Remirg watched in utter silence as the gates flung open away from him, granting him entrance into the great cathedral, the whole of his figure enveloped in white light. Upon close inspection with Prana presence, Remirg could see that the white light was nothing but a visual outburst of prana.
It was supposed to be triggered whenever the gates to the cathedral had opened. A simple trick to add to the grandeur of the large temple. Surely, the architect of the great building must have had quite a sense of humor.
Remirg waited a minute for the light to die down, making the outside world return to its state of monotonous grey and gloominess, surrounded by the silvery grey thick mist.
His prana had been significantly rejuvenated and was about nine-tenth filled to the plinth of its full capacitance. Remirg's body was slowly returning to its original state, though with an arm less. He had to do something about it anyway, but later.