me is beyond touching. When you are ready I am more than willing to give Mega Evolution a try."

Lucario smiles at me and goes to open his next gift. We continue opening gifts until Santa comes to join us with the same jolly smile he always has.

Santa: "Ah I see you have started already but I am sure you noticed my gifts for you all are not there. That's because I want to give them to you myself. First is Lucario. I had to go to great lengths to get this but I think you will appreciate it."

Santa hands a box to Lucario who immediately opens it to find something I am astonished by, it's a book on all the abilities and moves Lucario can use.

Santa: "Next is Ms. Xiao Long. My gift will give you a taste of home in this foreign world."

Yang opens hers and immediately starts to cry and hugs the box. I don't see what's inside but Yang hugs Santa and goes to her room.

Santa: "Oof, she's quite the hugger, she nearly threw out my back. Now next is a gift for Mal0. This is something that I think you will enjoy."

Santa winks and Mal0 takes the box and after she opens it she blushes and excuses herself to head home I wish her well and after she leaves Santa looks at me.

Santa: "Now you, you were a hard man to get a gift for but I think I managed."

He hands me a box and I open it and I am shocked at what is inside. Inside lays a system-based item that the system has told what it is. It's the full Katana Fleet and a crown.

Rio: "This, how did you even get these."

Santa: "Christmas magic. The Katana fleet is for Tex and the crown is for you. Now I have a few other gifts to give. Unfortunately, this is where I say goodbye. We both know I can't stay my time in this universe is just about up. My Christmas gift is the crown but I want you to have a gift from me specifically. Thank you for letting me spread joy to another universe. I also made sure to give a certain naughty Titan a lump of coal. I got to work harder than I ever had in my long existence. I traveled this entire Universe and delivered gifts to everyone naughty or nice. When you found me passed out that was because I hadn't worked so hard since my first Christmas. So here, have this gift from me Nicholas Claus, not Santa."

I take the gift wrapped in blue paper and look up to see he vanished. As I open the box I hear a system alert but I ignore it for now to look at what is inside. What is inside is 2 things a picturebook with everyone having fun playing Smash Bros, AOE2, and just having fun in general. The other item is a simple orb with a note saying touch me. I grab the orb and feel something change inside me. Another system alert I decide to read the messages.


[Congrats Host On Completing Hidden Quest It's A Christmas Miracle]

[Issusing Rewards

1 Mystery Box

5 Gacha Tokens

Santa's Aura

Temporal Immunity ]


[Congrats Host On Becoming The Dovakiin]

[Santa's Aura

Radiates a subtle charismatic charming effect on people, able to soften hardened hearts, and become easily trusted. Can tell if someone has been Naughty or Nice by sight alone. Allows the ability to understand all languages and read and write in all languages. ]

[Temporal Immunity

Immunity to all time-related magic and abilities. Prevents time travel to previous points in users' time. Cannot be erased from time. ]

[Dovakiin lvl: Max

Transforms the user's soul to become the immortal soul of a Dovah fused with the immortal soul of an Alicorn. Grants the ability to use the Thu'um with little training and no drawbacks. Grants immunity to soul-based manipulations and attacks. Is treated as kin to all dragons and depending on the species treated with reverence due to blood ties with Akatosh.]

[Name: Crystal Crown

Crown of the Crystal Imperium. Can only be worn by members of the royal line. Grants immunity to temperature-based damage. Grants immunity to status effects. Grant's ability to use the Crystal Eyes. One part of a set. ]

[Crystal Eyes lvl: Max

No falsehoods can exist before the Crystal Eyes. Allows the user to see through objects. See to the subatomic level and beyond. Increases comprehension speed by 400%. Grants a special crystalizing gaze ability. Eyes cannot be damaged while active. Can be further upgraded. ]


Authors Note:

Crystalizing gaze is basically Medusa's petrifying gaze but instead of stone they turn to crystal.


'These are some fantastic rewards. I didn't even know hidden quests were a thing. I suppose that makes sense as they are hidden. Now I am really shocked Nicholaus made me the Dovakiin, all I will say is Christmas Magic is bullcrap. (Santa to OP pls Nerf) I am also curious what this crown means. I have had this title since my first reincarnation. The crown points towards me being of a special bloodline. I suppose I have a name for my faction now, The Crystal Imperium. I was going to call my faction the Eternal Empire as I will live forever but I have a title based on the Crystal Imperium so I can't not use it now.'

I put away the crown in my inventory for later as going around with a crown on your head will draw a lot of attention. I then started to clean up the mess left behind by everyone.

POV Seto

I open the present Santa left for me and nearly drop the gift when I open it. I am glad I didn't as what's inside is the Millennium Eye on a necklace chain. I lift the necklace and put it on and immediately feel its power flow through me. I thank Santa for the gift and continue on with my day while practicing my control over the eye's power.


I open the gift Santa gave me and find myself contemplating just how powerful Santa really is. Inside the box is a Green Lantern ring with a note of it never needing to be recharged. The ring flies onto my right hand and my outfit changes into a suit just like my old battle suit but bigger and with a lantern symbol on my chest. I think of all I could accomplish with this.

[Image Of Lantern Lex Luthor Here]

POV Santa

As I finished delivering the last gift I needed to deliver I took a seat overlooking the planet. I think of all the joy I got to bring to the world this time and smile. I look at the time and see it's just about time to leave. A second later an old man sits down next to me.

???: "It's beautiful, isn't it? I come here every so often when I want a break from the palace."

Santa: "Yes it is, Odin. I am glad you would come to see me as I am about to leave."

Odin: "Oh is that so? You just got here. I wanted to thank you for the gifts you gave to my family and me. You made an old man smile, and that means something."

Santa: "It's my calling I spread joy to everyone I can. I will give you one last gift a simple piece of advice. Leave the Crystal Imperium alone, they are more powerful than you know and they have the best interest of the universe at heart. Let the new generation take over from us old ones."

Odin: "You don't say. I appreciate the gift. I will heed your words. Now I best be getting back to the palace or else my wife will get angry. Farewell stranger."

Odin looks back only to see Santa has already disappeared. Odin just smiles and walks away.

Odin: "May your travels be safe wanderer from beyond."


Authors Note:

You can't stop me from saying Merry Christmas. This chapter was a bit more on the touchy-feely side but I was feeling it so I went with it. Also lots of gifts all around and some hints towards Rios's place of origin. I was going to give Rio Christmas magic but decided it was way too broken. Santa is legitimately just a ridiculously OP character be glad he is so friendly. This Santa is a mix of SCP 4255 and DC versions plus some other properties here and there. Also, Rio is now the Dovakiin I was a bit surprised by it myself as I just got a flash of inspiration and went with it. If you guys have any comments let me know.