Finding The Egyptian Gods

I am standing in the middle of a desert looking for the door that the Eye Of True North has led me to.

'Where is this blasted door? I knew I should have just used the Palantir.'

I toss the Eye Of True North into my inventory and grab the Palantir instead. It takes only a few seconds to see where I need to go and then I use Gate to go there.

'That was easy.'

I walk up to the door and use Observe.

[Name: Ankh Door

This door when unlocked allows access to the realm of the Egyptian Gods. Requires The Ankh Key to unlock.]

'Perfect this is what I was looking for. Now to send in a shadow clone.'

Clone: "Well if I die I want you to tell my wife, hello."

Rio: "Shut up. We don't have a wife."

Clone: "You don't know that. Maybe when we were kidnapped that one time we were married and we just don't know."

Rio: "That was 2 universes ago. Even if you were right how the heck am I supposed to deliver the message."

The clone just shrugs and then jumps through the door.

Rio: "I swear I can be a handful sometimes."

I wait for a bit until I feel the clone dispelling themselves.

'There are no living beings inside? That's a bit odd. Well, time to go check things out I suppose.'

I walk through the door and I am momentarily disoriented as I enter a place with different gravity. I look around and see nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. I use magic to see if I can sense anyone and receive the same response the clone got. Nothing. I start to walk through the area looking for anything that tells what happened here. I see nothing but sand until I vaguely see a building in the far distance. I decide to go investigate.

???: "Stop and identify yourself."

I stop and look around until I spot a bird man with no shirt and a small skirt. He also seems to be absolutely ripped. The birdman is carrying what looks like an Ankh.

Rio: "Hello, I am Rio Magus Crepusculum, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

Ra: "I am Ra or at least his spiritual echo. I am the guardian of this dimension. Why have you come here, visitor?"

Rio: "I came to investigate this dimension and to see if there is anything to learn here."

Ra: "Hmm, you are an odd one. The previous visitors tried lying to me and I had to erase them but you are strangely upfront about what you want. I also sense a blessing from Anubis on you but of an Anubis, I know not of."

Rio: "If I am not welcome here I can leave if you desire me to."

Ra looks down at me with a look of concentration.

Ra: "I will not send you away, you must instead pass my trial. If you pass, you will become the new owner of this dimension. Fail and I will erase you."

Rio: "What is this trial?"

Ra: "It is simple, you must go to the top of the Obelisk and take my old staff from its pedestal."

Rio: "I assume it is not that simple."

Ra: "You are correct. Only those of divine blood or those blessed by the divines can hold my staff. The Obelisk itself will challenge you and likely try to kill you. Now I have answered all that I will. Go to the Obelisk, retrieve my staff, and return here."

With those words, he vanishes and I am left alone to make the journey to the Obelisk he speaks of. Once I reach the base of the Obelisk I decide to cast some spells.

Rio: "Pantheon"

A massive spell array is formed around me and I wait for the spell to finish.

'While I wait let's equip some items.'

I put on the Crystal Crown and made sure my ring and amulet were also equipped. Then I wait the last few minutes for the spell to finish. With a bright flash of white light, 6 Cherubim Gatekeepers were summoned they have the head and mane of a lion. They have a total of four wings, with one pair of wings stretched out and another pair folded around them. Clad in a suit of shining armor, it is armed with a shield adorned with eye patterns in one hand and a lance of fire in the other. They stand at an impressive 10 Ft tall.

[Images Here]

Cherubim: "We have answered your call summoner."

Rio: "Reduce your size and guard me as I journey through this Obelisk."

Cherubim: "As you command."

As soon as I enter the Obelisk I spread out my senses for any traps. I strangely get an image of a pink-haired lady in a combat uniform with a white cape and a sword at their waist.

[Image Here]

'I feel like I should know who that is but I also feel like I don't want to know.'

I shake my head and focus back on my surroundings. As I am slowly making my way through I am stopped by one of the Cherubims.

Cherubim: "I sense a foul presence ahead."

I look ahead and see a shriveled corpse standing in the middle of the room. I send a shadow clone over to investigate it. As it gets close the corpse starts speaking.

Corpse: "Ah the visitor comes to my domicile. I am afraid you cannot pass without completing my test."

Rio: "What is the test?"

Corpse: "You must answer a simple riddle."

Rio: "Very well."

Corpse: "I can run but cannot walk. I have a mouth but cannot talk. I have a head but never weep. I have a bed but never sleep. What am I?"

I think for a minute about the riddle.

'I feel like I have heard this one before. What is the answer again?'

Rio: "Are you a river?"

The Corpse smiles and turns to dust while speaking to me.

Corpse: "You are correct, proceed."

I continue on my way until I reach the next large room with another person this time a woman of fairly nice looks. I decide to be cautious and send another clone to attempt to walk past her.

???: "Where are you going? Don't you want to stay here with me?"

After a few seconds of saying that the clone has already reached the other side and just looks back at me and shrugs.

'Hmm, is there a trap that wasn't triggered or something? The clone wasn't stopped just talked to by the lady.'

Rio: "Well I will go to the other side you follow after me."

Cherubim: "As you command."

I walk through the room and I don't sense anything odd and eventually get across.

???: "Wait why didn't my charms work on you? It should have been impossible for you to walk past me."

Rio: "Oh so that's what the trap was. I thought it was odd you were just standing there. I mean you weren't even doing it menacingly. Well good attempt I guess but I am going to go now."

???: "Wait, can I come with you?"

I look at her in the eyes and say one word.

Rio: "No."

I quickly walk away.

???: "How rude."

My summons teleport once I get across. I keep walking through the tower until I get to a point where I feel like I am walking up infinite stairs.

'I think I can tell what is going on here. I have the perfect solution in mind.'

I use a spell that is joked to turn off gravity. I focus on myself and will myself to reverse my gravity. I float up and turn upside down then I stick to the ceiling and start to slide across the ceiling or the floor for me at a fast pace.

Rio: "Okay, I have to admit this is fun."

I start to approach the end of the stairs and I start to focus on the spell to end it before I go flying into the ceiling and high speeds. I jump and end the spell and land on my 2 feet. I sense my summons teleporting to me. I look ahead and see the staff I came for on a pedestal. I look around it for any traps or tricks.

'Looks safe. Okay here goes nothing.'

I grab it and quickly back away and make my way to the stairs. I pause as I don't sense or hear anything happening. I look around and see nothing.

'Well, I am not waiting around to see if anything happens.'

My journey down the Obilesk is surprisingly short. I only see one being and it is the female from the second trial drawing circles on the floor. I ignore her attempts to get me to take her with me. As soon as I leave the Obelisk Ra appears before me again.

Ra: "I see you passed perfectly."

Rio: "Really no errors on my part?"

Ra: "Yes, I am a bit surprised you didn't bring the wraith with you."

Rio: "The female? Well, she seemed suspicious so I didn't bring her with me. That and I figured she was either an illusion or dead."

Ra: "You are now the owner of this dimension. If you move north you will find the Palace Of Gods where all that remains of our Pantheon is located. This Obelisk will dematerialize soon. I can now rest in peace."

Rio: "Are there any others who can access this dimension? Can I also alter the looks or environment of this place?"

Ra: "Only the echo of Bastet can access here. Once you sit upon my old throne you will be able to change the environment and looks of this dimension. Be warned you will require energy to make changes and once made they will remain changed until you change them again."

Rio: "Am I now the Chief Divine of the Egyptian Pantheon?"

Ra: "No. Our Pantheon is all dead. You only own what remains of the Pantheon. What you do with this dimension and our artifacts is up to you."

Rio: "Are all the artifacts here or are there some elsewhere?"

Ra: "There is only 1 artifact that is not here and that is in Bastet's possession. And before you ask it is a magic panther statue that is nigh indestructible."

Rio: "Hmm, okay. Those are the only questions."

Ra: "Good, now farewell young immortal. May the sun always guide you."

Ra fades away as I speak a logical question.

Rio: "What does that even mean?"

???: "The world may never know."

Rio: "Yes quite sad. Wait who said that?"

I look all around me and find no one. I shake my head and ignore it.

'Must have been the wind. I should go sell everything I don't want and see what my profits will look like.'

I find the Palace Ra spoke of. I enter and start identifying and selling everything. The only kind of interesting item I found was a ring that gives the wielder immunity to mind manipulations and allows the use of basic psychokinetic abilities. I decided to keep it and give it to someone who doesn't have resistance to such things.

'Hmm, who needs it most? Lex, Seto, Gardevoir, Lucario, Mal0, and Sebas would all be either resistant or immune to mind-altering abilities. A few others who could theoretically resist as well would be Paarthunax, Faraday, Renamon, and Orochimaru. That would leave the 2 senators, Tails, and Milotic. I am not sure if Milotic can use the ring and Tails would rarely ever need it. That would most likely reduce it to either Padme or Armstrong. I am leaning towards Padme as she is literally just a normal human. Armstrong at least has Nanomachines but Padme has no advanced defenses.'

I decided to postpone the decision and instead take stock of the points I gained from my trip here. In total, I gained 30 Million from the artifacts in the realm and an additional 10 Million from the Ankh Door and Key after I learned I could use the Gate Spell to enter the dimension whenever I wanted. I also decided to sell the Eye Of True North after determining it to be useless for me which earned another 750k points. When I add all my points together comes out to a grand total of 91619000 System Points.


Authors Note:

So in my story, the Egyptian gods are all dead not due to various reasons. Also, the dimension will be used as a sort of testing dimension and a base later on. If any of you have a suggestion as to what the dimension or base inside should be called let me know. Also if you have suggestions as to what Rio should buy with all those points let me know. Finally, who should get the ring and why? Until next time Ciao.