H.I.S. 06

Scarlet Point of view

I knocked on the door of the plain-looking building, but still, no one answered.

"Am I not welcome here?" I muttered, feeling a bit unsure. I knocked again, hoping this time someone would open the door.

"Is there some kind of password or magic word I need to say?" I mumbled while inspecting the door, feeling slightly ridiculous.

"Abra ca dabra?" I said, half-joking, waiting for something to happen. Nothing.

"Splukitik?" I tried, inventing a random word out of frustration. Still nothing.

"Argh. How am I supposed to enter this house?" I asked, staring at the stubborn door, half expecting it to magically respond.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, and a voice broke the silence.

"Are you the new freshman for this house?" a girl asked. 

I turned around, surprised to see a student standing there. She 's also wearing the academy's uniform, but I noticed a glowing thing on the back of her hands.

"Uh, yeah." I replied,

"Oh, come in" she said then she simply pushed the door to open. How come it didn't react to like that earlier? I tried to push the door but it was locked, I knocked for how many times but nothing happened.

The girl chuckled beside me, "You're having a hard time opening the door, aren't you?" she said. I nodded my head.

"Don't worry, that happens to all of us as well. During our freshman days, all of us are having a hard time opening this door." She said, reassuring me, "It really didn't welcome a new comers" 

As soon as she open the door, I see nothing special inside the room. there are only books on the second floor and a long table on the first floor with two other students.

"Good morning, guys! Look who I've found," she announced, Earning attention from the other two students

Their sharp gazes turning toward me. "Huh? A freshie?" one of the students remarked, raising an eyebrow as they stepped closer.

"Oh, so it is the time of the year huh?" she continued. 

"I thought it will stop to Addie. Didn't they say before that they'll disband this house?" The girl with the short hair said.

"Maybe, as long as a new students will be qualified in this house, this won't get disbanded" the girl who guide me, answered.

One other students approached, smirking as they sized me up. The girl in front crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Welcome to the cursed house," she said, her tone a mix of mockery and pity.

The others chuckled, and I could feel the tension in the air. Clearly, this isn't a welcoming place.

"Let me guess," another girl sneered, eyeing me with disdain. "You couldn't make it into any of the other houses, could you?"

I didn't expect that I will be welcome in here with this ambiance. Are they normally this dismissive?

"Don't worry," the first girl continued, "You'll fit right in here with the rest of the rejects." the short hair girl said

 "Welcome to House Evius, where the forgotten ones gather. Let their words get to you as it will become your motivation to do better. We normally hear a lot of hurtful words, it's just how things are around here. We're used to being the outcasts." the long hair girl said.

I stood still, unsure of how to respond.

"Let us introduce ourselves first to this new girl," the girl who guided me said.

"My name is Yra," the short-haired girl said,

"Ruffa," the girl who sounded a bit harsh, said. crossing her arms. She gave a slight, dismissive wave, her eyes barely meeting mine. She's the one who has a long hair.

"And I'm Addie" the girl who guided me to enter this house. 

"Nice to meet all of you" I give them a big and bright smile. Of course, My mother taught me that, even if people looked like they don't want you, you shouldn't act like that to them. You should always be kind and give them a warm big smile. "My name is Scarlet" I introduced myself.

"I'm--" I was about to continue but Yra stopped me. 

"We don't really care who you are or what other information about you." she said. I pouted. They're so unwelcoming and unfriendly. 

"The four houses may be elite, but the cursed house? It's... different." Addie said

"Different? how? In what way?" I ask.

"In a sense that, in this house, it was a cursed one" Yra said.

"Let me explain," Addie said then she guided me to the table and moved a chair for me to sit in.

"House Evius is technically a house for students who didn't make any of the four elite houses' relics to glow. In this house, you will study all of the four houses as your major. So, basically, if for example, you belong to The house Sabreblade, you will be focused on learning the sword in the afternoon and that's all. but for us, we will learn all of the things in all houses. And it's a cursed because we were bullied for each houses everyday for not being able to do what they can" she said.

"So... this means... we're basically learning more than everyone else?" I asked, "Wow! that's great then! We're like jack of all trades. We can learn all of the lessons others mastered. We're the most talented house then!" I said, it was a great deal for me though. It means we have an advantage.

Ruffa snorted. "As if you can learn them all. We don't have any special abilities, remember? We're here because we don't have mana, we can't control any elemental spirits, we can't heal other's wound or we can't even do magic. Then you expect that it is great because we can enter all of the houses and learn from them? Haha don't give your hopes up, freshie" 

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter," Yra replied with a shrug. "No one cares how much we learn because they already think we're failures for not fitting into one of the elite houses. No one really cares because we can't really learn what they can do. We're basically just... a laughingstock for those houses. A person they can bully and play around when they're bored. Or a person they can order around" 

"Oww, so... it's not a good thing?" I asks.

"No. Because, as long as you're part in this cursed house where we get bullied for being different, they look at us as a failure, also, we have to work twice as hard as everyone else."

Ruffa then started too talk, "Welcome to House Evius," Ruffa said with a smirk, "where we're 'special'. But not in a good way."

"Stop it guys. Since this is your first day, let's make a ritual to welcome her" Addie said. 

"Wait, are there only four of you? where's the others?" I asks

The three girls look at each other then they all laugh. 

Huh? did I said something funny?

"Looks like you're confused. I'm Addie, a senior student, Yra is a junior, and Ruffa is sophomore. So, basically, there are only one of us in each year." Addie explained.

I was surprised. So it means... I will be the only House Evius in freshmen?

"Oh, we wasted too much time on giving her attention. Let's focus now on our subject" Ruffa said. then they all come back to their own desk. 

"Hey, wait... I want to know more about this house..." I said but they all ignore me now.

The three of them were deep into their books. I didn't realize House Evius was more like a library. a quiet, self-study kind of place.

"Here," Addie said, handing me a paper.

"That's your schedule starting tomorrow as a freshman." she said "We do have an adviser, but she rarely shows up, so we mostly study on our own," she continued.

"What are you reading?" I asked, noticing how focused they all were on their books.

"Books related to all sort of stuff that we needed to learn in the academy" she answered

"Hmm, what subject to be exact?" I asks

"It depends on your year. For you, I'd suggest starting with the basics. Basic sword handling, basic magic, and other fundamentals. We may not have abilities like the others, but we can have more knowledge. My advice is to use your brain. That's what all we can do for those who doesn't have any special ability," she said.

I smiled at her. Feeling grateful that despite this house is unwelcoming, Addie still gives me tips and advice to do well here.

"Also, tomorrow, you will surprise to see all of the houses. You will understand once you saw them" she said. which leaves me confused. Err... what was that?

"And, I may add. Please be careful with the TOPS" she said. But I didn't mind it that much.

Later that day, I returned to my room and was immediately met with a surprise. My two best friends were waiting for me.

"SCARLET!!!" Jenna and Sera shouted in unison as they rushed over to hug me tightly.

"U—Uh, guys?"

"We looked all over the campus for you! Didn't we agree to find each other's houses? Where were you?" Jenna asked, her eyes teary.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha! Why are you two overreacting like this?" 

"Because we're worried. we shouldn't leave you. We should just wait for you until you finished talking to the headmistress" Sera said. I chuckled. they're so cute and lovely.

"Nothing bad happened to me. haha relax" I said. as they all look guilty and worried.

"Still. We're bad friends for letting you alone" Jenna said. 

They're so cute hahaha even before, when we were a child, they don't want they eyes off of me. When we go to town, Sera was the one who keep her eyes on me as she know how I easily get lost. Meanwhile, Jenna, she's like my walking first aid kit hahaha 

"You're not a bad friends, okay? Anyway, why are you here?" I asks. I heard from Iris that she guided my roommates to our room so I should expect that I am not alone once I came back. But I didn't see new faces. Also, is it allowed for my friends to come in my room?

"Ahh... about that" Sera said, then both her and Jenna look at each other. 

"SURPRISE!!!" they said. I was confused. What do they mean by surprise?

"Huh?" I asks.

"Surprise" Jenna repeated.

"We were your roommates!" Sera said excitedly. It took awhile before I understand what they mean....

"Wait... roommates? the two of you?" I asks.

"uh huh" they both nodded.

"OH MY GOSH!! AAACCCKKKK" I shouted in excitement after knowing that I will be with them in this room. Then suddenly, Sera and Jenna joined me and all of us shouted in glee. I can't believe that my friends will going to be my roommates!! 


This is our first day of class. Just like our schedule, in the morning, the three of us are having the same class schedule but after lunch, we'll be going to our designated houses. 

I haven't shared the information about my house to Jenna and Sera yet, as we were happy and excited we were to be in one room together and also our plans to decorate our rooms together. That lead us up to sleep late at night.

"In morning, we have history, politics, and language class" Jenna said.

"What language are we going to learn this time?" Sera asks. Sera has an advantage in ancient language. As elf mostly use ancient language. 

"Hey, have you heard about the TOPS?" Iris suddenly appeared at our table, startling us with her question. She had a knack for showing up out of nowhere.

"I won't take long, but please, don't meddle or interact with the TOPS," she warned, her voice low.

"TOPS? What are they? Who are they?" Jenna asked, curiosity piqued.

"No one's actually met them," Iris replied, glancing around as if checking for eavesdroppers. "Their identities are kept secret, but they're the top students in overall grade level. They have certain... advantages, but no one knows what exactly those are or who they are."

Sera frowned. "Then how are we supposed to avoid them if we don't know who they are?"

"Exactly," Iris sighed. "Just be careful. You'll figure it out soon enough." she said then she suddenly disappeared.

"Eh? who is that?" Sera asks. Confused on how Iris suddenly appear then just got vanish.

"She's the one who guided us in our room yesterday" Jenna answered her. 

"Ahh, the nerdy girl. Yeah, I remember her now," Sera said dismissively. We didn't give much thought to Iris's warning. After all, how could we avoid someone when we didn't even know who they were? The whole concept of the TOPS seemed vague, and without any real information, it was hard to take it seriously.

Just like us, even Iris didn't know who are involve in that group, so we brushed off the warning.

Time fly so fast. Since this is just the first day, nothing special happen. We was ask to introduced ourselves and the professors said that we should take their subject seriously even if it is just a minor ones. Because they say that small things matter hahaha

"So, it's finally the time, huh?" Sera said.

"Yeah." I pouted.

"Well, see you later in our room, girls" Jenna said. We bid each other good bye as we will go to our respective houses. 

I look at my schedule once more. 

Monday - Wed 

7:00 - 9:00 SM - Politics

9:00-11:00 SM - History

11:00-12:00 SM - Language

12:00-1:00 SA- lunchbreak

1:00 - 3:00 SA - House Sabreblade

3:00 - 6:00 SA - House Krustullos

Tues - Thurs

7:00 - 9:00 SM - Politics

9:00-11:00 SM - History

11:00-12:00 SM - Language

12:00-1:00 SA- lunchbreak

1:00 - 3:00 SA - House Obsiusfang

3:00 - 6:00 SA - House verdant


7:00 - 9:00 SM - Politics

9:00-11:00 SM - History

11:00-12:00 SM - Language

12:00-1:00 SA- lunchbreak

1:00 - 6:00 - House Evius

*Sirka means hours.

*SA means Sirka Afternoon (7:00 sirka Afternoon means, 7:00 hour in the afternoon)

*SM means Sirka Morning 

"My schedule looks like more hectic than them" I whispered. 

I walked to my next class. Which is the House Sabreblade. The house that full of mana and strength is the primary factor. 

"Good afternoon, class. Forget about introductions and tests for now," the professor said, her voice carrying a commanding weight.

"Take one stone from the pile in front of you," she instructed, gesturing to the table lined with smooth, shimmering stones. Reluctantly, we all moved forward, each picking up a stone, unsure of its purpose but too curious to disobey.

"Knights, as you all know, are renowned for their skill on horseback. But..." she paused, a sly grin forming on her lips, "here at the academy, we don't ride mere horses."

Before anyone could question her, a thunderous roar echoed through the air, shaking the very ground beneath us. Flames licked the sky from behind the trees at the far end of the training grounds. 

"In fact," she continued, her voice raising over the growing noise, "we ride something much larger, much fiercer." 

Suddenly, a colossal shadow passed overhead, and from the sky descended a massive, fire-breathing dragon. Its scales glistened in the afternoon light, and its eyes, sharp and intelligent, locked onto us.

"This," she said, her voice filled with both pride and excitement, "is what you will learn to ride."

A collective gasp rippled through the class as the dragon landed with a powerful thud. 

"For your information," the professor continued, her tone sharp and matter-of-fact, "this dragon isn't real. It's a construct made entirely of magic. Using real dragons for training is illegal, as they are far too dangerous. But, they do exist."

Murmurs and whispers can be heard everywhere. The dragon, still massive and intimidating, flickered slightly. 

'Wow, this is my first time seeing a dragon up close. I read books about them before but I didn't know that they are this huge' 

"In your higher years, once you prove yourselves capable and survive long enough to advance," she added with a slight smirk, "you may encounter the real thing. Taming an actual dragon is reserved for only the most elite students. Those who pass this subject." she said. 

Wow, I didn't knew this house would be so cool. It would be fun if I make that thing glow. 

"What you are holding in your hands right now is a stone mana. Those who have mana already has an advantage in this course. But those who don't, well, good luck" she smirks. 

one of the students raise their hands.

"Ma'am, what's an advantage when you have a huge amount of mana and for those who just have a little amount?" she asks.

"Great question," the professor said with a nod. "Those with a significant amount of mana can control the dragon with greater ease. As you all know, dragons are creatures of immense strength and size. But the greater your mana, the more they will sense your superiority."

She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in. "Dragons are intelligent beings, and they have a strong sense of hierarchy. If they feel your mana overpowering their presence, they will yield, recognizing who is stronger. That's the key to taming them."

So... how about me? someone who have no mana at all? Will this be the end of me? 

"Okay, everyone," the professor said, her voice commanding the room. "The first thing you need to do is call your dragon. Even though these dragons are not real, they are made on how the real dragons will react. They will respond to the presence of your mana. How you summon them will depends on you. Just think of it like you're calling someone you are close with, based on the nickname you thought for them."

"You must connect with the dragon through your mana. It's not about shouting or demanding. It's about making the dragon feel your presence. The stronger your mana, the easier it will be to command. But if your mana is weak or unstable, the dragon will resist you." she continue.

I raise my hand this time.


"Ma'am, how about those who doesn't have mana?" I asks. and all the students laugh. I suddenly feel so low and embarrassed as I don't have what they have. 

"An excellent question," she said, her tone more measured. The laughter subsided as she continued. "In this academy, it's assumed that everyone has at least some degree of mana, though it might be minimal. If you truly have no mana at all, you might struggle with tasks that require it." she said.

Uhm,.. so what should I do then?

The professor look at the list of students in her class.

"Hmm, so you're from the house Evius. The outcast." she said. The students looked at me. Their stares are saying as if I am not belong there.

"Take two mana stones" she said to me. I nodded my head and take another stone.

"Whether you have a mana or not, the dragon will still be able to answer your call. If you have a sincere heart for them" she said. 

"Remember, I only said that you have an advantage when you have a mana, but I didn't said that low or no mana can make you fail this class. House Sabreblade requires everyone to focus on your goal whether you have minimal amount or even a huge amount of mana, doesn't mean that you can fail or pass. Having huge amount only has an advantage and the higher chance to pass this subject. Low or no mana need to have ten times an effort to succeed. And being able to pass this subject is up to you." she continued. 

I think that's a little disadvantage on my part.