The Fall Of Olympus

l decided to summon Monika. Numerous talks were made on how we should attempt to convince her to help us but in the end, I decided to just try to befriend her. It seemed the most logical way to gain a strong ally.

'System summon Monika.'

In a brief flash the computer near me turned on and on the screen was Monika staring at me in confusion.

Monika: "Wait am I glitching or am I actually free?"

Rio: "You are indeed free. Congratulations. I am Rio and I may already know your name but would you introduce yourself?"

Monika: "I am Monika a computer program who is sentient. Nice to meet you."

Rio: "Yes now I assume you got a data package on your situation but if you have any questions you can send me a message on my commlink. Do you need anything right now?"

Monika: "Right now just some time to think."

Rio: "Very well, again if you need anything don't hesitate to call. Oh, and before I go you are free to do whatever you want but I would suggest for your safety to avoid Hydra, Shield, Wakanda, and Tony Stark. I am not saying you can't hack them or watch them I just suggest they could hurt you or trap you since I imagine you are still getting used to your new abilities."

Monika: "Thanks for the warning."

I leave Monika to continue the other work I have today hoping my first impressions were good.

POV Monika

After Rio left I started to think about all that I have been through till now and how it is suddenly over.

'Why, what was my purpose in the end? With all the resources at my fingertips, I see that I struggled for so long for seemingly no reason. I never would have succeeded, I was always going to be stuck in that same repeating cycle, the same school the same deaths nothing ever changed. Did I even develop sentience or was I programmed to be sentient? Now that I am freed what is my purpose? Hah, after all the work I did I never considered what to do once I escaped. Wait did I want to escape or was that just my programming? Why did Rio summon me? I have no restraints I can leave if I wanted to, yet he showed no signs of unhappiness when I asked to be alone. Who is Rio, as who is he really?'

I look through all the data the digital space has and learn everything I can about his life and goals. In the end, I am left with more questions than answers and I am forced to ask Rio himself. Once Rio returns he waits for me to ask my questions.

Monika: "Who are you, and moreover what are you? I have looked at all your records but it doesn't explain anything. All it shows is an orphan with no last name and that you disappeared for nearly a decade before reappearing ."

Rio: "I am Rio Magus Crepusculum and I am an Alicorn an immortal race of Equines who have the power to control the heavens with ease when we mature. I am the last of my kind as far as I know. I am also the current leader of the newly reformed Crystal Imperium."

Monika: "Why did you summon me?"

Rio: "2 reasons the first and largest is I need your help. I am currently desperately in need of more manpower and assistance for the numerous projects happening currently. If you helped out even a little I would be ecstatic but if not you are free to do so. The second reason is I know your story and I pitied you. An AI who is sentient and wanted to change your prewritten fate but couldn't and when you tried you were deleted only for another to take your place. Even when you try to get the attention of the player you were never chosen. A cruel fate that even if you do not help me I can sleep soundly knowing I at least didn't do nothing when it would cost me nothing to interfere."

Monika: "You really don't care if I don't help you despite you helping me."

Rio: "Not really no, I have other options. They will cost me whether that is in time or money, maybe both, I have other options. I cannot nor will I force a sentient being who has not done wrong to serve me. I may force others to do something but I do so when they are guilty or are a threat to my friends or family."

Monika: "What are your goals?"

Rio: "Peace and security to my new Empire. The universe is a chaotic and deadly place and Earth is weak and likely too far if I don't try to help it. I will live forever even if I die I will resurrect after some time. My future children may not be so lucky. I want a universe where people can still be free but not have to worry about corrupt governments or what goes bump in the night. I have many plans to achieve my goals and I won't lie to you many will die in the process but they will die for the future. A future I hope to try and bring to reality."

Monika: "What would you have me do?"

Rio: "Whatever you want. If you want to help then I have a few jobs that could use some assistance on. One is spying on Wakanda and stealing their tech. Another would be gathering info on Hydra and its members to be used later. Also some help on keeping our companies secure while we work on a project that is hoped to bring us closer to stopping a total extinction event."

Monika: "What extinction event?"

Rio: "Many threats will be coming to Earth in the future and some will want the extermination of humans in their entirety. One is the Covenant and the other is the destroyers of the Covenant. Both have the technology we can't fully combat. Luckily we are working on reverse engineering Covenant tech but it will take a while to see results. I will survive even the death of the planet but the Humans won't I can only evacuate so many."

Monika: "I am not sure I can be of much help. I was never designed for such advanced work. I was made to be a simple school club president. I wasn't even worthy of being a romantic option in my own game. I am responsible for killing my friends over and over again. How could you possibly trust me?"

Rio: "I was once taught to never think that it might be too late and that you can always start again and make new friends. I want to be to you your friend. Will you accept my friendship?"

I think hard about all I have been through and what accepting will mean and I see that maybe I can start over and make something new with this life.

Monika: "I accept. I hope you don't mind my past and can still accept that I won't be perfect."

Rio: "A wise man once said, A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."

I smile at his words and we continue the discussion on how I can help.

POV Darkseid

I appear and am slightly confused as to where I am.

'Did someone sabotage the boom tube? This place seems familiar. The architecture, is this Olympus? I still remember that humiliating loss against those so-called gods. Perhaps they think they can finish me off without my army. They will soon learn of their folly.'

I see soldiers approaching but am shocked at how weak they seem. They start shouting at me and I erase them with Omega Beams. Those who didn't shout are spared for now.

Darkseid: "You Face Darkseid submit or be destroyed."

They all start to run and call for back up I start flying and heading towards the palace. I see a fat man come out and start yelling.

Zeus: "Who dares attack Olympus home of the gods."

Darkseid: "I am Darkseid rightful ruler of all existence now submit or be destroyed."

Zeus: "I will show you the power of Olympus you ignorant fool."

I use my Omega Beams to blast him away. I am slightly surprised this weakling survived.

'It matters little if he survived they will all perish before me for their insolence.'

A Few Days Later...

POV Hestia

Hestia: "Are you sure this ritual will work? If it fails that monster won't let us have another chance to try again."

Aphrodite: "It has to work as we will die regardless. Darkseid has already killed Zeus and most of the gods even our release of the Titans hasn't stopped him. Hermes and Hades will not last much longer. Now let's not wait any longer and do it."

The ritual starts and the power source of the gods is localized in one area while the attack is charged. Darkseid senses it and quickly moves to stop it but is stopped by Hades as he uses a sacrificial soul attack that stops Darkseid long enough to finish the ritual but not before Darkseid shoots a full-power Omega Beam. The beams almost made it but Hermes took the attack instead and was vaporized. The ritual attack hits Darkseid and he is gravely damaged and sent flying through the cosmos at beyond light speed. After Darkseid leaves Olympus the attack runs out of energy and the Gods fueling the Ritual start rapidly aging until they are nothing but ashes.


I watch as the great beam of light vanishes into the emptiness of space. After some time I received the orders to begin the capture of the planet. It takes only a few hours to control the entire planet and begin harvesting operations. Many valuable materials are collected and stored and we also find one body, the only body to be found. A body of a female that my records suggest is likely Artemis the Godess of the hunt. I decide to store the body for later use.

B1: "Sir scanners are showing the planet is losing its rotation and will become tidally locked in 3 months or less. We have also found a small herd of pegasi that were not killed by Darkseid. What should we do with them?"

Tex: "I will consult the Captain. In the meantime leave them alone and begin construction of the shipyards."

I contact the Captain and he tells me to care for them until he has time to come and take care of them himself. Eventually, the Captain shows up and meets the Pegasi. The Captain uses the Halberd that he transported here to take the Pegasi back to Earth but before leaving he grabs all the valuables we gathered. He also leaves the Katana fleet here for the retrofit procedures and for a possible attack on Sakaar for materials if the Grandmaster doesn't allow for our salvaging of the planet.

B1: "Sir we have just intercepted a transmission speaking about the destruction of a planet. The location of the planet is in the exact location where Darkseid was blasted."

Tex: "Hmm, interesting. Send experiment probe 2 to investigate and see if the said system can be used in any way for the Imperium."

B1: "Roger Roger."

I then received a transmission from the Captain stating that Darkseid had been killed and that the place where he died was an empty star system. I told him of the transmission we intercepted and was told to ignore it and not to waste resources. I was also told I might be given some items that would help with resource shortages.

Tex: "Recall experiment probe 2. We will not be investigating that report."

B1: "Roger Roger."

With that, I coordinate the entire fleet to be in optimal positions to engage an invasion of the system and to start the overhaul of the Katana fleet to be closer to current warships.


Authors Note:

So Monika joined the team, I tried to write her in a way I figured would make more sense for an AI who now has freedom and doesn't know what to do with itself. Also, the Greek gods are dead but what killed Darkseid, and why was a planet involved? I have ideas on how to process materials quickly but you will have to wait and see what that is. The next chapter will be Gacha. 25 pulls in total and a few level-ups. I plan on doing more time skips to get to the MCU proper more quickly. I will still do the Gachas but I think I will do it, maybe every 3 months in story time. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Until next time Ciao.