H.I.S. 10

"I want you all to stand up," the professor instructed, signaling us to rise. "Pair up with the person sitting beside you. They will be your partner for this exercise."

I glanced to my left. Jenna was already pairing up with Sera, the two of them exchanging knowing looks. I turned to my right, and there she was the girl who would be my partner. She had curly, short hair that framed her face, and freckles dusted across her cheeks like a constellation. 

"Face your partner," the professor continued.

We awkwardly turned to face each other, neither of us speaking. Her eyes flickered with curiosity, or maybe it was hesitation. I wasn't sure. Before I could say anything, the professor's next instruction caught me off guard.

"And now, I want you to stare at each other's face and look for your partner's flaws," she said, her voice sharp and almost playful, as if this were some sort of game.