H.I.S. 07

Scarlet point of view

The dragons. In our empire, dragons are known as the greatest, strongest, and most powerful creatures. They are majestic and feared by everyone for their incredible strength. With their huge wings, they can fly high above the clouds, and their fire breath can burn entire armies in seconds.

dragons are most commonly found in the rugged mountains to the north, where the terrain is wild and untamed. These northern lands are known for their harsh climates and towering peaks, making it the perfect habitat for these powerful creatures. Some say there are also dragons in the far east, where ancient forests and hidden valleys offer them protection, but the north is where they are most frequently seen and feared.

They say, that my father, the grand duke of the north, has the ability to control dragons and he even have a dragon he tamed. But for me, I don't believed it. Where did that rumors came from? Even I, her only daughter, wasn't able to see him riding a dragon. Maybe they mistaken my father's horse as a dragon. Since my father's horse' name is Dragon.

"Okay class, start calling your dragon now," the professor's voice echoed through the training ground. We are in the forest right now. They call this place as a Tame ground. 

I blinked, realizing my mind had wandered too far, lost in thought. I snapped back to reality, suddenly aware that I was in the middle of class.

"Huh?" I mumbled, glancing around as my classmates exchanged confused looks.

Whispers filled the room as everyone hesitated, unsure of how to summon a dragon. Clearly, I wasn't the only one who had no idea what to do.

"How exactly are we supposed to call a dragon?" one student whispered to another, looking just as puzzled as the rest of us.

"Are you not confident in calling your dragons?" the professor asks. "This is your activity for today. All of you must be able to call their dragons for us to start our lesson" she said. 

"I will give you an hour to call your dragons. Those who have low and no mana, can get more mana stones in here to be able to recognized by the dragons. And those who have a lot of mana, can start calling the dragon" she said. 

The heck! How can I be able to call the dragon with these mana stones? 

One students whistled and her dragon came. All of us are surprised and in awe as she can easily call her dragon. 

"What about me?" I whispered. Some students tried to clap, to call them by the names they thought of, or tried to whistled.

Minutes passed, almost all of my classmates has a dragon with them.

"The heck" I whispered. I tried everything. Every little thing I can do to call my dragon, but it is not enough.

The professor came to me.

"I won't adjust the time period I lent for you. If you can't call your dragon within 5 minutes, I'll consider you fail" she said. My eyes widened in shock.

"What? but... ma'am..."

"No buts, House Evius. Each students from my class who came from that house were often failed. This will be the same with the new student. If you can't call your dragon, there's no need for you to take my class" she said. 

"No. I won't give up" even though I said it with confidence, I still don't know what to do. 

'Please, just come to my plea. Come on. I don't want to fail this subject. I never failed any subject since the day I held books.' 

I tried to call my dragon multiple times. 

"2minutes left, House Evius" my professor warned. 

"1 minute left" she continued. 

whaaatt? Why time fly so fast? 

As I kept blowing the horn that was said to be able to call a dragon, which I failed again, I suddenly remember some words of my father.

Father is humming a song for me to sleep when I was a little child. 

"Remember this song, Scarlet. This is a song for dragon. Sing it with all of your heart, and a mighty dragon that will hear this song from you, will become your own dragon" 

I started to sing the first verse

Oh, mighty dragon, I am calling you,

From mountains high and skies so blue,

With wings of fire and heart so true,

Will you fly with me, the dawn anew?

"What is she doing?" I heard students murmur.

This song is my last resort. As I am the only one who doesn't have a dragon yet. I think no dragons is answering my call as I have no mana or magic at all.


Come with me, let's soar the sky,

Through the stars and moon we'll fly,

On winds of flame, our spirits free,

Oh, mighty dragon, come with me!

"Time's up, House Evius. I'll mark your attendance as failed. No need to come to this house anymore. I'll give you an activity for you to study alone" she said. 

So, that's maybe it, Addie and the others might failed that's why they all do is to self study in our House.

Suddenly, we hear a rumbles through the air like distant thunder. 

"What is that?" one of the students, asked.

"Is it going to rain?" student with a brown hair said.

"Is that thunder?" the girl with the blond hair asks

"But it's different sound from thunder" I heard one said. 

"That sound..." I hear our professor mumble. 

"Mortal, your song has reached the winds, and I have heard your call. Few are bold enough to summon one of my kind... yet you seek adventure?"

huh? where is that voice came from? 

I look around but I see no one is talking to me. 

A low, rumbling chuckle vibrates the ground.

"You ask if I will come. I have soared the skies long before your world knew fire. I have seen empires rise and fall, mountains crumble into dust. Tell me, mortal, what quest dares invite a dragon such as I?"

Wait.... these replies... I heard from before.

"Scarlet, when the time comes, and you need your dragon. It will hear your call once he knew that you're ready enough to tame her. Your dragon will come to you once she feel your sincerity and your needs" My father's words flashbacked to my head.

I look around, looking for the dragon. 

"I need you, I need a dragon for me to pass this subject. Please, help me" I replied through my mind. 

"A subject, you say? So, calling a dragon is part of human's assessment to pass nowadays?" 

"No. But, I am calling a dragon made out of magic. And I am having a hard time as no dragons that made with magic is answering my call. Wait, are you a real dragon?" 

"Ahh, so humans made a replica of us for the assessment. Tell me human, do you really need me?" 

"Yes, I need you."

"Okay then, I'll come to you" 

I heard the other students' gasp. Even my professor.

"W-who called a real dragon?" she asks. 

A dragon appeared in front of us. Its scales were a soft, iridescent blue, glinting under the classroom lights. Its round golden eyes blinked up at me, a mixture of curiosity and innocence. It couldn't have been taller than my desk, and when it let out a puff of smoke, it was more of a hiccup than a fearsome roar.

I blinked, still processing what had just happened. The intense rumble I'd felt moments before had stopped, and instead of the towering, majestic creature I had imagined, there stood a small, baby dragon.

The students, who had gasped in fear before, now murmured in surprise. The professor, still holding onto the edge of her desk for support, looked at the baby dragon in disbelief. "A real dragon... but a baby?"

Then I heard the whole class, laughing.

"Nice one, House Evius. You indeed call a dragon. A real dragon, but a baby one" One of the students teased. and all of them laughed. 

I lower my head because of the embarrassment. Isn't this one better than the magic made dragon?

"Quiet!" The professor snapped. "Either you summoned a magic-made dragon, a real huge dragon or a baby one, I still consider your attendance as passed. Congratulation, House Evius" the professor said. 

"Just a piece of luck" I heard one of the student commented.

"Okay, since everyone of you has a dragon you summoned. Let's start the first lesson"