
"Boys we're going to move you two into a new school for the coming term." Gloria asks as she dropped pancakes on each of their plates.

"Okay" "sure"

"That easy? I thought you would be more against it"

"I mean, driving to school every day is almost a full hour round trip so it makes sense for us to go somewhere closer." Adrian says squeezing the maple syrup until it formed a thick layer on top, then he grabbed a handful of fruit and chucked it on.

"Would we be going to Luke's school?" Manny asks, carefully layering the fruit onto the side of the pancake.

"Yes papi you will be attending Luke's school while Rian will be attending the middle school Haley and Alex goes to. Now that that conversation is over. Spill, why are you two fighting."

"We're not fighting" Adrian says with his mouth full. Manny just looks guilty.

"Then I'm not your mother. Spill."

"Its nothing mama." Adrian says giving Manny a don't you dare look.

Gloria says nothing, only giving her youngest an intense stare.

"We have different opinions regarding a certain issue." Manny finally says.

"Manny!" Adrian screeches.

"Rian shush. Manny go on."


Adrian pushes his face into his palms with a sigh. "Mum what Manny is just-"

"Rian what is your opinion on this?" Gloria asks calmly.

"I just want you to be happy."

"Okay." Gloria nods. "Rian go to your room, I want to have a talk with your little brother."

Adrian nods stiffly, giving a finally glance to Manny he walks up the stairs to his room. From his position he can see Gloria moving to sit next to Manny who is crying now.


Adrian looks up from his book. Standing at his door is a tired Gloria and a sniffling Manny.

"I'm sorry Rian. I see that I'm being selfish now, you and mum are much more important to me." Manny says rushing to give Adrian a hug.

Adrian returns the hug and Manny goes back to his room, Gloria still lingering at the door.

"Come here papi" Gloria says opening her arms. Adrian immediately going into her arms and giving her a tight squeeze. "I know you care for our family so much papi, thank you for looking out for everyone." She says while petting Adrian's head. "This new change may be scary, but I'm here for you okay?"

Adrian nods in her embrace.

Saturday came quick and the family all dressed nicely sat in the fancy dining chair as the diamond chandelier atop of them glimmered.

The boys all look at each other nervously knowing what is coming soon. Gloria excuses herself to the bathroom and Jay quickly asks Manny.

"You got the thing right?"

"Yup! It's right here… in my…" Manny pats down his jacket hurriedly. And turns to Jay with a horrified look. "It's gone! I lost the ring?"

"What?!" Jay whisper screams. "Where did you leave it last?"

"It was in my pocket before we left- I don't know Jay I'm so sorry"

"What are you sorry about?" Gloria asks, returning from the bathroom.

"Manny was borrowing one of Jay's watches" Adrian says before the two could make up an excuse. "He says he lost it."

"But there's a watch already on his wrist." Gloria says sceptically.

"I meant a pocket watch."

"Jay please don't blame Manny too much" Gloria turns to Jay.

"That's okay Gloria, the pocket watch was quite important to me but, it'll be okay." Jay replies. Manny lowers his head guilty.

Dinner ended with a strange tension. And the family departed to go home. As they were driving Manny noticed a familiar red box on the seat.

"Jay! I found the pocket watch!" Manny says excitedly.

"Ayy that's good Jay, show me Manny"


"Wait until we get home Gloria." Jay cuts in and in that moment the car gives a rattling sound and stops. "Dammit!" Jay curses.

They exit the car and the back is steaming.

"This night is going all wrong." Jay mutters and angrily kicks the tire.

"Jay." Adrian whispers, glancing over at Gloria and Manny whose standing to the side now. "Do you want to do the proposal here."


"Yeah, the night sky, the beautiful city skyline. And I know a way to make your earlier plan work" Adrian winks.

"No, let's just try another time." Jay dismisses, pulling out the phone to call someone.

They return to Gloria and Manny.

"I just called the tow truck and they'll be here in 15." Jay says, noticing Gloria shiver he takes off his jacket and covers her.

"Thank you Jay."

"I'm sorry Gloria, tonight isn't turning out to be as good as what I wanted."

"What do you mean Jay? Tonight has been perfect. In Columbia the cars break down all the time, this is normal."


"Yes, just being with you makes the night perfect." Gloria smiles while looking up at the stars. Jay stares at her in wonder then makes eye contact with Adrian who gives him a knowing look, he nods.

"Jay I have a Kopiko candy in my pocket, do you want one?" Adrian asks lifting a small coffee candy wrapper.

"No thank you, coffee keeps me up." Jay says giving a subtle look towards Manny who widen his eye and breaks out into a beaming smile, "Lately I've been loving my dreams and there's one in particular I hope comes true.."

Manny takes that moment to procure a small red box from his suit jacket and gently places it into Jay's palm. Gloria watching this exchange with wide eyes.

Jay kneels down, looking at Gloria with love in his eyes, "Gloria, will you Marry me?"

Gloria bursts out into tears, "Yes Jay, yes I marry you!" She screams jumping up and into Jay's arms. He gladly hugs her back and they take a small moment to put on the new engagement ring.

The couple then turns to the two boys and open their arms. Manny and Adrian both hurried into their embrace.

"This is the one of the happiest day in my life" Gloria declares.

When the tow truck arrives Gloira happily announces to the men "this is my fiance! We got engaged tonight" and Jay just gives her an indulgent smile.

"So was the pocket watch an excuse?" Gloria asks later on.

"Yeah," Adrian answers, "Jay was planning on proposing in the restaurant but Manny lost the ring."

"I said I'm sorry" Manny whines.

"It's a good thing you found it" Jay chimes in, "you would of lost me 50k!"

""What?!"" Both boys screamed.

"Mama make sure you don't lose it!" Adrian says seriously. "Like someone…"

"I said I'm sorryyy…"

Jay laughs. He's happy with his new family, his two new sons and gorgeous wife.