Mastering Possession Magic: {Part - 2}

It has been more than six hours since Remirg had started practicing. During the whole process, never once did it come to his mind to drop off his training and take a small break. For him, it was not a time to rest.

Even though the option was available to him to terminate training for a brief period and return to Sebras, he decided the opposite.

Even though the island was magically replenishing his nourishment needs and exempting him of the need of food while he trained, it all depended upon his willpower whether he should continue his training or not. And continue he did.

His hands were now magically levitating the golden pot, about a few feet above the air from the stand. He could now do it easily for a maximum of three minutes. After that, the extreme concentration would take a toll over his prana control, affecting his physical concentration, making his hands waver.

And that.... was a bottleneck that Remirg Kryptos required to overcome. In order to completely master basic Possession magic Level - 1, he needed to maintain his calm for two more minutes.

And that was a phenomenal task in itself. In the six hours of continuous training, he somehow managed to extend the time period for three minutes.

But for more than an hour and a half of trying, he could not extend it more than that. His prana simply wasn't allowing him to keep going more than that.

Mentally exhausted, Remirg dropped down, making himself comfortable on the warm marble floor, bathed in sunlight. Sighing quite audibly, he rested his fair cheeks on his palm, trying to figure a way out of such a nasty bottleneck.

Thinking back to review all of his training up until now, he could see that the magical core inside his chest was starting to spin faster. Gradually, its angular velocity was increasing.

The magical core was simply adapting to his rigorous use of magic, but simply denied doing so after a certain limit.

And that was what Remirg was brainstorming.

Remirg deduced that his magical core was resonating to his current physical requirements, hitting a temporary wall in its expansion.

If he tried to force it to expand with his current physical build, it may have a fatal on him, possibly resulting in his death. 

In order to increase the time period, he had to think of a second way. Something which overpowered the certain loophole of magical core expansion. 

Mark, meanwhile, was in a state of curiousness. Something her seemed to be a bit off. The event occurring now was not something he had originally planned in his novel.

According to him, Remirg should not have encountered a bottleneck while mastering basic possession spell, level 1. Instead, he was supposed to encounter one while training with basic possession magic level 2.

"This event is radically different from what I originally wrote. This is not supposed to happen. The &&&&& beings are doing something fishy with the scenario. This can lead to serious complications in the future storyline. Though still, the fluctuation in events is in an embryonic state, I have to keep a check on this."

Remirg, on the other hand, had already got his answer. An alternate way, much like a gamble. It was an entirely a win-win or lose-lose situation. If he managed to do it right, he would succeed, but if anything goes wrong, the consequences will be severe.

Jolting around his neck once to the right, he took a deep breath. Bracing himself.

Picking himself up from the ground, he stemmed his nervousness to the maximum point.

Extending his hands towards other pot, the one on the left, he raised his other hand to point towards the one he had been previously working on.

Transferring his prana particles to the pot on the left, he simultaneously unleashed another stream of prana particles to the pot on the another.

"If this doesn't work, nothing else will."

Increasing the prana density in his palms, he unleashed more prana than required into the pots. Up to the point that they could be potentially blasted away.

But to his utter surprise, that wasn't the case.

Instead, the stream of prana particles strangely extended out of the rear end of the pots, connecting them to each other.

The stream had formed an unwavering loop of prana between Remirg and the pots, surrendering complete control of both the pots to him.

Producing a hint of a grin on his face, Remirg knew that his plan had succeeded. His deduction proved to be correct.

"If I could not control one pot with my prana itself, I'll use the prana of other objects around me to do my job.

If it would have gone wrong, my prana would suffer serious impacts as the world energy may have not been compatible with my innate prana, residing inside my body.

As I now know that this succeeds, I can now temporarily manipulate the world energy around me, technically receiving infinite prana for a while. Though I'm still an amateur in its use...."

With a clear throat, Remirg Kryptos cried out the spell,

"Shisu Kannas!"

The effect was immediate. 

The pot instantly sprang out of its place and started to hover in the air as the prana enveloped around it, allowing its prana to be connected with the one of Remirg's.

Now what Remirg could do was nothing but wait, maintaining the effect of the spell for a full duration of five minutes.

Though this time, something felt different. He was taking on a lot less strain and was able to concentrate much better than his previous attempts. His mind had cleared out allowing him to be able to think better.

He could see his victory coming.

And it was not long before the five minutes were over. 

Remirg, who produced a wide grin on his achievement, lowered the pots, carefully releasing the pots from his prana. 

He had done it. After hours of training, he had finally done it.

He had mastered the basic Possession spell level 1. 

Even though his physical capabilities were not enough to cast it free-handedly, he somehow managed to do it. And that, was when the Simulator popped out the notification.