Chapter 37: Berserk Mode, 3-Star Boss!

The sudden onslaught from the Supreme Guild's professional players caught Yan Yu Pavilion completely off guard.

The people of Yan Yu Pavilion were unable to withstand the fierce attack from Supreme Guild, suffering heavy casualties within moments.

They were left in utter disbelief:

"Damn! Why are Supreme's people fighting like they're on steroids?"

"Didn't you hear what their guild leader, Liu Yao, just said? They're offering 20,000 coins for each member of Yan Yu Pavilion killed."

"20,000? Our leader is only offering 5,000!"

"Is it too late to switch guilds to Supreme?"

The ranks of Yan Yu Pavilion quickly collapsed under the relentless assault.

Sensing the situation turning dire, Chen Jun considered retreating. After all, between keeping the secret realm scroll or his life, he would undoubtedly choose the latter.

But just as he tried to pull back, he found Liu Yao and a group of Supreme Guild members blocking his path.

Chen Jun pointed angrily at Liu Yao, shouting, "Liu Yao! I haven't done anything against Supreme! What's your deal?"

Liu Yao shrugged casually. "Oh, nothing. I just heard you like using money to settle things. I thought I'd see if your wallet is fatter than mine."

Then, turning to the dozen or so Yan Yu Pavilion professionals around Chen Jun, Liu Yao said, "Here's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whoever kills your guild leader, I'll give them 500,000... No, make that 1,000,000."

"I, Liu Yao, never go back on my word!"

Chen Jun's entourage froze in place.


Who wouldn't be tempted?

Seeing his own people hesitate, Chen Jun's face turned red with rage. "You dare betray me? You better think about the consequences of crossing me!"

"To oppose me is to oppose the entire Chen family and the Su family!"

But just as Chen Jun was losing his nerve, the ground began to tremble violently.


With a deafening roar, the remaining 10% health of the Dark Zombie Lord suddenly triggered a berserk transformation as someone's arrow struck, dropping its HP below the critical threshold. A surge of dark red energy erupted from the lord's body.

Everyone present was startled.

"Crap! The Zombie Lord is going berserk!"

In the alternate world, lords and boss-level monsters had a small chance of going berserk when their health fell below 10%.

A berserk lord would evolve into a boss.

And a boss going berserk would evolve into an even higher-grade boss.

Within moments, the transformation was complete.


A massive shockwave radiated from the Zombie Lord, sending every professional within a hundred meters flying!

[Map Announcement (Dark Zombie Nest): Ding~ All professionals within the Dark Zombie Nest Secret Realm, please be advised: the Dark Zombie Lord has gone berserk and evolved into a level 17, 3-star boss—Dark Zombie Tyrant King!]

Looking around, the original Zombie Lord, which was only two heads taller than an ordinary zombie, had now transformed into a towering figure nearly seven to eight meters tall. It was clad in blood-red armor, wielding a massive round shield in one hand and a giant cleaver in the other.


The Dark Zombie Tyrant King let out a thunderous roar, releasing a powerful aura that forced all the professionals from both Yan Yu Pavilion and Supreme Guild to crouch down, heads bowed in fear.

Liu Yao looked up at the towering boss and was utterly stunned. "What the hell?"

"A 3-star boss!"

At that moment, another map announcement rang out—

[Ding~ Due to the berserk state of the secret realm's guardian, the difficulty has increased. The Dark Zombie Nest Secret Realm's exit has been forcibly opened. All professionals may now leave through the exit at any time.]

As the system announcement ended, a five-meter-high circular portal appeared in the field.

Coincidentally, it opened less than a hundred meters behind Chen Jun.

Seeing the opportunity, Chen Jun immediately bolted, sprinting like mad toward the exit.

Just as Zhang Yue prepared to chase after Chen Jun, he heard a scream from Liu Yao.

Turning around, Zhang Yue saw Liu Yao and several Supreme Guild knights being targeted by the Dark Zombie Tyrant King. With a single swing of its cleaver, the boss sent them flying.

Massive damage numbers ranging from 500 to 700 floated above their heads.

The four level 14 knights from Supreme Guild were instantly killed, vanishing into white light.

Liu Yao, however, managed to survive with less than a third of his health remaining, thanks to the full set of premium gear he had purchased for a fortune on the black market. His elite sword-and-shield warrior class, with its high vitality, helped him tank a 590-damage hit, barely keeping him alive.



Each step the Dark Zombie Tyrant King took caused the ground to quake, its devastating power slaughtering every Supreme Guild member who tried to stand in its way.

It charged through the field, unstoppable!

Liu Yao, the pampered son of a wealthy family, had never seen such carnage. His legs turned to jelly, and he couldn't even run.

Sitting helplessly on the ground, watching the Tyrant King approach, Liu Yao was terrified beyond belief. "Save... save... save me."

Meanwhile, Lin Yue'er had already fled far away, paying no mind to Liu Yao's plight.

Zhang Yue found himself in a dilemma as he observed the situation.

On one side, Chen Jun was closing in on the secret realm's exit, while on the other, Liu Yao was moments away from being slaughtered by the Dark Zombie Tyrant King.

Both men had already died twice in this instance and could no longer rely on resurrection scrolls. One more death, and they would face true death—permanent and irreversible.

However, neither of them was within Zhang Yue's immediate attack range.

He had only one Flash spell left.

If he used it to pursue and kill Chen Jun, Liu Yao would certainly die. But if he used it to save Liu Yao, Chen Jun would escape.

Hesitating for a mere half-second, Zhang Yue made his choice.



Just as Liu Yao was about to be cleaved in half by the Tyrant King's massive sword, Zhang Yue appeared within range. With a booming A-tier Ice Spike, he struck the Tyrant King, freezing it in place and dealing 173 damage.

"Run!" Zhang Yue shouted.

Liu Yao, panic-stricken, scrambled to his feet and fled the boss's attack radius, rolling and crawling in his desperate retreat.

The very next moment, the Tyrant King broke free from its frozen state, and with a thunderous slash, it cleaved through the ground where Liu Yao had been moments before, leaving a deep fissure in its wake.

Liu Yao, almost wetting his pants, heaved a sigh of relief. But just as he began to feel thankful for his narrow escape, Zhang Yue turned and saw that Chen Jun had already reached the exit.

However, instead of leaving right away, Chen Jun stood just in front of the shimmering portal, grinning arrogantly. He raised his middle finger at Zhang Yue and shouted, "You useless idiot! You want to kill me? Maybe in a thousand years!"

"You keep playing with that boss, but I'm outta here! Bye-bye, loser!"

With that, Chen Jun dove headfirst into the glowing exit and vanished.

Following closely behind, the remaining members of the Yan Yu Guild also took the opportunity to escape the secret realm.

Zhang Yue clenched his fists in frustration.

He shifted his focus back to the Dark Zombie Tyrant King.

The 17th-level 3-star boss was no joke, even for someone of Zhang Yue's capabilities. His earlier A-tier Ice Spike had only managed to deal a little over 100 damage, highlighting just how tough the Tyrant King was.

The boss, having shaken off its freezing effect, roared with excitement upon spotting Zhang Yue again. Wielding its giant cleaver, it charged after him with brutal determination.

Zhang Yue weaved through the boss's relentless attacks, dodging with precise footwork and countering with spells.


Flame Missile!



-79! -79! -119 (Critical)!

The damage continued to pile on, though far too slowly.

Meanwhile, the members of the Supreme Guild stood frozen in place, too scared to assist.

"The boss's damage is insane! We'd just be cannon fodder if we jumped in," one muttered nervously.

Fortunately for them, the Tyrant King seemed to be fixated on Zhang Yue alone, ignoring the rest of the players.

"But why is it only chasing him?" another asked, perplexed.

"Well, wouldn't you chase someone who stepped on you and made you look bad?"

It was thanks to Zhang Yue's exceptional agility and the slow effect of his Frost Staff that he could maintain some distance, as the staff reduced the boss's speed by 10%.

Still, no one could dodge forever.


Just as Zhang Yue avoided one heavy slash from the Tyrant King, he failed to react in time to its follow-up shield bash, which struck him squarely and sent him flying.

A massive 688 damage floated above his head, instantly depleting three-fifths of his health bar.

Seeing Zhang Yue struggle, Liu Yao shouted at the Supreme Guild members watching from the sidelines, "What the hell are you standing around for? Get in there and help him!"

Reluctantly, a group of warriors and knights charged forward.

But the next moment, the Tyrant King swung its cleaver in a wide arc, sending them all flying with a single strike.


A dozen white lights shot into the sky as the players were instantly wiped out.

Supreme Xiaoyao, Liu Yao's assistant, adjusted his silver-framed glasses and calmly suggested, "Boss, maybe we should just wait and see."

On the battlefield, the Tyrant King locked its eyes on Zhang Yue and raised its blade once more.


The enormous cleaver came crashing down, only to be blocked at the last second by Zhang Yue's Silver-armored Scorpion, which managed to catch the attack with its heavy pincers.


Thanks to the scorpion's dual defense equipment abilities (50% damage reduction, doubled against zombie attacks), and its A-tier skill: Iron Body (reducing damage by an additional 30%), it withstood the blow far better than expected.

Additionally, the scorpion's Deadly Rebound skill triggered, reflecting 30% of the damage back at the boss, inflicting 100 points of damage in return.

Still, with only 910 health in total, the scorpion wouldn't survive many more hits from the Tyrant King.

Just as the boss prepared for another swing, a silver beam of light shot down from the sky, hitting the Tyrant King squarely.



The skill effect of a Forbidden Mage!

Zhang Yue turned to see Su Jingyan in the distance, waving her Amethyst Staff as she cast a spell on the boss.

"We follow the same routine," Su Jingyan called out. "I'll support, and you focus on dealing damage!"

"Understood," Zhang Yue responded.

With Su Jingyan's control spells locking down the boss's movements, Zhang Yue resumed his relentless assault.


One spell after another landed on the Tyrant King.

-192! -79! -79! -119 (Critical)!

Each hit chipped away at the boss's health, and Su Jingyan's Immobility ability kept the boss's devastating attacks at bay, offering Zhang Yue a significant advantage.

Fortunately, the Tyrant King had not regained much health after its berserk transformation. The 10% blood threshold that had triggered its transformation had only increased its power, not its health pool.

Now down to less than 30% health, the boss was slowly being worn down by Zhang Yue's consistent damage.


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