H.I.S. 08

The bell in the tower rang, signaling the end of the lesson.

"Alright, that's it for today. Next time, you'll be riding your dragons. Class dismissed," the professor announced, her voice clear but distant.

Oddly enough, she hadn't even introduced herself to us the entire class.

As my classmates began to leave the open ground where we'd been having our outdoor lesson, the professor called out again, "House Evius, stay behind for a moment."

I glanced around and noticed that everyone is leaving. 

First day of class is supposed to be a great day to introduce yourself and meeting new friends. But this isn't what I expected. The professor didn't gave us time to introduced ourselves one by one. And she call me with the name of our house rather than my family name, my name, or at least call me lady. 

As soon as the field cleared and all the other students had left, she began speaking.

"You're the first student in the history of the Villainess Academy to summon a real dragon. Most students who manage to summon and tame a dragon only do so before graduation, typically at the senior level. But you—" she paused, eyeing me with a mix of astonishment and pride, "—you summoned one as a freshman."

"But it's just a baby dragon, ma'am," I pointed out.

"Still, it's a real dragon," she said firmly. "I'll speak with the Headmistress about this. Since you're the first to summon a true dragon, we don't exactly have accommodations for one. We'll need to decide what to do."

Human, I can return to my realm.

I heard the dragon's voice in my mind.

"Uh, ma'am," I began hesitantly, "she says she can go back to her realm."

"Wouldn't that be a hassle?" the professor asked, raising an eyebrow.

I can fly. I came here from our realm on my own.

I repeated the dragon's words to my professor.

"That won't work," the professor said, shaking her head. "If anyone sees a dragon flying through the skies, it could be attacked and sold on the black market. It's safer for the dragon to stay here with you. Besides, your future training with me, in the house of Sabreblade, which we train swordswoman or knight of the empire, you will require a dragon companion."

I understand what she wanted to convey. But, will it be okay to the dragon?

'Will you be fine staying here?' I asked the dragon. 


I then gave the professor a signal that the dragon will stay here but...

"Where will she stay?" I asks.

"For now, you can leave her here in the training grounds," the professor replied thoughtfully. "After I've spoken with the headmistress, she'll be moved to a better place. Don't worry, tomorrow, she'll have more suitable accommodations."

I glanced at the dragon again. Her eyes, glowing faintly in the evening light, showed no sign of discomfort. But still, leaving her out in the open didn't feel right.

"Will she really be okay here?" I pressed.

The professor nodded. "We'll set up protective wards, just in case. No one will be able to get near her without permission. Besides, dragons are resilient. She'll be fine."

I hesitated, then nodded. "Alright."

She dismissed me after that.

"You were so cool out there!" a voice chirped, and I jumped slightly as a person appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"Uh… thank you," I said shyly, feeling my cheeks warm.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Micah," she said brightly, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Scarlet," I replied, taking her hand, her enthusiasm almost contagious.

Micah grinned, eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I've never seen anyone who can call a dragon like that before. How did you do it? Is it some kind of magic or…?" She trailed off, clearly eager for details.

I hesitated, unsure how much I should share. "It's… not exactly magic. I don't have that kind of ability. It's more like a connection we have."

"Whoa." Micah's eyes widened. "That sounds amazing! I wish I had a bond like that with a creature. Dragons are so rare, too. You must be special."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I shrugged. "I don't think I am special. As you heard earlier, I am from house Evius. We don't have something special." I said.

"Hey, don't say that." Micah's tone was firm but friendly. "The fact that you called a real dragon makes you special. And plus, being from House Evius? That just makes it even more impressive. No one would expect you to do something like that."

I smiled, her words making me feel a little lighter. It was strange. How someone I just met someone who could make me feel seen in a way.

"And you've got a cute smile too," she added with a wink.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Alright, alright."

"Anyway," she said, changing the subject, "where are you off to now? Heading back to your dorm?"

"Nope. I've still got another class," I said, glancing at the sun dipping lower on the horizon. "And… I think I might be late."

Micah gasped dramatically. "Late on your first day because of some dragon-bonding? Scandalous."

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I really have to go. See you around, Micah!" I turned to leave, but not before catching the mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Hurry up, or they'll think you've been eaten by that dragon of yours!" she said. I chuckled

I waved back, already rushing toward my next class, hoping I wouldn't get in too much trouble. 

As soon as I came to my next class, the professor is calling out our attendance. 

I sneakily went inside. My next class is House Krustullos. In this house, it's all about magic. Another house which I don't posses their ability.

"You're late" I heard the professor said. I thought I am successful in sneaking in to her class. But looks like... magicians are hard to fool.

"As your punishment, you will clean up all mess here in the class before you go home" she said.