H.I.S. 01

Scarlet POV

"Wha—what?!" I exclaimed, shocked by what my parents had just told me.

"You heard it right," my mother said with a delicate voice. "We've enrolled you to the Villainess Academy."

"But why there?" I asked. I have nothing against Villainess academy, but... I don't think that Academy suits me. "There are many other academies I could attend. Light Academy focused on students with their natural ability without any special abilities. I have the looks and the intellect. Why choose a school where magic is a major advantage?" I continued.

Yep, you heard it right, Villainess Academy is a school usually for those who can do some special skills like magic.

"It is a perfect school for you. There, you can learn a lot of things, especially from the outside world." my mother said. "This is for your own good. The world outside is harsher than you realize. People will exploit your kindness, your intelligence, and even your looks. Your beauty could attract some pervert guys out there. By enrolling in that academy, you'll learn essential skills to recognize and avoid such threats. Not everyone in this world is kind like what you believe, dear." My mother said.

"But… there is still kindness everywhere," I countered.

"There is," my mother agreed, "but not always. There are people who will betray you in the end. Sometimes, it's the one whom you trust the most and even those you love can turn their backs on you."

"This is for your own good, Scarlet Aubrey," my father added. When he used both my names, I knew he was serious and that I needed to comply.

"I can't do magic. I don't have magic at all" I countered again. The villainess academy only recruit students who have a magic in them. Because, as their name speaks, it was a school for villain, so… might as well use whatever advantage as a villain they can get.

Also, I don't have any magic or the ability to use aura at all. While others can wield magic, channel aura, or call upon spirit animals or elements, I am just an ordinary child. Despite my parents' special abilities, I didn't inherit any of them. Aside from my mother's good looks hehe

My father, a duke, must demonstrate strength to lead his duchy. He has the ability to generate a powerful mana. I once heard a story from my mother about how the emperor challenged my father to a one-on-one battle. If my father lost, the emperor would take control of the north, reducing my father's power and becoming a mere figurehead under the emperor's command. If the emperor win, my father would retain the title but lose his authority. In the end, the emperor surrendered, realizing my father was not someone he can easily fight and win over. Ever since, whenever we visit the emperor's residence, there is always a grand celebration in our honor. It's his way of showing that, despite being the highest authority before his people, he regards my father as his equal, even superior, like a king in the emperor's eyes.

My mother is half human and half fairy. She possesses the highest form of healing magic. She can heal not only wounds but also diseases. An ability that no other fairy has. While other fairies can heal wounds, none of them can heal diseases. The only thing I inherited from her is her appearance and her pink hair. Beyond that, I have no talent or skills at healing, nor can I emit an aura like my father.

"There's nothing to worry about," my father said. "I've used some connections to ensure your acceptance into the academy."

"What? But—" I tried to argue, but…

"What now, Scarlet?" My father's patience was wearing thin.

"Nothing," I pouted.

"Honey, just be patient with our little one," my mother said, gently stroking my father's back.

"This is a problem," my father replied with frustration. "I didn't realize that raising her like a princess would make her so naïve."

"We didn't raise her poorly," my mother countered, trying to calm my father. "Isn't that why we enrolled her in the academy? So she can learn about the world beyond our sheltered life?"

"We raised her to be a proper lady," my mother continued, "a lady who seeks the bright and positive side of life. But the academy will teach her the necessary skills to navigate the harsh realities she'll face. It's about balance. She was sheltered by us and the academy will teach her how the world really is."

My father sighed, his frustration softening. "I suppose you're right. It's just hard to see her so unprepared for the realities out there."

"We've done our best to give her a strong foundation," my mother reassured him. "Now, it's up to the academy to build upon that. Scarlet will know how the real world is. Isn't this what we want for her? Just be patient on her"

They talk as if I am not in front of them hehe

This is what I love about my parents. They balance so well. My father who is a short-tempered and my mother who has a lot of patience. Also, despite me not inheriting any of their abilities, they still love me unconditionally.

"Let's bring a knight for her," my mother suggested.

"No," my father rejected firmly. "That would only make it seem like she's still being sheltered and cared for."

"But… what if—" My mother's voice trailed off, filled with concern.

"You know how the academy deals with those who are sheltered," my father said. "It would only make her a target for bullies."

"I understand," my mother sighed, "but I'm still worried."

"I understand your concern," my father said gently. "But she will go out there with nothing but her books and the necessities for the academy. She needs to face this challenge on her own." Turning to me, he added, "Listen, Scarlet, whatever happens at the academy, it's on you. You won't have any reinforcements if things go wrong. The academy will test you in ways you can't imagine. All I ask is that you learn from these experiences without letting them change who you are."

"Yes, Father," I answered. He then kissed my forehead gently.

"Go back to your room and rest. In two days, a carriage from the academy will escort you. Make sure to prepare all your necessities as well," he instructed.

"Yes, Father," I replied.

I turned and walked slowly back to my room, my mind racing with thoughts, 'do I deserve this?' I want to be enrolled at the knights academy. I want to learn to wield swords and make your body strong. As someone who didn't possess any of my parent's ability, it's the least I can do to protect the duchy. But it looks like my parents have different plans.

As I entered my room, I began sorting through my belongings, preparing everything I would need.

After a few hours, I finished packing and sat on my bed, trying to quiet my racing thoughts. The academy was known for its harsh environment. I heard a lot of bad rumors regarding them.

A knock on the door broke my reverie. It was my mother, looking as if she had been waiting to see me before she left.

"Scarlet," she said softly, "I wanted to check on you before you went to bed. Are you ready for the academy?"

I nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes, Mother. I've packed everything I need."

She hugged me tightly, her worry evident in her embrace. "Remember, Scarlet, no matter what happens, we're proud of you. You have the strength to face whatever comes your way. Just stay true to yourself. The academy might not be the school you expected, but you can learn a lot from it."

"I will," I promised. Though their choice of academy surprises me, I still need to do my best as it is still graded on how I did well in the academics.

She kissed me goodnight and left, closing the door behind her. I lay down, staring at the ceiling, and tried to focus on the reassuring words my mother had given me.

"I know I will be fine at the academy. I surely will" I whispered.

"I am really worried for her safety at the academy, honey," Lucia, Scarlet's mother, said.

"I know," her husband replied, understanding her concern. "But it's better that she learns she's alone now. Realizing that she doesn't have someone to protect her is an important step in her growth."

"But what if something happens? You know the academy is full of deception and potential dangers," Lucia argued.

"Don't worry," he reassured her. "I've thought this through. I'll have her friends accompany her. They'll keep us updated on her well-being. I'll also arrange for someone to discreetly protect her friends, though not directly shield Scarlet."

"What? That seems unfair. Scarlet is your child. Are you really going to protect her friends but not her?"

"Yes, because her friends are there to monitor her situation and provide updates. Scarlet needs to experience the real world firsthand.

Her friends are more worldly; they understand the harsh realities and know how to stand up for themselves. Scarlet, on the other hand, tends to view things with idealism, believing in the kindness of others and putting on a bright smile on her face. I grew up in a ruthless environment, honey. The battles I fought to achieve my position and protect my domain were purely evil" the duke explained.

"She's our only child. What if something bad happens to her at the academy?" Lucia's voice was tinged with fear.

"Then it's better for her," he replied firmly. "She'll learn to stand up for herself and fight back."

"Are we really pushing our innocent and lovely child to become a villainess?" Lucia asked, concern was obvious on her tone.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "She won't become one. If she does, it will be my responsibility to guide her and teach her the necessary lessons."