Bonus Chapter: The Other Side {Part - 2}

Gelacian Kryptos was already on his move. 

The rest has been short and passed on without any incident.

Taking that fact, it still effectively was dark. Darker than usual due to the absence of the moon. Certainly, it was the fourteenth day of the month. Gelacian Kryptos since, has been tracking through the fringes of the plain, following the traces left by the Sicron, with great care.

The creature, as he had expected, was not as smart as seemed to be. 

Prana presence could easily demarcate the trail of reminiscent prana left by its short detour, looking for easy prey in the stormy night. Though on the contrary, it met a mage powerful enough to obliterate it from existence.

A brutal end it met.

Traveling for almost ten minutes, Gelacian could now see the trail leading to an opening to a large cave jutting out right in front of a gigantic cliff.

Quite a convenient place for a hive.