Return To Monke


I look over the various things I got this time and the first thing I see is that the items this time are a bit abstract. Especially the descriptions.

'The items are a bit odd. The Super Cider Squeezy 6000 is nice to have, and I suppose if it can be mass produced, we could easily have a Cider Industry. The Kupkake-Inator is interesting, but I am not sure why I would ever use it. Especially that threat in the description. The last thing I need to deal with right now is the Cat in the Hat. The Lazy Man Toilet Seat is something I can give as a gift, as I am not sure I would ever want to use it. Then again, it is basically an emergency Portapotty. Sunset Sasparilla can go to Sunset, as the name seems to fit perfectly. Moreover, it doesn't have those very severe side effects.'

I pause when I look at the Black Pearl.

'This is neat but not very useful. I guess it can either be a display model or join the Navy. The Morningstar can be studied, but otherwise, it will be a trophy room item. The Phoenix Armor is interesting; it might teach us something new about armor. Angelic Steel is interesting, and I will send it to Sendak for study. Speaking of study. The Ludicrous Drive is an interesting piece of technology. I doubt we will get much from it, but it won't hurt to learn a new way of FTL Travel. I can add the DNA Chip now as there is no point in waiting. As for creating T-1000s, it can wait, but we can maybe produce some as infiltration units or guards.'

After the more traditional tech, next was the magic tech.

'The Light Sword is okay, but I don't see much of a reason to produce them. They are fairly simplistic. The Numidium is a completely different story. It will take quite a bit of study to develop a power source that is compatible with the Numidium. But with my knowledge of Dwemer Technology, I think I can get it working with a little effort. Making more Anti-Magic Masks or at least taking the enchanments on it would be a great boon for our troops. The Hot Ring is not that interesting. At most, I can improve the heating spells that are installed in most homes. The Demon's Extract can be given to someone as a gift.'

I paused when I looked at the next item.

'The Ring of Monkey? The description of this is the most unique I will say that much. I can't tell if this is a bad item or a good one. I am not sure if it has any uses. I got another Mystery Box. I wonder what will come in this one. The Squadmate Spell is very useful in certain situations. As is the Swords of Revealing Light. Situational, but I am always happy to learn new spells. Thaumcraft gives us some new things to mess with. Otherwise, I don't have many memories of it beyond Blightfall. The last item is the Crown. It gives me a passive, so that is enough.'

{Title: King Of The Giffons

This Title Makes The User The King And Ruler Of Any Species That Flies. With A Greater Effect On Griffons And Those Closely Related To Them. The Closer The Relation The Stronger The Sway. The User Will Become The Friend Of The Wind And Sky. The Weather Will Always Have Favorable Conditions When The User Is Not Touching The Ground. Grants Immunity To Weather Based Attacks. }

The next thing to look at was the summons, which were more numerous than usual.

'Chop can just do what a dog does. I am sure Riley and Krypto will appreciate a new friend. I don't see any reason to use Mr. Myxlplyx. He is a bit unpredictable. And he isn't known for lethal actions. Maybe I could use him as a distraction? I guess I will have to wait and see. Gregor can be sent to Gaia. Rex will appreciate his help. Master Chief can do the same. I will have Carter look after him while he adjusts to this new life.'

Next came the harder to place summons.

'I don't know a lot about Kuroko, but I think she has experience with cross-species cultural adaptation. She can work with the Immigration department or possibly the transformation department. Hiruzen is interesting. He would be great for the Ministry of Knowledge with his knowledge and teaching skills. I wouldn't mind him teaching me some techniques as well.'

I get an idea and decide to do it.

'I will have him serve under Orochimaru. That will be amusing and should mend their strained relationship. Now what to do about Glitterhoof? 100 in every stat is pretty good. I think the position of governor or maybe a seat on the council would work. If I remember the game right, Chancellors were the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in some ways. It was a bit of Internal Affairs as well. The position of either has not been decided yet. I guess I can ask them when they are settled in a bit. Now the hardest to place summon. Suzuki.'

I think for a minute and start by quantifying his strengths.

'He is a very powerful magic caster. He is a very loyal person. He is stupidly lucky. He is good at diplomacy. He hates pollution and corruption. He is capable of learning new things and knows a lot about Yggdrasil. He is a pretty decent strategist. He is immortal. But not invulnerable. He has an issue with being too much of a people pleaser. He is a ball of anxiety and depression. He can be quick to anger. He can be very protective of Nazarick. He can be very paranoid. He has only an elementary school education.'

With most of his flaws and benefits laid out, I get a decent idea of what to do with him.

'I will first start by sending him to get a higher education. Second, he can take over the Guild Leader's responsibilities. Next, I think he would fit the leader of the Adventurers Guild. Especially since I still haven't found someone to take the position. Other than that, he can be free to do what he wants. I can already guess that he will want me to summon the other guild members.'

I sent off the items that needed to be sent off, and I sent Gregor and Master Chief to their new supervisors. Next, I sent Hiruzen to Orochimaru as a surprise. I did let Tsunade and Jiraiya know I summoned their old sensei. I then sent Kuroko to Nick Valentine for the orientation. I sent her there as the recently resurrected Coulson and Hendricks are starting their orientation with him soon. As for Glitterhoof, he was sent to Sanctuary so Centorea could ease him into this vastly new universe. Next, I sent Suzuki to Sanctuary to talk with Sendak. But I made sure to do a positive handover, so Suzuki didn't panic and start casting spells.

'Okay, that should be all of them. Right?'

I double-check things, and I see I forgot one. I pulled out the Ring of Monkey. A monkey was summoned.

Monkey: "Ooh?"

Rio: "Mmmm, Monkey."

I have an idea about what the monkey can do.

'What if I did Cash Cab but with the Monkey?'

I think about it, but then I flash back to seeing the results and decide that it's probably not a good idea.

(AN: Watch Cash Cab but with a monkey by Joe Haver on YouTube for a reference of what I am writing about. I found it hilarious and decided to include this joke.)

I take the monkey's hand, and I walk him to his new home.

POV ???


A Massive teal blue portal opens, and I fall out of it.

???: "Eugh, another happy landing."

'I really need to figure out how to teleport in a more gentle way.'

I look down at my left hand and see it covered in blood.

'Sh!$, I need to get moving before they catch up to me.'

I slowly get up from the ground and start limping away. I suddenly freeze when I notice it starting to snow. Then I hear the neighs from the horses. I started running as fast as I could. As I am running, I see a castle ahead and decide that is my best hope. I see a man ahead of me at the gate. I try to signal to him but fall over. When I looked behind me, I saw riders approaching me at high speeds. I try to force myself to get up again, but I fall down. I draw my sword and brace myself.

???: Maximize Magic Fireball!"

A massive fireball is shot over me and hits the riders. It kills most of them, but some escape. I sigh and start feeling lightheaded. I looked down and saw another wound had opened up and was bleeding. I fall over, and the last thing I see is the stranger approaching with a sword in his hand.

'He looks familiar.'

Darkness takes me, and I fall unconscious.


Authors Note:

Who is the mystery person? Where did they come from? Who are the riders? Well, find out next time on Begin Again In Marvel Z! Also, sorry for the late chapter I have been dealing with some stuff so just be aware if one day has no chapter it's because I am a bit behind on writing.