Presenting The Plan


It was time for another strategy meeting, which meant it was time to present my case for why we should commit to the Trial. I had also made a plan, but knew they would likely develop something better. But that was fine as long as I could convince them to join the Trial. Trench had decided to support me, and so did Thrawn, interestingly enough.

Rio: "Welcome, everyone. I am glad you all could make it."

Yularen: "Yes, well, I, for one, am very curious why you are so interested in this plan of yours."

Rio: "I guess we can get right into it. First, some background information. The Trial has 3 stages. The first is assisting in the destruction of the first Death Star. I will handle this by myself. The second is attacking and destroying as many enemies during the Grand Strategy Conference. This is where I will need the most support since, from what I know, around 60-70% of the entire Imperial Navy will be present. Which means anywhere from 6-11 Super Star Destroyers and hundreds of other types of ships. Several Grand Admirals and Moffs. I could destroy a lot in just my fighter, but not enough before they retreat. The last is assisting in the destruction of the Second Death Star."

Yularen: "That meeting would be a death trap for our current fleets. There would be well over 25000 ships, many of which would be capital ships. Not to mention the likely over 250k TIE Fighters and Bombers."

Rio: "Please let me explain the rules of the Trial. Anyone can be chosen to join. They will only be able to use natural abilities or the Force. If they die, they will be removed from the Trial with no harm done to them. But they would still remember everything and get the benefits of any training or knowledge they gain while in the Trial. Any of our ships that are damaged or destroyed will enter my inventory with nothing left behind. We can take anything we can obtain while in the Trial. This includes Ships, Scrap, Secret Bases, Technology, and anything else. The 3 different levels don't end automatically; I have to choose to end it."

Dao: "But we would lose all of our ships with almost a certainty."

Rio: "Yes, but the rewards would be worth it. Look at this."

I enter a datachip, and a Hologram appears of the Star Forge.

Rio: "This is the Star Forge, a space station made by the Rakatan Infintie Empire. It has the ability to produce massive capital ships in hours instead of months. It could produce a Lucrehulk every day if we gave it materials. It gets energy from stars. The reward from this Trial will most likely be the final piece of the schematics for this station. Once I have the schematics, I will buy an upgraded and improved version for our immediate use."

Mace: "I recall reading about the Star Forge. It corrupted the users of the station. It was also said you could produce ships using nothing but the Force."

Rio: "The version I get won't have the risk of corrupting the user. But yes, it can produce ships via the Force alone."

Tex: "We would still lose a fair amount of ships and starfighters. And what about droids?"

Rio: "Droids won't be sent back in one piece unless they are of sufficient intelligence. BX series and Tactical Droids will be fine, but B1s and B2s will not return in anything other than scrap. I can also use Undead."

Dao: "I thought you said that magic wouldn't be allowed."

Rio: "I said natural abilities and the Force. But I also said anyone could be selected. As long as they are willing. Undead and magic exist in the Star Wars Universe. So we can still use them. They wouldn't be able to use magic nor raise more undead. But they would be disposable shock troops."

Thrawn: "Which brings me to the reason why I am supportive of this plan. We can capture enemy ships using our superior cloaking technology. Using dropships, shuttles, and gunships, we can sneak boarding groups onto the Super Star Destroyers and thus obtain powerful weapons we can use later."

Rio: "Combined with the Virus I have created, we can disable or destroy most of the enemy's Imperial II Star Destroyers. I built the program based on the Chimaera, so it won't affect the ISD 1, the Victory, or any other types that will be there. But with this program, we could eliminate up to a quarter of the forces at the meeting."

Trench: "The initial plan will be to use our starfighters to distract the enemy while our cloaked capital ships get behind the enemy lines. We will also be using the weaknesses of the Star Destroyers to our advantage. Their soft underbelly. By utilizing an interesting tactic that Rio has developed to utilize the full power of the Munificents. We will flip the Munificents over and expose their undersides to the enemy's underside, which will allow the maximum amount of guns to be effective at once. Their shields will be focused topside, making them vulnerable to an attack from below."

Thrawn: "The Imperial Navy is full of glory hounds and political intrigue. If we use the jammers, we have the enemy will have no way to contact the outside world nor communicate in the fleet. The Virus Rio has made will cause most of the ISD IIs to fire upon the nearest non-infected ship by allowing the Virus to control the ship's weapons. Without the ability to communicate, the leaders of their respective ships will assume that it isn't an enemy trick and instead that they are being betrayed in the chaos of the battle. Perhaps a few will see through our ploy, but they will be unable to stop it."

Rio: "With the enemy's starfighters being so high, we will need to produce as many starfighters as we can. While we will not be able to match their numbers anytime soon, we can at least reduce the difference. With our starfighters being improved, they do not need to refuel or reload. Well, except Torpedos and Bombs, but that leads me into the next part of the plan. The Bombers will wait to be sent in after the fighters clear up the enemy numbers. Once the enemy has dealt with the ISD IIs, we will then move into the next part. Our Capital ships will begin with sending in 3 Lucrehulks with the Invincible and 4 Providences. Trench will be the prize and distraction, causing the Imperials to focus in that direction."

Trench: "The Subjugator will move to the left of the enemy's formation. Presenting its Ion Cannon and waiting to attack. Once the enemy is completely focused on me, the Cloaked Transports will begin taking over 2 Super Star Destroyers using the Undead first and then the B1s after they are used up. Jedi will lead the strike teams, with Spartans supporting them. Except for Mace Windu. We will have you use Battle Meditation. Our targets will be the Bridges, Reactors, and Hyperdrive Room."

Rio: "Which brings us to how we will prevent them from leaving. The Science Division has improved the FTL Inhibitor. It will make the Aura's Revenge unable to participate in the battle, but it will run the Jammer, FTL Inhibitor, Battle Meditation, Virus Control, Comms, and Coordination. I will be flying my Arwing and doing as much damage as I can. I have improved the AI for the Pilot Droids. They will perform well enough for any starfighters that we don't have pilots for. We can also use this as an opportunity to give everyone experience in real combat. As well as deciding what starfighter will be used for our main non-Force Sensitive piloted starfighter."

Thrawn: "There are also many resources we could obtain. Such as another copy of the Katana Fleet. Resources on Wayland, Byss, Ossus, Korriban, Hoth, Rakata Prime, The Maw, Kesh, Kamino, Xuaquarres, Garn, and many others. Not to mention old scrapyards that could get us large amounts of interesting technology. I could also get some Chiss vessels."

Rio: "Basically, there is a lot to gain and ultimately little to lose. But I also want to point out that we need the Star Forge."

Dao: "Need? That seems a bit of an exaggeration. Our shipyards are still performing very well."

Rio: "The Nova Empire has just joined in the war against the enemy destroying the Kree Empire. I have done an in-person analysis of the ships the enemy uses, and I can say that they are fairly impressive. But the biggest threat is the speed at which they are able to be produced. The Kree and Nova will not last more than 2 years. And when they are exterminated, the Federation will either be the next target, or they will declare war on the enemy. Said enemy calls themselves Cetana."

Yularen: "He is correct. We cannot match their production speed. And their ships will overwhelm us in numbers. Even if our ships can handle them, we wouldn't have enough ships to defend all our planets constantly while also going on the offensive. Not to mention, they are still impressive vessels. While they are not as technologically advanced as us, they are the second-most advanced empire in existence. Run by an AI or Synthetic that is more advanced than Monika. Our only saving grace is that this Synthetic Queen seems to like us. We aren't certain why exactly, but we have theories."

Rio: "The important point is that we can expect war with her in the next 6 years or less. Even if we move everything into increasing production, we run the risk of losing our tech lead. And we would still likely come up short in terms of production and fleet size. With my understanding of Cetana, I know that she isn't like previous versions recorded by the Prime Guardian. If she is killed, her fleets will become autonomous and execute the final directive. Exterminate All Life. They would still work together in some ways, and they will not be reasoned with."

Thrawn: "Which is further reason why we need more ships and resources. I have studied Cetana and can understand her goals. If we leave her alone, she will complete her ultimate goal. The end of all sentience. Though, I do admit that her actions are odd. As if she had two minds and goals instead of one."

Rio: "This Trial will grant us many things, and as such, I believe it is in our best interest to have everyone available join in the Trial. It will also teach us how capable we are of fighting a war. I ask for your support."

The members discussed it for a while and eventually agreed to support my proposal. We then start settling the exacts of the plan as well as changing a few things.


Authors Note:

The big bad is revealed and named for the first time in this Chapter. Cetana will likely be the last big threat before the story ends. At this point, most of the MCU is dealt with. Thanos still exists and will likely come for Earth, but he can be dealt with. Hydra and the Ten Rings control a sizeable portion of the world but will continue to exist until Rio gets all the Humans that are not too far gone. Extremists, Communists, Fascists, Zealots, Racists, etc. Rio, in many ways, already rules the world. Hydra and the Ten Rings are way too technologically weak to compete. The next chapter is Gacha. Until next time. Ciao.