H.I.S. 03

Today was the first day of orientation at the Villainess Academy, and excitement buzzed through the air. Students milled about, exchanging nervous glances and excited whispers as they gathered in the grand hall. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and apprehension, each newcomer eager to make a good impression and figure out the unspoken rules of their new environment.

I arrived early, taking in the grandeur of the hall with its high vaulted ceilings and ornate decorations. The academy's emblem, a stylized dragon entwined with a sorceress's staff, was emblazoned on banners hanging from the walls.

"Ouch!" I reacted as someone bump into me when I was about to enter the hall. 

"Don't just stand in there if you don't want to get bump" the girl said. She's wearing a cloak with a hood. I wonder why she's wearing that thing when we have a uniform. But wait... did I heard it right? she's blaming me for bumping me? I mean, I was just standing and adoring the place. She's the one who bump me! 

"Rude" I mumbled as I watch her left.

I found a seat among the other new students and glanced around, noting the variety of expressions.

"I wonder what today's orientation will reveal," I mused, adjusting my clothes and taking out the papers Iris had given me. I reviewed the map and schedule, making sure I was prepared. I'm so grateful for the map Iris gave me. It had already saved me once, guiding me easily to the right building.

As I walked to find my seat, my heart suddenly skipped a beat when hands unexpectedly covered my eyes. I tensed for a moment, instincts flaring as I wondered who it could be.

"Guess who?" a teasing, yet friendly voice spoke behind me, an aura of playful mystery filling the air.

I took a deep breath, trying to relax and focus on the voice and the slight warmth of the hands over my eyes. "Hmm, let me think…"

I said aloud, my tone light and slightly amused. "Do I know you?" I asked with a small smile, already suspecting.

"Just guess!" the voice responded, a little pout detectable in the tone, as if the person behind me was getting impatient.

Suddenly, another voice chimed in, one I immediately recognized, and my excitement built. "Oh, stop it, Sera. As if Scarlet wouldn't know who you are. You're terrible at disguising your voice," the voice teased, its familiar warmth making me grin.

The hands slowly loosened, and I turned around, my heart racing with anticipation. There, standing before me, was Jenna with her signature mischievous smile, and Seraphine beside her, looking slightly embarrassed but just as playful.

I let out a small laugh. "Of course it's you two," I said, my tension easing. "I should've known from the start."

Jenna shrugged, flashing a wide grin. "We couldn't resist. You looked so focused, and Sera couldn't help herself."

Seraphine blushed slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I thought it would be fun," she said sheepishly. "But Jenna's right, I'm no good at pretending."

"Trust me, you're both terrible at it," I teased back, unable to hide the joy at seeing my two closest friends. "What are you two doing here?"

"SURPRISE!!" the two shouted excitedly, their voices echoing through the hallway and catching the attention of several nearby students.

I quickly glanced around, feeling a dozen pairs of curious eyes on us. "Shh!!" I hissed, motioning for them to lower their voices.

"You're going to get us in trouble," I added, my voice a little more serious.

Jenna chuckled, clearly unbothered by the attention, while Seraphine bit her lip, looking a little sheepish.

"Anyway, what do you mean by surprise?" I asked, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. My curiosity was piqued, but I wasn't about to let them off the hook that easily.

Jenna grinned, exchanging a quick glance with Seraphine before stepping closer. "We enrolled here," she said excitedly.

"What?!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening in shock. "Wait, is this real? Are you for real?" My voice grew louder, drawing the attention of a few more students passing by. I then talk in a small voice after getting embarrassed with the attention I got.

Jenna's grin only widened. "Yep, 100% real. We're officially students here now."

I blinked, trying to process the news. "But… why? I thought you two weren't interested in the academy!"

Seraphine gave a small smile, shrugging her shoulders. "Well, things changed. We realized we didn't want to leave you here all alone."

"We couldn't let you have all the fun," Jenna added with a playful wink, though I could sense something more beneath her words.

My heart swelled at the thought of my two best friends being with me, but the disbelief lingered. "You guys… this is insane." I shook my head, trying to wrap my mind around it. "But amazing."

A bell rang, signaling the start of the orientation. "Anyway, I won't believe you easily that you just thought of joining me here. You two need to tell the story in details later." I said then we go look for our chair to seat.

A tall figure in dark robes stepped onto the stage, drawing everyone's attention.

"Welcome to the Villainess Academy," Professor Shian began, her voice echoing through the hall. "Today, you will be introduced to the core principles of our academy and the expectations we hold for each of you. Remember, you are here not only to learn but to understand the complex nature of power, strategy, and influence."

As Professor Shian spoke, I listened intently, noting the emphasis on strategy and influence. The academy's reputation for cultivating future leaders and manipulators became clear.

"This place isn't just about magic or skills," I thought, "it's about learning how to navigate power dynamics and personal agendas."

The professor outlined the day's schedule, which included a tour of the academy's facilities, an introduction to key staff members, and a series of briefings on academy rules and procedures. I made mental notes, preparing herself for the challenges ahead.

As the orientation continued, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. My earlier conversation with Iris about trust and deception weighed heavily on her mind. I scanned the room, all of these students are not to be trusted.

"Today marks the beginning of a new chapter," she thought, "and every interaction here will shape my path. I need to stay sharp and keep my goals in focus."

These were the final words of Professor Shian as she gracefully stepped down from the stage, her presence lingering in the room. The students, myself included, sat in quiet anticipation as the next speaker approached the podium.

A short woman, striking in appearance, strode confidently to the center of the stage. She wore sharp, Bayonetta-style glasses that glinted under the lights, her short hair slicked back in a no-nonsense fashion. Her long, flowing coat trailed behind her, brushing the floor with every step, adding to the aura of mystery that surrounded her.

"Good morning, future villainesses," she greeted, her voice sharp and commanding. The room immediately fell silent, the casual murmur of students cut off by her commanding presence.

Her eyes scanned the room, piercing through the crowd like she was assessing each of us. "I am Headmistress Martia Cervantes, and today begins your journey toward true power," she announced. "Some of you might have an agenda on why you enrolled in our academy while others are not."

I straightened in my seat, this was the moment everything became real.

Headmistress Martia continued, "You will be tested, pushed beyond your limits, and forced to face the truths about yourselves. Some of you will rise, and others will fall. But this is not your ordinary academy, here, failure is a must."

A heavy silence filled the room, the weight of her words settling over us. The challenge was clear.

"You were not chosen at random," she said, her gaze flicking over the audience. "Each of you has been handpicked for your potential, your ambition, and most importantly your willingness to embrace what others fear. So, do not disappoint us."

Her eyes met mine for the briefest second, and I felt a shiver run down my spine, as though her gaze had pierced right through me. I quickly straightened up, not wanting to look unsettled in front of her or anyone else.

Suddenly, a roll of paper floated gracefully in front of us, suspended in midair as though carried by an invisible breeze. Each one drifted to a different student, landing delicately on their desks.

"Took the rolled paper in front of you," Headmistress Martia commanded, her voice cold and authoritative. "These are the rules you must remember. Failure to adhere to them will result in consequences you will not enjoy."

I thought there were only ten rules to follow, but to my surprise, the paper kept unfurling. It rolled down from my desk, across the floor, and just kept going. My eyes widened as I realized it could stretch all the way from the stage to the entrance or maybe even outside the building entirely.

Jenna leaned over, whispering under her breath, "This is insane. There's no way we can keep track of all this."

Seraphine nodded, her face pale. "It feels like a trap... every single one of these rules."

The room filled with murmurs of confusion, as others noticed the same thing. Some students were already standing, watching in disbelief as their own papers unraveled like never-ending scrolls.

Headmistress Arden's eyes gleamed with amusement at our reactions. "Surprised? You should be. In this academy, nothing is as simple as it seems." Her voice was cold, almost mocking. "I will give you time to understand each and every rule before we continue" she said

Rule #1: No one should die, be beaten, smacked, or receive any physical abuse.

Rule #2: All victories must be earned through cunning and strength.

I scanned every rule until I read the last rule. The golden rule, since it was written in gold.

The last rule: You can break all these rules except rule #1. Once you break rule #1, you will be expelled and forgotten.

Hmm, so all of these rules are made to break? well, what can I expect when this is a villainess academy. of course you won't expect villains to follow the rules.