H.I.S. 02

Scarlet point of view

"What kind of people would I meet here? Would they be friends or rivals?" These questions are what came to my mind. I felt a little bit nervous and excited. "It'd be nice to make some friends," I thought, staring out the carriage window as the scenery blurred by. Tall trees and misty hills hinted at the mysterious world ahead. Then, looming in the distance, I saw it, the academy. A dark, towering castle against the fading light. This is it, I am coming near to The Villainess Academy.

I had never learned magic or wielded mana, nor did I possess any special skills or powers to make me stand out. What if I didn't belong? What if they saw me as just another outsider, unworthy of their time or respect? Whatever happens, I will surely share kindness everywhere.

The words "Villainess Academy" were etched boldly at the top of the gate, the letters dark and ornate, as if they were carved from shadows themselves. Below it, a smaller inscription caught my eye: "Welcome, future villains."

"Future Villains, huh?" I murmured.

The carriage rolled to a stop in front of the gate, and I took a deep breath. I am nervous but still excited. This is a new place with new faces. Meaning, I can make new friends. I can't wait to make new friends here. I hope I can share this news with Sera and Jenna.

"Okay, this is it Scarlet. New chapter of your teenage life. Let's do it!" I whispered. Trying to cheer myself up.

I had been instructed that students would be waiting at the gate to welcome the new arrivals. They would hold a banner with our names on it and guide us to our assigned rooms. I'd heard that the rooms were typically assigned by the principal, but there were cases where students or their families could choose a room, with the only rule being that no knights or maids were allowed, just students.

As the carriage came to a stop, my excitement grew. "I can't wait to meet my roommate," I thought, a hopeful smile spreading across my face. "I hope we get along well." Thinking about having a roommate excites me. I always live alone, and I barely share a room with other people. My friends would visit me and sometimes, we have sleepovers, but this time, it's different. I would be sharing a room with a complete stranger throughout my academic years.

I am looking for the student who is holding the banner with my name. It is that person will be the one to guide me to my room and help me with my luggage as well.

As I scanned the crowd of students, my eyes fell on a girl standing out from the rest. She wore oversize glasses with thick lenses that magnified her eyes, giving her a scholarly appearance. Her hair was neatly braided, suggesting a practical and organized nature. Everything about her, the glasses, the braids, and the bookish air she exuded, all of it spoke of someone who loved to read and was likely one of the smartest students here.

She seemed to be waiting for someone, and as I approached, she looked up with a friendly smile. Her presence was reassuring and welcoming.

'It's not bad, I guess. They have friendly students who welcome us.'

"Welcome to the Villainess Academy!" she said, her voice warm and inviting. "I'm Iris. I'll be guiding you to your room and helping you get settled in. It's nice to meet you." Her calm demeanor and approachable attitude immediately put me at ease. I followed her, eager to see what else the academy has, and I'm a bit hopeful that this intelligent, book-loving student would become a friend here.

As we walked through the dimly lit corridors towards my room, Iris leaned in close and whispered,

"I want you to remember this, do not trust anyone here. Not even me. Don't expect that smiles to mean friendship. This place is like a lone rabbit in a wolf's den. Everyone has their own agendas, and alliances can shift like shadows. Remember, do not trust anyone. Not even your long-time friends."

"Why is that?" I asked, my curiosity mingling while we're walking to my room.

"You'll understand more once you go through your orientation on the first day," Iris replied, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "And if you see me around, don't talk to me, wave at me, or even smile. Just ignore me." Her aura shifted suddenly, becoming cold and distant.

" Not unless I talk to you first" she added.

"Why?" I pressed, unable to mask my concern.

"Because this academy is home to traitors," she said, her tone flat and serious. "Everyone here has their own hidden motives, and trust is made to be broken. Even people who seem friendly might be plotting against you. Stay vigilant. If I am the one who talks to you, that means we're in a place that's safe." I nodded. I didn't really take it seriously. Well... traitors are for those who are jealous of you.

"Here's your room," Iris said, unlocking the door and allowing me to step inside. She then handed me the key. "I was also informed that you'll be sharing it with two other students. I've got to go now. I'll escort your roommates to your room." She helped me with my baggage, setting it neatly by the door.

"Thank you," I said, offering a smile.

Iris's expression remained stern as she looked back at me. "Remember my warning," she said, her voice a low murmur. With one last, meaningful glance, she turned and left, the echo of her footsteps fading down the corridor.

"Hmm, I wonder what makes this academy different from the others," I thought to myself as I surveyed the room. "Aside from the name, of course. After all, don't all academies have the same goal? To teach students and ensure they graduate."

My room was simple, with three beds neatly arranged along the walls, each accompanied by a small study table. The setup was practical, designed purely for students to focus on their studies. There were no extravagant furnishings. No plush sofas for lounging, no ornate decor to add warmth. It was just a room meant for sleeping, and studying. I noticed that there's also a bathroom inside. This is nice.

"Nothing fancy," I thought as I took in the sparse surroundings. "But maybe we could add a few things if I suggest it to my roommates." A cozy corner with a sofa for tea time or a small table for sharing desserts could make the space feel more like home. It would be nice to have a place where we could relax and chat after a long day of classes and training.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. My heart skipped a beat. Were my roommates here already? I glanced around the room, realizing I hadn't even started unpacking my luggage yet. The bags were still piled up by the door, untouched.

"Gosh, this sight is so embarrassing.

I have no other choice but to open the door. There I saw Iris. But I didn't see anyone behind her.

"Hi again," Iris said as I opened the door. She held a few papers in her hand. "Just wanted to inform you that your roommates will be arriving tomorrow. For now, just rest up. If you get hungry, all students dine in the cafeteria. Here's the eating schedule." She handed me a small slip of paper with the meal times neatly listed.

"Also, tomorrow there's an orientation for the new students," she continued, passing me another paper. "Here's the place and time you need to be there. I've also drawn a map, so you won't get lost."

I took the papers from her, glancing at the detailed map she had sketched out. It was clear she wanted to make sure I could find my way without any trouble. The academy was vast, and getting lost on my first day was the last thing I wanted.

"Thank you," I said, genuinely appreciating her help.

"No problem," Iris replied, her tone softer now, almost friendly. "Just remember what I told you earlier. Oh, one more thing, this is the Villainess Academy. Expect anything that could happen to be a worst-case scenario. And if you ever see me again, just ignore me. And again, trust no one. Goodbye, and rest well." With that, she gave a small nod and turned to leave, disappearing down the corridor.

I stood there for a moment, processing her final words. The sense of unease that had settled in my chest earlier only deepened. It wasn't just the warnings she had given, but the way she delivered them, like she genuinely wanted to help, even if it meant pushing me away.

"Expect the worst," I murmured to myself as I closed the door. I lay down on my bed and looked at the papers that Iris handed me.

"Hmm, so at 2000H, it's dinner time. Should I go down?" I wondered aloud, glancing at the schedule Iris had given me. "Ahh, wait! My mom packed me some of her home-cooked meals." A smile crept onto my face as I remembered the neatly packed containers in my luggage. "That's what I'm going to eat tonight."

The thought of enjoying a taste of home in this unfamiliar place filled me with excitement. Despite the strange and ominous atmosphere of the academy, the idea of savoring my mom's cooking made me feel a little more at ease.

I quickly opened my bags, eager to find the food she had lovingly prepared. As I unpacked the containers, the familiar scents wafted up, instantly comforting me. "This will be perfect," I thought, feeling a warmth spread through me. Even in a place like this, I could still hold on to a piece of home.

(***) POV

"You know what to do. New students will be arriving tomorrow, and classes start at two after the orientation," she said.

"As members of TOPS, it's your responsibility to complete the mission," she continued.

"Yes, ma'am," the three students replied in unison.

"During tomorrow's orientation, your task is simple. To observe. Watch closely. Identify the weakest among them, and use them however you see fit," she instructed, sipping her coffee. "Just make sure no one finds out you're part of TOPS or that you're on a mission. If your identity is exposed, you'll be expelled immediately."