The Other Side's Change {Part - 2}

The Siphus started to disintegrate away.

As the lifeless head of the Siphus rolled for a moment on the floor and then vanished away into the vastness of the void, taking away with itself its illusory form, Gelacian Kryptos clicked his tongue, in utter disappointment.

The Siphus had got the better on him.

But now was not the time to repent mistakes.

Closing his eyes, he activated prana presence to its fullest, extending his reach to an unimaginable distance, though heavily clouded with the Siphus's deception, as thick clouds disallowed his vision to penetrate through a distance of a few meters.

It was clear that its magic was not something supposed to be ignored. Siphy have, in particular the new ones, have been reported with extremely strong magical cores, especially the prana core.