POV Tony Stark
We were returning from Germany after capturing Loki. Fury called me in for this situation. It was exactly as Rio had said. Loki is here and he is planning an invasion. The so-called Avengers were me, Natasha, and some guy named Nick Valentine. I had to admit the guy was a great shot and had some great detective skills.
Valentine: "I don't like it."
Tony: "What? You think he gave up too easily?"
Valentine: "He gave up too easily. Why?"
I looked at Loki and had to agree it didn't make any sense. I didn't even have to test my new suit on him.
Tony: "Well I don't know maybe he just realized he couldn't beat us."
Valentine: "And yet he isn't saying a word."
We look at him but suddenly Natasha yells for us.
Natasha: "We have company and I have no idea who."
I go to the cockpit and look up. What I see confuses me.
Tony: "What are they supposed to be, Planeteers?"
???: "Earthlings we are the Lantern Corps. We are here to arrest the fugitive Loki Odinson for breach of intergalactic law. We ask you to turn over the fugitive."
I look back at Loki and smirk.
Tony: "It looks like the police are after you."
Loki looks a little nervous from their proclamation. I start heading towards the ramp.
Valentine: "And where are you going?"
Tony: "To parlay."
I jump out and fly to the Lanterns.
Tony: "Uh, nice to meet you, Satan. Can you explain to me why you are trying to take Loki from us? And under whose authority."
???: "The name is Sinestro, not Satan. As for why we are trying to take the fugitive. It is because he has violated the Treaty of Yggdrasil. And as such he must be brought before a tribunal. We are here under the authority of Midgards representative. They have authorized us to search the planet for the fugitive and bring him to justice."
???: "It's Earth now not Midgard. The Alliance just ratified it."
Sinestro: "Ah yes my bad. Earth."
I get closer open my face plate and ask a question.
Tony: "Did Rio send you guys?"
They subtly nod. And I nod back.
Tony: "Loki has stolen something of great value to us and also he has taken some of our people. We can't hand him over until he tells us where they are."
They look at each other and then back to me.
Sinestro: "We are not supposed to interfere with Earthlings but we will assist you for the time being until the fugitive tells you what you want. After that, we will take him. Is that acceptable to you?"
Tony: "Sure, I have enough sway that I can get the others to agree to those terms."
I fly back to the Quinjet and fill them in on what happened. Fury gives the green light to let them come with us. We arrive at the Helicarrier and Loki is taken away. Fury approaches Sinestro.
Fury: "You must be Sinestro."
Sinestro: "Yes, and you must be Nick Fury the brother of Mace Windu."
Everyone raises their eyebrows.
Fury: "Who?"
Sinestro: "Ah my bad. I forgot you must not know about him. Forget what I said."
Fury: "Uh, sure. If you would follow us to the conference room. We have much to discuss."
Sinestro: "Of course. But we should wait until tomorrow. We have just traveled across the Galaxy and I would like some time to rest."
Fury: "I will have some rooms made up for you."
The Next Morning...
We all head to the main conference room and I take a seat. I look over to the nearest Lantern.
Tony: "So what's it like being a Furry?"
???: "Growl."
Tony: "Oh are you just an animal?"
The Blue Furry flips me the bird.
???: "Please do not antagonize Loona. And Loona you know that isn't allowed."
Loona: "Sigh. Sorry, just annoyed with this... man... and his wandering eyes."
Fury: "Why don't we all introduce ourselves? I am Director Nick Fury of Shield."
Sinestro: "I am Sinestro the leader of the Lantern Corps. The Blue Lantern is Loona."
Loona: "Sup."
Sinestro: "The Pink Lantern is Freeze."
Freeze: "Greetings."
Tony: "Cool voice."
Freeze: "Thank you."
Tony: "Pink makes it work less."
Sinestro: "The Purple Lantern is Glacia."
Glacia: "Hello everyone."
Tony: "Are you too related?"
Glacia: "Married actually."
Fury: "Mr. Stark please stop interrupting."
Tony: "Okay okay."
Sinestro: "My Vice Commander is Brainiac."
Brainiac: "Hello everyone."
'I feel like I have seen him somewhere but I don't know where.'
Sinestro: "The other Green Lantern is Triforce."
The one called Triforce just waves his hand.
Sinestro: "He doesn't talk much but he is great at communicating without talking."
Valentine: "I am Nick Valentine and I am just here to help track down the Tesseract."
Natasha: "I am Black Widow."
Tony: "I am Iron Man. My friends call me Tony."
Fury: "Now that we are all introduced I would like to ask if the Lantern Corps wants something."
Sinestro: "Just the fugitive. But we acknowledge that you cannot hand him over and we are not authorized to take him from your custody by force. I will send the Lanterns to check the world for your missing Tesseract if it will help you turn over the fugitive sooner."
Fury: "We would appreciate that."
Sinestro: "Then we will take our leave. If you need us Mr. Stark can contact us."
Fury: "Very well."
The Lanterns leave and Fury looks at Natasha.
Fury: "You learn anything from them?"
Natasha: "Just who they represent. They won't say who gave them authority on Earth. Nor where they came from exactly."
Fury: "And what about you Mr. Valentine?"
Valentine: "My gut tells me they are speaking the truth. As for where they come from. I think you would be more knowledgeable about that."
Fury: "I came to the same conclusion. While their origins are unknown we can at least say they are not from Earth. What about you Mr. Stark."
Tony: "Not much to say other than I think their rings are the source of their powers. As for if we can trust them well I don't think we have much of a choice. We have a former assassin and a PI. Besides myself, we aren't exactly all that threatening."
Fury: "Which brings me to the next question. Why did Loki let us take him?"
Valentine: "I am wondering the same thing. If it was to eliminate us then Germany would have been the better choice. There were civilians present that would have made it difficult to fight. My only guess was he was stalling. He needed to make sure the materials he stole got away. Loki is too valuable for us to ignore him."
Natasha: "What was stolen?"
Tony: "Iridium, a stabilizing agent. The stuff is super valuable given we can't get more. It was likely the last Iridium on the planet. If I had to guess he needs it to stabilize the Tesseract."
Fury: "Any progress on tracking the Gamma Radiation?"
Tony: "Not yet. With Valentine helping me we have made some progress but he's no scientist."
Fury: "Agent Romanov go down and have a chat with our prisoner. Find out why he came here."
Once the Cyclops and assassin leave I turn to Nick Valentine.
Tony: "Could you do something for me while the scans are doing their thing?"
Valentine: "Depends. What do you need?"
Tony: "I am currently hacking into the network to figure out what they aren't telling us. I need you to go do your thing and investigate."
Valentine: "Usually I wouldn't pry into my client's things but I have a feeling it might be a good idea this time."
Valentine leaves and I start seeing if I can do anything.
POV Barton
As we approached the Helicarrier, our goal was to free Loki. I drew an Explosive Arrow and blew up one of the turbines.
POV Tony Stark
I was in my suit with Valentine right behind me. We just had a major fight that made my suspicions true. Shield was compromised and couldn't be trusted. But that didn't matter as I just heard over the radio that I needed to get Engine 3 back online.
Fury: "Stark! You copy that?!"
Tony: "I'm on it!"
Fury: "Coulson! Initiate official lockdown in the detention section then get to the armory! Move out!"
I hear Valentine speak on the radio.
Valentine: "Stark, I'm here!"
Tony: "Good. See what we got."
'I gotta get this superconducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris.'
I point to above Valentine and tell him what I need him to do.
Tony: "I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position."
A few seconds later I get to where I need to go and ask Valentine what he sees.
Valentine: "It looks like relays are intact and very little damage was done. But it will need a jumpstart. Like an old biplane."
Tony: "I'm gonna have to get in there and push."
Valentine: "I will pull the lever when you say. It should slow it down long enough for you to escape."
As I am cutting through some debris I hear Valentine call over the radio.
Valentine: "I got company. BANG. I hope you are almost ready."
Tony: "Just a few more moments."
Suddenly the entire Heloicarrier starts descending rapidly.
'Uh oh.'
Fury: "Stark, we're losing altitude."
Tony: "Yeah. Noticed."
I start pushing the turbines and the ship starts to right itself.
Tony: "Nick, I need the lever!"
Valentine: "Pulling now!"
The rotors slow down enough for me to escape. I fly around to where Valentine had dealt with the attackers. Once I see everything is fine I sit down and take a breather.
Tony: "That was too close."
Valentine: "No kidding."
Fury: "Loki has escaped."
Tony: "Great. Any other news."
Natasha: "We captured Barton."
Valentine: "Well that's a silver lining."
We all make our way back to the conference room. They explain how much we lost and we discuss what went wrong and I have the epiphany of where Loki was going to attack.
'It seems like that vision was right. Well minus the jolly green giant and Capsicle.'
We suit up and get ready to head to NYC to fight Loki.
Authors Note:
Coulson didn't die as this time without Thor there was no need for Loki to stick around. Instead, he took his scepter and left. The next chapter will be the battle of New York. Until next time Ciao.