H.I.S. 04

"Wow, there's a lot of these rules, so lazy to read. I can't believe they put so much effort into making them," I heard Jenna mutter, her voice tinged with both amusement and frustration.

"Indeed. This school is kinda strict, huh?" Sera commented, her eyes still scanning the seemingly endless scroll.

Headmistress Arden's voice cut through the murmurs. "Okay, time's up. You can read the rules you haven't finished reading in your room. But for now, let's see which house you'll be assigned to."

"House? What does that mean?" I asked, looking around at Jenna and Sera, who both shrugged in confusion.

"I don't know," Jenna said, clearly puzzled. "I've heard about houses in some academies, but I didn't think they'd have them here."

Sera nodded. "Me neither. I guess we'll find out soon enough."

"Houses are like your room and section in normal schools, but in this academy, you will be put into a house to enhance your skills.

Hmm, it's like, if you are good in history in another academy, then you will take history courses and focus on that subject."

I turned to see who had spoken, and to my surprise, it was Iris, standing a few steps away from me. She had a confident stance, her usual aloof expression softened slightly as she addressed us.

"So, it's more about specialization?" I asked, trying to understand the implications. "Each house focuses on different skills or areas?"

Iris nodded, her gaze steady. "Exactly. Each house has its strengths and focuses on developing specific skills that align with their specialties. You'll have the opportunity to enhance your abilities in your chosen field, whether it's strategy, magic, manipulation, or something else."

As Iris spoke, I felt a wave of unease wash over me. This is bad. I am not good at anything, I thought, the weight of my insecurities pressing down on me. The realization that the houses would focus on specific skills made me worry even more about where I might fit in or if I'd fit in at all.

"One by one, as I call your name, each of you will hold and touch the objects right here in front," Headmistress Martia announced, her voice echoing in the large hall.

I looked toward the pedestal where several intriguing objects were displayed. They varied in shape and size. some appeared magical, others were more mundane but had an air of significance about them.

The students began to murmur in anticipation. The objects were likely part of the process to determine which house we would be assigned to. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, wondering how these objects would reveal my strengths or fit me into specific houses.

"First, Jenna Raven," Headmistress Arden called out, her eyes scanning the crowd.

Jenna stood up and went to the stage.

As each of the students were called one by one, I noticed that the houses you will enter won't be announced publicly. It will only be whispered to the student's ear. And, the students are back facing the crowd as they touch each magical thing in front of them, meaning, we can't be able to see what happened to them and in what object they made to glow.

"What are those things?" I asked, Just talking to myself.

"The special relics of each class," then a girl answered me, It was Iris who answered me. "Those relics decide which house you'll enter."

"Scarlet Aubrey Serpentine!" My name echoed through the room. I walked to the stage, I feel so nervous.

Each relic was placed on separate tables. a sword, an obsidian dagger, a crystal orb, a leaf, and a white mask. All looked ordinary, so... what made this thing special for us them to know in which house are we?

"You can hold the first item," the professor instructed.

I hesitated briefly, then grasped the sword. Nothing. No sparks, no light, no sound. Was that how it was supposed to be? I glanced at the professor, but she gave no indication.

"Next," she said.

The next item was the dagger. Obsidian and sharp-looking, but again, nothing happened when I touched it.

"Next," she urged again, and this time, I reached for the leaf. It felt light, almost fragile, but… still, nothing. Just a simple leaf, or so

it seemed. This one looks like the leaf that we've seen in trees outside the hall. Is there something special in this?


I moved to the crystal orb, feeling slightly deflated. When my fingers grazed its smooth surface, I braced myself for a reaction. But again, nothing.

"Hmm, no mana, I see," the professor muttered, scribbling in her notebook.

I bit my lip and turned to the last relic. The white mask. Plain and expressionless. As soon as my fingers touched its surface, still there's no reaction from it.

The professor raised her eyes at the flicker but remained silent. What does that mean? Am I not welcome to any house?

"Okay go back to your seat" she instructed. They say that they will whisper in which house you are. I am waiting for that but no one whispered something to me.

"We are now done. You already know which houses you belong to. All of you have seen which relics reacted to your touch," the professor said, her gaze sweeping across the room. "You can't go to the house where you are not welcome. The doors won't open no matter how hard you push. If the sword was the one that responded to you, but you wished for the leaf, it doesn't matter. The choice has been made."

A murmur rippled through the crowd, as students exchanged anxious glances.

"You may try to fight it," she continued, her tone indifferent. "But you can't lie to what's given to you" she said.

House Sabreblade is for the ones who made the sword light up,

House Krustallos for those who made the crystal to glow

House Obsiusfang for those who made the obsidian dagger light up.

House Verdant for the leaf

So, for me... I think I need to transfer school as there's nothing in any houses that react from my touch.

"As soon as you find your Houses, remember this, In the morning, all of the students whom I called to touch the relics, you are all classmates. You will all study the same subjects together, so take the time to get to know those sitting beside you. As you will be seeing them every day. After lunch, however, things will change. Your House schedule begins," The head mistress said.