The Unreligious Temple {Part - 1}

As the strange man was edging a way from hi, slowly vanishing away into the nothingness to the point when he was visible no more, Remirg himself could feel the disturbances posed to him by the strange space.

He could literally see ripples forming in the very black surface of the Intersection, harmonically moving up and down, their amplitude increasing minute by minute with each passing second.

Apparently, to him, it felt like the whole of the space was crumbling, which to a strange hypothesis which came to his mind was that the space was no longer stable enough to hold their conversation any longer and the strange man knew of that fact.

But what worried him the most was his very own existence. He still had recover from the grievous and pitiful injuries he had sustained from the earlier fight and he didn't knew how much his body had evolved to keep up with the kind of injuries he was inflicted with.