I walked into the main laboratory for the Science Division. As I entered I heard a conversation.
Faraday: "These upgrades are quite impressive."
Dr. Claw: "Indeed this Bulma person is quite the brilliant scientist. I would love to meet this person."
Rio: "So everything is looking good?"
Faraday: "Ah, Rio, seeing you again is a pleasure. And yes everything is looking good. With most of the work you and Bulma have done, we anticipate the Terraformer to be fully operational in 1 month."
Tails: "And with the efficiency upgrades the time it will take for Terraforming will be reduced to 360 days from the original 387. Now the real question becomes which planet will be our first target?"
Rio: "I think Mars, Gaia, or one of the several planets in the Gaia system would be ideal."
Banner: "Mars would be interesting but wouldn't that attract attention."
Rio: "If we set up an illusion then by the time anyone realizes something is up they won't be able to do much. Since it will take just about a year Earth will not be in visual range of Mars for nearly the entire duration of the Terraforming. But I get what you mean. I think Secundus would be the best option. It is uninhabited and if something goes wrong it won't set us back or cause issues."
Banner: "That would probably be for the best."
Faraday: "Indeed, now as for the metal you sent us we have analyzed it extensively and I can say it is quite impressive."
Tails: "But has some serious downsides."
Rio: "Really?"
Faraday: "Yes, the biggest downside is that it is far too heavy to be used for anything that isn't in a zero-gravity environment. While it is incredibly resistant to most forms of damage it is too heavy to work with under normal circumstances."
Dr. Claw: "But a massive advantage is that it is one of the easiest materials to transmute into. It is easier to make than even steel. From our observations, we believe that it is because it is a terrible conductor of any kind of energy."
Faraday: "Indeed, from our estimations any metal that can be used in magic is harder to create, But metals that are terrible for magic are easy to make. The conversion rate for transmutation into Katchin is better than steel. Thus, we believe that Katchin would be best used for Megastructures or Space Stations. Except for the Matter Decompressor as it would be a liability when so close to a singularity. But for most any other structures it would be a massive time and resource save."
Dr. Claw: "If we switch to using Katchin we expect we could complete something like the Sentry Array in only 2 years compared to the 25 Years it took the Guardians to make. Though the time was more because they had to learn how to do make it from scratch."
Rio: "That is good to know. Anything else?"
Faraday: "We have completed the finalized Hyperdrive. They have been installed on every ship we have. Further, the Artificial Dragon Scales have been completed and are being installed on all our ships. We expect the retrofits to be done by the time the Terraformer is complete."
Rio: "What is the next project you will be moving on to?"
Tails: "Stealth Tech and once that is done then we intend on moving into Psionics. With the hope of understanding Psionic Awakening and Zro refinement. If that is completed we wanted to try to research new propulsion technology."
Rio: "I can agree to that. We have excellent drives but our propulsion is still in need of an upgrade. Speaking of propulsion have you learned anything from the Attack Pods?"
Tails: "We studied it but not much is all that interesting to us. It is vastly behind all our tech. It doesn't even have a jump drive. The Hibernation it uses is the only somewhat interesting thing. It is decently defensive but not much more than other ships seen by other species."
Faraday: "I would suggest we just sell the Pods via the BCA. Making more of them is cheap and we could turn a profit. If we add a cheap Hyperdrive that the other civilizations use we can sell it as a cheap one-person ship. It is bad by our standards but by the rest of the Universes, it is a pretty good ship."
Rio: "Hmm, I can see how that would work. We could make a decent profit and it wouldn't be that hard to make the changes. And with Enigmatic Engineering they can't replicate the tech anyways. I will speak with Tex and Trench about the feasibility. Now moving on to the Gravity Chambers have you learned anything?"
Dr. Claw: "Yes, it is quite a fascinating invention. It could help some of our warriors but I think the real advantage of the tech would be improving the Artificial Gravity devices we already have. If we can reduce the size we can make it so our ships and troops can alter the gravity they are feeling at will. The massive increase in maneuverability would be a tactical advantage."
Banner: "That's if we can reduce the size of it. Which I am still not sure we can pull off. The originals are very large and reducing them to a size that can be easily carried is a bit unlikely."
Faraday: "Yes, that is true but the Artificial Gravity generator was made to be used for large areas not for single-person use. Just reducing the output would reduce the size massively."
Rio: "If it is proportional then that would still only decrease it to about twice the size of an average human. Not even mentioning the weight considerations."
Banner: "Exactly, while I am not saying it is impossible it would require extensive work and take away from our current projects."
Faraday: "Sigh. Yes, I suppose you are right. We can look into it at another time."
We finished the current conversation and I went to Orochimaru to see if he had learned anything from the Healing Pods.
Orochimaru: "Yes, I have studied it and have come to the conclusion it is not that useful for us. Selling it as a service would be the only use we can get out of it. Bacta is far more useful. At most, I might be able to improve Bacta slightly by merging the two liquids but that would require extensive research for ultimately little gain. I think our resources would be better used studying the Rejuvenator tech."
Rio: "Fair enough I too didn't find much interest in the Healing fluid. As for selling it. Which do you think makes more sense BCA or Earth?"
Orochimaru: "BCA, as simply put Earth already has enough healing tech. Adding this would get us little gains. The other civilizations have some healing tech but not much of it is all that advanced compared to what we have."
Rio: "Very well, thank you for your work."
We finish up and I move to my next meeting of today. I was meeting with Peter Parker to see about getting him back into the hero business. I arrive at the Parker residence and ring the doorbell. An older lady answers the door.
May: "Hello, how may I help you?"
Rio: "Hi, I am from LexCorp I am here to offer a job to Peter Parker."
I hand her a card that states I am a talent scout for LexCorp. She smiles and ushers me inside.
May: "Please come in. I am very grateful to your company for saving my husband's life. Would you like some tea?"
Rio: "I would love some. Thank you."
I sit down and wait for the Tea while having a nice conversation with May Parker. Eventually, Peter comes down to see what is going on and sees me.
Rio: "Hello Mr. Parker, I am from LexCorp and I was wondering if you would like to work for our company."
May: "I will leave you two to discuss things. I will be in my room if you need anything just call me over."
Rio: "Now let's discuss things. The first thing I want to get out of the way is why did you stop?"
Parker: "Stop, stop what?"
Rio: "Being Spiderman. And before you panic please don't worry we are actually here to see about supporting you to become Spiderman again."
Peter: "I don't know what you are talking about."
Rio: "It's fine if you don't want to admit it. I am still here to offer you a job but the job will be different. We will be paying you but you will not have specific hours. We will aid you in fighting crime by giving you information and tech. All you have to do is become Spiderman again. The pay will be enough for you to support your family as well."
Peter: "Sigh. Fine, it's clear you know I am Spiderman. But I quit because I didn't have time to be Spiderman and live my life. With my job, university, dating, and life overall I just didn't have time."
Rio: "Well 2 of those things would be removed should you accept the offer. University can be done over time and the reason you go is to get a degree for a job. As for the job, your hours are basically non-existent. You show up when you want and clock out when you want. We can even give jobs to your Aunt and Uncle if you want. Though with your pay you would be able to support them with no issues."
Peter: "And what crimes would I be fighting if I accepted?"
Rio: "We won't interfere with what crimes you stop. Lex Luthor and many others want Spiderman to continue the good fight. You have helped thousands of people. Despite what the Daily Bugle says you are a hero and people look up to you. Crime has increased since you left. We will give you formal training to make you a better hero. So you can save more people."
Peter: "Are you sure the people really want Spiderman back?"
Rio: "Absolutely."
Peter: "Sigh. Fine, you have a deal. When do I start?"
Rio: "Glad to have you on board. As for when you can start settling your affairs today, tell us when you are ready to start your training. I would suggest either leaving university or reducing the classes. Also, you should quit working at the Daily Bugle. Here is your first paycheck with a sign-on bonus. Just sign here."
After we settle everything I head home happy knowing I have made Spiderman's life easier. And allowed him to return to NYC.
Authors Note:
The title of this chapter has 2 meanings. I wanted to show off the research that the Imperium is doing while also showing that the DBZ tech isn't that useful to them. Also, yes Spiderman 2 is currently taking place. In this Universe, Peter didn't lose his powers just his motivations. I figured that LexCorp/Rio could be his supporter kind of like Stark in the MCU. Until next time Ciao.