Dealing With Problems With Minimal Effort


I watched as Doom finally managed to kill Susan Storm. It was a brutal fight where neither side held back at all. Doom did surprisingly well with only being able to use a single arm. Not that it meant he survived the battle unscathed. Entire pieces of his armor are shattered and his chest is partially caved in and he has numerous internal injuries. If nothing happened he would die from his injuries soon enough. I decided to swoop in and claim the rewards. I had already taken the bodies of Reed Richards, Jonny Storm, and Ben Grimm. Adding Victor Von Doom and Susan Storm only seemed logical. Once I teleported to the battlefield Doom looked at me.

Doom: "If you are going to kill me I ask that you make sure Death doesn't take my soul. Can you promise me that?"

Rio: "Normally I couldn't do that. Death even now has basically taken your soul in all but name. But I have something that can bypass all that."

I pull out the Get Out Of Hell Free Card.

Rio: "This card is called the Get Out Of Hell Free Card. Anyone who possesses it can bypass judgment or anyone who has claimed your soul and skip straight to reincarnation. I will give it to you if you give me all of your knowledge."

I create a magical contract. He reads it and nods.

Doom: "Deal."

Rio: "Then let's shake on it."

My hoof is covered in blue fire and as we shake the contract burns. I get all of his knowledge and I give him the card. Once that is settled I kill him.


[Victor Von Doom Slain + 14000 XP]

[Obtained Knowledge = + 99 Intelligence]

[Level Up]

[Level: 183]


Once Doom is dead I store his body and do the same with Susan Storm. The next step was based on the bodies I collected. I placed a spell on Reed Richards before his soul could leave his body completely. The others were innocent so I let them pass on. Reed was too valuable to let his soul go. I was planning on resurrecting him but decided against it and instead, I used a Soul Gem to store the Soul and then I used Drain Knowledge to get the Intelligence stats.


[Drained Knowledge = + 130 Intelligence]

It takes a while to fully process all the knowledge but when I do I can't help but realize how stupid and smart Reed really was.

'The man was way too smart for his own good. But at the same time, I don't think this was the smartest he could be. He wouldn't meet the requirements for Scientist Supreme. It seems I got the lower-tier Reed but oh well. He was at least smarter than Tony. But not as smart as Faraday. Then again Galvans are kind of an OP species.'

Once I was done with processing the knowledge I made sure nothing was left behind by Reed that could cause issues if it fell into the wrong hands.

'Too bad the ship is gone. It would have been nice to have as it wasn't built solely by Reed. But I think we could replicate it with some time. But it's too low of a priority.'

Once everything is done I leave and go back to the Palace. Before I can even sit down I sense a Wood Clone dispelling. I process the memories and smile.

'Perfect timing. It seems the least threat can be dealt with now.'

I activate Lucky Star and summon Sheogorath in the dimension where Death is currently present.

POV Death

I had just finished off the last piece of the Phoenix Force.

Death: "HAHAHA! Finally, there is no being in my way. I am now the Ruler of the Multiverse!"

???: "Hahaha, ah you puny mortals are always so amusing to watch."

Death: "Who's there!"

I watch as a strange man in a purple and orange vest appears. I feel revulsion at his presence. Like I am looking at a thing that shouldn't exist.

???: "Such a rude little mortal. I just arrived and here you are calling me revolting. I will have you know that I am the fine lord of Chaos, Madness, and games aplenty. Sheogorath The Daedric Prince at your service."

I freeze in terror when I hear his title.

Death: "D-d-d-aedric Prince!?"

Sheogorath: "That I am. I can sense you may have met a sibling of mine. All of them are a bunch of sticks in the narwhal. Oh, that is an idea. I should make you fight Narwhals on the open ocean. I should make you run a gauntlet of angry Argonian concubines! But I won't. Or maybe I will."

Death: "You won't stop me invader. This is my Multiverse. I am the god of this reality. Now tremble before me?"

Sheogorath: "Yawn. BOOOOOORING! Let's play a game!"

Death: "You dare insult me!"

Sheogorath: "The game is a foot. Or a leg. Or all manner of severed limbs! Tah Tah!"

I feel the dimension twist and turn and I looks round and see we are now in a forest full of trees that are all sorts of wrong.

Death: "Where is this?"

Sheogorath reappears as a small creature on my shoulder.

Sheogorath: "Care to take a look around. I dare say this isn't the Solutide Botanical Gardens. Do you have any idea where you are? Where you truly ARE!? Welcome to the Shivering Isles! The place where kids can be cannibals. Or was it murderers? Ah, who cares."

I try to leave but that doesn't work.

Sheogorath: "Ah, Ah, Ah, you can't leave before our game is done. That would be very rude. It's been so long since we had guests. You would have loved my old Uncle Leo, back in the day. Charming dinner conversation, when he wasn't bringing up old girlfriends. Literally, regurgitating them. Nasty habit."

Death: "ENOUGH! I will not play your games invader!"

Suddenly the world freezes and I feel like I might have made a mistake.

Sheogorath: "Don't want to play games? Well, that's no good. It seems I need to teach you how to have fun~."


'Oh no.'


I stopped watching as I felt like I was going to go insane just by watching.

'Not sure if Lucky Star even helped but I guess I can open a Mystery Box while the effect is still active.'

I open the box and as usual, nothing happens.

'I guess I will see what that did later. Oh, shoot I almost forgot I still need to deal with Jigglypuff.'

I used the Palantir to see what it was doing and couldn't find it anywhere. I was a little confused so I did some searching and found the surprising answer.

'Someone else already dealt with it. I feel like that person needs some serious help. Having Insomnia so bad that even Jugglypuff can't make you sleep is a whole different level of bad. Well, I can heal them personally for their assistance to the nation.'

What I should have done was double-check who it was that had the insomnia problem and why. As it turns out the person was not quite all there in the head.

15 Minutes Later...

In a flash of light, I return to the palace and I immediately go to take a long shower.

'I never knew having a fan could be so creepy and disturbing. And the room was...'

I look for a spell that can erase memories and decide on using the Memory Gun instead. I didn't delete the capsule but kept it safe in case it was ever needed for a court case. I then made sure to put the person on a watch list. What I saw next surprised me. It turned out she was on over 100 different watch lists and was also on the no-fly list. And she was banned from the Crystal Imperium. I memorized the list so I didn't make the mistake again. Once I was done with the 4-hour-long shower I went to go see what my kids were doing.

'I am not sure what I erased but it is probably for the best.'

The first room I arrived at was Chrysalis's. I looked inside and saw her making goop angels. Which sounds cute until you realize that the goop came out of her mouth and while it wasn't vomit it wasn't exactly that far off.

'Hmm, I should tell her to not do that. But then again it is technically not unsanitary. Eh, Cait can deal with this.'

I teleported Cait from wherever she was. It seemed she was playing a game as she had a controller in her hand. She looked around and quickly realized what happened. I didn't give her time to respond i took the controller in her hands gave her a note with the issue and closed the door behind her. I knew she would be mad but I ran away before she could open the door again.

'That should resolve that. Now let's see what Lucario is up to.'

I arrive at his room and see he is looking around the room with a game paused. It takes a second but I realize where Cait just came from. I knock on the door.

Rio: "Cait is busy. Mind if I take over."

Lucario: "Sure, come on. She was losing anyway. She is surprisingly bad at playing Fallout."

Rio: "Yeah, she was never very good at games other than Space Invaders. And Donkey Kong. She always says its because the old games are better than the slop they release now adays. Unless it comes from our companies."

We laugh and I sit down and we unpause the game. It seemed like Lucario was leading the group in an invasion of Nuka World.


Authors Note:

Death is most likely not going to survive the wrath of Sheogorath. Word to the wise, do not be rude to someone known as the Prince of Madness. Until next time Ciao.