Jay’s Question

Sitting on his new bed, in his new room, in his new house (one that only he can dream of), he's grateful towards Jay for providing all this to his family and from the odd memory here and there from the show, he knows Jay is a good guy but he can't help but feel all these mixed emotions. And it all started this morning..

"Adrian, Manny, I want to talk to you guys about something." Jay approaches his girlfriend's sons as they lounge on the couch.

"What's up Jay?" Manny asks first, Adrian just gives him a questioning look.

Jay scratches the back of his head and looks around.

"If you're looking for Mum, she's out shopping for new pillows." Manny says, beginning to turn back to the TV.

Adrian sensing something is wrong asks, "is there something wrong?" A small part of him panicking, 'does Jay want to kick them out? Is his existence causing a problem?'

"No- nothing is wrong, it's just, I want to talk to you boys about something… serious." Jay answers, sitting down on the dining table and gesturing them to join him.

They immediately turn off the tv and sit opposite of him, shooting worried looks towards each other.

"You see boys.." Jay begins, reaching for something in his pocket, "I'm plan on proposing to your mother soon", he places a small box on the table and opening it, revealing a ring. "I picked this out the other day, and- I just know she's the one. What I wanted to ask you two is, will you give me the honour of being your mother's husband." He looks at each of them in the eyes, serious.

Manny speaks first, eager, "of course Jay! Mum feels the same way towards you. You have my blessing."

Jay nods, then turns to Adrian.

"… yeah sure, mum loves you." Adrian forces a smile, pushing the weird feeling in his chest down.

Jay smiles, "thank you. Tonight- no this Saturday, I plan on taking us all out to a nice dinner and when I give you to cue Manny, you hand me the ring okay? I'll put it here in the cabinet for now"

That night while the family was watching TV, Adrian notices Manny shooting nervous looks at Gloria and even more nervous looks at the ring hidden in the cabinet. Adrien feels a sense of foreboding.

"Hey Manny hand me that thing" Jay says gesturing his hands widely, eyes glued to the TV.

Instead of approaching the remote, Manny stands stiffly and goes to get the ring. As he gently lifts the box from underneath the books, Adrian pulls the ring out of his hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" Adrian hisses.

"Jay said to get the…" Manny whispers with wide eyes, he's never seen Adrian so mad.

"He meant the remote you idiot- you almost ruined mum's proposal"


"What are you boys doing over there?" Gloria asks, turning around from the couch. Jay upon noticing their location and seeing the cabinet open was panicking.

"Nothing mama" Adrian replies with a smile, hiding the box in the pocket of his hoodie, then shoving Manny out of his daze.

"Yeah we were just-" Manny says darting his eyes around.

"Oh come on Manny, it's so obvious now, let's just tell them" Adrian says in resignation.

"Wha" "huh" Manny and Gloria both said.

"Manny has some girl issues and he was embarrassed to talk to you guys about it." Adrian says.

"I don-" Before Manny could speak, Adrian gives him a harsh squeeze on the shoulder. "Ah yeah.. I'm sorry mum"

"That's okay papi, I'm here for you okay?"

"Thank you mum"

Manny and Jay both sigh in relief.

*knock knock*

Adrian startles from his position on the bed turning towards the door, "come in"

The door creaks open revealing Jay. Shuffling awkwardly in the room Jay lingers for a bit, scratching the back of his head and looking frustrated. "I just wanted to ask, are you against my marriage with your mum?"

Adrian's eyes widen, "wha- no, I'm happy for you really." He says fiddling his fingers.

"Okay good." Jay replies, beginning to leave the room, but as he gets to the door, he scratches the back of his head more aggressively and, "ah dammit!" He moves to sit next to Adrian, who watches in confusion. "I know you've got something against me, spill."

"… there's nothing though?"

"Are you really sure?" Jay asks maintaining eye contact, only for Adrian to duck his head. Jay sighs, "Listen kid, I understand if you don't want an old white man like me to be your step father-"

"It's not that" Adrian cuts in. Does he really want to open up to Jay in a moment like this? He looks up at the man, the man who turned out to be an amazing father to Manny. With his stomach twisted in a big knot, he quickly scrambled out, "idontwantobereplaced"

"Slow down, I've got old man ears," Jay grins.

"I.. I don't want to be replaced." Adrian finally lets out, his face red.

"Mm.. I see." Jay says, scratching his chin. "Why do you feel like you're gonna be replaced?"

".. it's always been Mum, Manny and I and it's my job to take care of them, but if… if you're here now then… where would I go?" Adrian furiously rubs the tears out of his eyes.

"It's simple, you stay right here with them. Just because I'm here to take care of Gloria and Manny, doesn't mean your job as the eldest son is gone. It means you'll have someone to help you. When you're away I'm there and if I'm away you're there. Ah dammit I'm not good with words- what I'm trying to say is-"

"It's okay, I know what you mean, thank you Jay. It might take me a while to get used to it though. And I'm really happy for you and my mum, you have my blessing."

"Well you'll have all the time in the world, I'm here to stay after all."

Adrian gives him a grin which Jay returns. Standing up, Jay stretches his back and glances on top of Adrian's desk.

"You're into cars?"

"Ah yeah, they're pretty cool."

"You should come by the garage, I can show you a few tricks."

"That'll be nice, thanks."

Jay smiles, hand reaching over towards Adrian head, only to pause then retract.

Lying on his bed now, Adrian absently flips the pages on his comic book. With a lighter burden now he grins, excited for this new life.

*knock, knock, knock*

"Again?" Adrian mutters. "Come in!"

A small head peeks into the room.

"Manny? What are you doing come in"

"Adrian… are you still mad at me?"

Adrian sighs. "I'm not mad at you Chip, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. I was worried you'll ruin mum's proposal." Like in the show goes unsaid.

"I'm sorry.." Manny mumbles. "I've also got a confession to make.. I know I told Jay I gave him my blessing but I don't want them to get married."

"Why's that?"

"What about dad?"

"What of him?" Adrian asks, frowning.

"If mum gets married to Jay then mum and dad can't get back together."

"Manny that's a really selfish thing to say."

"I know you don't like dad Rian but-"

"What about mum? Mum chose Jay Manny. She left dad for a reason and just because you want dad to stay with us doesn't mean you can throw away mum's happiness. You're being extremely selfish."

"What about dad's happiness?"

"Woah, dad was the one that left us first, but you were too young to remember. Even now he continues to be absent. Maybe think about the one that really cares about us?"

"You- you're stupid- I hate you!" Manny screams storming out of the room.