Return of the Greatest.

"When the people spoke of hope, they whispered his name, but he knew the truth. He wasn't their last hope, he was the last one who believed in what they had once hoped for.

— Memorial of the Fallen, Imperial graveyard.

In this world, power was not given, but earned. From the moment one awakened, the System locked their potential in a web of milestones. These milestones marked not just growth but access to knowledge so rare and coveted that only a handful of individuals had ever truly mastered it.

Astoria Military Academy was the pinnacle of this pursuit. Nestled in the heart of the Imperium, it wasn't just a school it was a crucible. Every cadet that entered its towering gates knew they had one goal, to rise through the ranks, mastering the art of war and, more importantly, the System. The academy was legendary, producing commanders, tacticians, and warriors who shaped the course of history. But here, the battles were not only fought with swords and strategy they were fought for points.

At Level 25, a significant milestone is reached, the gates to the Royal Library would crack open, and the Mortal Books, though simple, would present themselves. These books contained foundational skills easy to absorb and learn but crucial to survival. One could learn to harness basic combat techniques or minor magic, but no one would gain mastery over anything formidable at this stage.

But the most powerful knowledge was locked away at the peak of the system: Level 100. The Divine Books, sources of legendary power, lay sealed under layers of protection and mystery. Only a few individuals had ever reached this pinnacle, and even fewer had successfully absorbed and learned the knowledge hidden within. The Divine Books were said to hold the very essence of creation, teaching skills that could reshape reality, control life and death, or even manipulate time itself. 

For most, the road to such mastery was long and perilous. But for those who caught the eye of the Emperor himself, there was hope. A Royal Decree could grant immediate access to the library's shelfs, bypassing the restrictions of the System. It was a privilege reserved for those the Emperor deemed worthy, whether for their loyalty, potential, or service to the Imperium. With a single order, a person could stand before the great shelves of the Royal Library and choose their fate.

The quest for power, however, was more than just reaching a Level, it was a trial of mind, body, and soul. 

In a world, one person stood out, Vallen Casuss. At Astoria Military Academy, where strength was everything, he was an anomaly. While others tirelessly worked, Vallen preferred a different path.

Lounged back in his oversized chair, one leg draped over the armrest, a cloud of smoke curling lazily from his lips. His office, if you could call it that, was a maze of papers, maps, and trash, the chaos reflecting his approach to everything relaxed, unbothered, as if the Academy was just a game he could afford to play half heartedly.

His office was completely engulfed in smoke when footsteps from the hallway began to echo, growing louder. With a deep sigh, he stubbed out his cigarette and walked to the window to let in a bit of fresh air, but it was as if he were a vampire when the sunlight hit his eyes, he immediately pulled the blinds shut.

 At that moment, the door swung open, and a girl entered.

Hands on her hips, her head tilted slightly as she looked angrily straight into Vallen's tired eyes. "Did you finish the expense report?" she asked, and Vallen, instead of hurrying, lit another cigarette slowly, as if he were just trying to stall for time. 

"No." He exhaled the smoke directly in her face.

"Vallen!" She yelled. "Since the summer break, you've done nothing but sit here and smoke that poison. Not to mention your office looks like a dump!" She gestured toward the half eaten sandwiches and empty bottles.

"I'm just a colonel. The expense report is for the division general, not me." 

She was about to explode from anger until the sound of trumpets and drums filled the air when the ceremony had begun.

 "You have to attend Vallen." She slammed the door so hard on her way out that a stack of documents on the desk collapsed.

With a deep sigh, he stood up and pulled back the dark curtains. A large crowd of new students stood below, as stiff as soldiers already, while their parents watched proudly at least those who had parents.

Putting on his uniform, Vallen took one last look in the mirror, where he saw what could only be described as a zombie staring back at him. Dark circles under his eyes, disheveled hair, he looked utterly exhausted. Before leaving, he paused in the doorway, glancing back at his sword on the wall before muttering, "I'm off."

Vallen's uniform was anything but decorated there were no medals, no aiguillettes, and even his rank insignia had been removed, as if he were a cadet himself. The only thing he carried with him were his white gloves and the cigarette dangling from his mouth, which he immediately lit as soon as he stepped outside.

He should have been standing on the stage with his senior officers and superiors, but instead, he found his place among the professors.

"Colonel, in the sunlight, you almost look alive." The person sitting next to him commented.

"Professor Shern, please don't call me by my rank." He replied, his dark eyes fixed on the beautiful professor beside him. "And maybe you shouldn't show off those gorgeous breasts of yours like that. Someone might call you a whore again."

Those sitting around them turned in shock at Vallen's words.

"I've told you before, use my first name, let me hear you say it." She teased, leaning closer, her chest brushing his shoulder. But Vallen, unimpressed, merely took another drag of his cigarette, showing no interest despite being near such a beautiful woman.

"Stop harassing the Colonel, Shern." Said another professor, taking a seat behind them.

She turned around, forming a heart shape with her hands. "Don't be jealous" She said, snuggling closer to Vallen, much to the intrigue of everyone around them, who seemed more interested in this interaction than the ceremony itself.

"Professor Shern, while you're busy sexually harassing me, I'm having a staring contest with General Dracon, whose veins look like they're about to pop." Vallen commented dryly, puffing more smoke into the air.

And it was true General Dracon, standing on the stage, had immediately noticed Vallen, surprised that he even showed up. But the moment he saw a professor clinging to him, any joy on his face quickly disappeared.

As the situation calmed down and everyone refocused on the ceremony, the principal of the academy stood up to give a speech. But it was less a speech and more of a ninety minute seminar, filled with information everyone already knew.

 Vallen, who had been sleeping with his eyes open until General Dracon woke him.

"Vallen, they've already started packing up, and you're still here napping like a cat."

"General Dracon, what a pleasure to see you." Vallen stretched lazily.

"I have a request no, an order for you," Dracon said, his gaze locking with Vallen's as if he were staring at a corpse. " I want you to take cadet under your wing."

"Impossible." Vallen stood up, now visibly irritated.


"Caius, Darnell, Lily, Anna, Roman." Vallen muttered, his gaze lowering to the ground as he pulled his cap over his eyes. "But you know their names too, General."

"Vallen!" Dracon shouted.. "Don't think I've forgotten they cross my mind every day. But don't forget you have a duty!"

Vallen paused for a moment, his eyes fixed on the sky, reaching out as if trying to touch something. 

"Fine, Dracon." Vallen turned around "But I want my right to duel. Give it back."

His gaze was sharp and piercing, he looked exactly like that day. Dracon felt a surge of fire in his chest, realizing he was gripping his sword. " I'll try to negotiate it."

Vallen walked away, smiling, while the General stood paralyzed by fear, still gripping his sword, long after he had gone.

"General?" Came Liora's voice from behind, startling him. "Sorry, sir, I didn't mean to scare you." She bowed.

"It's fine, Liora."

"I saw Vallen here earlier. He seemed tense. Did something happen, if I may ask?"

"We agreed that he would get his right to duel back."

Liora stood with her mouth agape, as if her brain had short circuited, then came the sudden realization and panic.

"General, but then—"

"Don't worry, he'll be bound by rules. Everything will be fine. But I must admit, for a moment, he was terrifying." He looked at his hand, still trembling with anxiety.

Liora quickly said goodbye and rushed back to Vallen's office, where she literally barged in through the door. Vallen was in the middle of "cleaning" the office, or rather, tossing trash from one corner to the other.

"General Dracon told me." She said, standing there with wide open eyes.


"Okay?! Do you understand the huge imbalance this will cause if you get your dueling right back?"

"Liora, it's alright."

"Vallen, how many people do you think will challenge you?!" Liora, now visibly anxious, began pacing, clenching her fists.

Still lying on the floor, Vallen lit a cigarette, which Liora promptly kicked out of his mouth with surgical precision. In response, Vallen grabbed Liora's leg, causing her to fall, and a wrestling match began.

Meanwhile, General Dracon sat quietly and tensely in the Academy Council, where nearly everyone was pondering what might come of this situation.

"What if we just go through with it and give him his rights back?" The principal asked.

"Well, sir, we would disturb the balance between the divisions." Reinhardt pointed out.

"I don't understand." Said one of the newly arrived Generals. "What's so terrifying? He's just a kid who's been here for four years but has never participated in a duel and he has the lowest Level in the whole academy.

The room fell suddenly silent, and everyone looked at the Principal.

"Well, we owe you an explanation since you're new, and you couldn't know, so let me allow General Dracon to explain." Said, passing the responsibility on.

"Thank you, Leon. General Ödgür, let me explain why we are so concerned about Vallen." He began, wiping his sweaty forehead. "Well, back in the day, Vallen was an outstanding cadet and a true leader who won as a Division Commander eight times in a row." He said, staring into Ödgür's eyes. "But there was one problem, Vallen forfeited every duel. That's one reason why his Level is zero. Then the war broke out with the Republic, and Vallen, along with five of his officers, was requested by the army. I won't go into details, I'll just say that he survived Hague." Ödgür, who had been standing, sat down in shock." When he returned to the academy, no one recognized him anymore. His eyes were empty, and he isolated himself. The only person he spoke to was Liora. Then, one day—"

"No." Interrupted Reinhardt. "The date was December 4, 839, the day when Liora was attacked and almost ra–"

"Don't say it." Stood up the Principal. "There's no need to say it aloud. It's enough to know that Vallen killed six students that day and wounded General Dracon and General Reinhardt." 

"Unfathomably beautiful and beyond human comprehension." General Yemena, the only female general, joined in.. "This is how I can describe when I saw him that day. Colonel Vallen mastered the Divine category Yin and Yang."

The silence grew heavier than before, except for Ödgür, who laughed at what he had just heard. But when he saw everyone's serious faces, he couldn't grasp it. 

"That's impossible. There are only three people in the entire Imperium who have ever managed to even open one a Divine category book."

"Not true," The principal spoke again. "There are five. Three of them are the Emperor's guards, the fourth is General Dracon, and the fifth is Colonel Vallen."

Ödgür was utterly lost, and understandably so, given the weight of the information and just looked straight in General Dracon eyes

"Let's pause for a moment with all of this." Ödgür stood up again. "As far as I know, there is a barrier which limits the usage of any Skill."

"Yin and Yang, is a bit different than we imagined. Vallen suppressed his emotions regarding everything that happened in Hague, and in the end, darkness won."

"So, we are afraid he might lose control again?"

"Well, his power has fused with his sword, that is why he isn't allowed to wield it. Aside from that, the other major problem is his advantage. He's a genius, a born leader with incredible strategic and tactical insight." Sighed the Principal.

"What if we forced him to Level up?" Ödgür suggested, but seemingly no one understood what he meant. "His Level is zero, what if he had to earn points from a different approach, say, being a mentor or something like that.

"What's the point of that?" Yemena asked.

"There's a Divine book in the Royal Library called 'The Balance of Life,' which would allow him to fully control the power. Based on what's been said, he really is a miracle, and losing him wouldn't be ideal, especially if he dies due the curse."

"Curse?" The principal asked, confused.

"Well, most Divine books either kill you upon opening them or slowly consume you with a curse."

Everyone turned to Dracon.

"It is true, because the Divine books are the lifelong work of masters, so when they die, their knowledge becomes the book. You adopt a habit from the book, and if you don't follow it, it slowly kills you. But regardless, if 'The Balance of Life' really exists, we need to get him points to Level up, and I know how. That girl."

Once they made the order, they headed to Vallen's office to inform him, but they were quite surprised when they entered to find Liora was choking Vallen out.

"Are we bothering?" Asked General Dracon, to which Liora immediately stood up.

"No, sir, I was just dusting off his uniform." She smiled seemingly shocked seeing the whole council in the doorway.

"Well, Vallen, you'll get your duel right back under certain conditions." He looked at the Colonel who was still lying on the ground. "With the change that you can't use your own sword." Vallen merely closed his eyes as if he wasn't even there. "From this moment on, you are ordered with the Astoria seal to be the mentor of Amara Elaris who is almost here.

Liora as soon as she heard that ran through them straight to the academy gates, while the Colonel was still processing that they put an end to his peaceful life.

"You are also promoted to General by the order of the Emperor." Said one of the council members."

Vallen wasn't surprised at all, he had known for weeks that he would be promoted, as tension with the Republic grew everyday.

Meanwhile at the gates Amara began to panic, unsure of why a girl was running straight to her.

"You're Amara Elaris, right? I'm so happy to meet you!" She said, hugging the poor girl even tighter as Amara, blushing, stood there holding her bags. "I'm Liora Sacre, and from now on, I'm going to be your best friend." She said, leaving the girl even more stunned.

"Uh... pleased to meet you..." Amara replied, glancing at Liora's uniform, unsure of her rank. 

"You're so cute, but just call me Liora. Now, come on! I'll show you where you'll be living, and introduce you to your mentor." She took Amara's bags, though Amara hesitated, knowing that Liora must be her superior, but eventually let go..

Approaching the magnificent building adorned with grand columns, Amara looked up and noticed the sign 'Division Command Headquarters'. A surge of anxiety hit her as they entered the bustling offices.

Seeing Amara hesitate, Liora grabbed her hand and pulled her along, leading her up to the fourth floor, where a special door awaited them. Amara was stunned as she read the golden inscription above the door "Investigation Office."

Her mind raced, wondering if something from her past as a slave had caught up with her. But as the door opened, all her thoughts vanished as she saw a young man.

"Nice to meet you." Vallen said in a bored tone, blowing out smoke, to which Liora snatched the cigarette from his mouth and stubbed it out.

"I'll introduce you properly if you can't do it yourself." Liora said with a huge smile, like she had two personalities. "Amara, this is Colonel Vallen Casuss, head of the Investigation Office." She turned back to Vallen, now fuming, "Vallen, this is Amara Elaris, your apprentice."

"Actually I just became a general." Liora looked shocked, but she was more excited about the girl. 

Amara extended her hand, keeping her gaze fixed on the ground, her voice trembling as she whispered, "Nice to meet you, General Vallen."

Suddenly, a warm and firm hand grasped hers, and she realized she wasn't dealing with an ordinary person. His hands reminded her of a swordmaster, strong and seasoned, making her even more nervous. Her palms began to sweat, her hands trembling with the fear that this might be worse than anything she had imagined. But then she realized it was all just in her head.

Without warning, Vallen's other hand touched her face, and she flinched, thinking she was about to be hit. But Vallen lifted her chin, staring directly into her eyes. "Eyes as beautiful as these shouldn't be staring at the floor, Amara."

Looking into Vallen's eyes, however, Amara saw nothing, just emptiness, as though his soul was filled with darkness.

"Okay, enough with the compliments from out of nowhere. You've never complimented me in all these years." Liora grumbled, pushing him away.

Vallen sat down in his leather chair. "Alright, let's get this started so I can sleep.. Show her the room and uniform, then come back."

And so they left the office through a side door that led directly to the living quarters, where Amara and Liora would now live together. When she donned her uniform, her demeanor changed instantly. With her black hair falling to her shoulders, she now looked serious and disciplined, like a veteran officer.

Upon returning to the office, Amara was met with a surprise, General Dracon and the academy's principal were there. The two people who were the reason she was accepted into the academy. 

Then the next step came.

"Stand before my desk, heels together, and place your right hand over your heart." Vallen instructed. He turned to Liora. "Are you ready?" She nodded. "Alright, now repeat the oath."

"Oath?" Amara asked softly, tilting her head in confusion.

"Well, since Vallen is a general not only within the academy but in the Imperial military, you must take a military oath." Explained General Dracon. Without hesitation, Amara placed her hand over her heart, signaling her readiness.

"Alright then, repeat after me." Liora began.

Amara repeated the words of loyalty and dedication to Vallen and the Imperium, pledging to serve with honor and to follow Vallen's guidance. She vowed to be ready to make any sacrifice, even unto death, to protect her kingdom and her comrades.

A sense of disbelief washed over her. Was it really possible that she could forge her own path? She had once dreamt of freedom, but this was more than she had ever hoped for. It wasn't just about escaping her past, it was about building a future.

As she closed her eyes, Amara envisioned herself in the academy, standing tall beside General Vallen, not as a slave, but as a valued member. She could feel the weight of her uniform on her shoulders, not as a burden, but as a badge of honor.

"So, since I'm your mentor, we need to align with each other," He said, exhaling a puff of smoke. "Starting tomorrow, you'll have combat training every morning from 6 to 8, followed by strategy from 10, and then various other classes until 5 pm. I wake up at 10 am every day, so you'll be skipping all the morning classes because I'll teach them to you myself."

Amara felt a bit alarmed at the thought of skipping the most important classes, especially ones taught by experts, right after being rescued and brought here.

 "Don't worry." Vallen reassured her. "If you're wondering what I can teach you in combat, strategy, and tactics, just look at my background." Amara perked up, intrigued. "During the war, I was the commander of the Fourth Order of Knights. That's all you need to know."

She had expected more, but that was enough for her to realize that General Vallen wasn't just anyone, you didn't get to lead knights, especially not the Fourth Order, which represented the Imperial Knights without being significant. 

"I'm in." She replied.

"Alright, our goal is for you to be the division commander in six months." 

Amara suddenly blacked out, staring blankly into space with her mouth agape.

"Hello? Are you here?"

"Sir, how—" She began, but Vallen cut her off by raising his hand. 

"First of all, call me Vallen. Secondly, it's easy. While I shape you into a real commander, Liora will help you with your studies, since she has the academy's first royal scholarship. You'll be the second in the academy's history, skipping ranks and levels like it's nothing which will allow you to enter the Royal Library, making you stronger. Plus, with the combat skills I'll teach you, you'll be able to take down every noble brat who thinks they're better than you, earning more points. You will be the greatest here."

She couldn't respond at all. She had just begun her new life, and already the bar was set high for her. But one thing was certain, Genera Vallen was the first person to speak about trust with her, a feeling she had long forgotten.

After Amara discussed the schedule with Vallen and they agreed on everything, Liora took her to explore the academy.

Liora, walking confidently beside her, was a stark contrast. With her determined stride and piercing gaze, she exuded the air of someone who had walked these paths many times before. As she guided Amara through the academy grounds, her voice was calm yet purposeful. 

"This," Liora said, gesturing towards a grand building lined with banners, "is the Institute of Strategy. It's where the academy's brightest minds come to learn the art of war, to master tactics that decide the fate of empires. You would spend a lot of time there, learning what it means to command, but Vallen will teach you more than they can, he will teach you how to win real battles.

Amara nodded silently, trying to absorb everything. 

As they continued walking, Liora pointed out various institutes, where cadets worked on their Skills they got from the Royal Library. 

"And this," Liora said, her voice brightening as they approached a massive open field, "is where the real work happens. The training grounds."

Amara watched as groups of students sparred, trained, and worked through complex drills. The intensity in their movements, the sweat dripping down their faces, it was all so foreign to her. She had fought to survive, but this was a different world altogether, and she wondered what the Colonel would teach her.

Just as Liora was about to continue explaining the academy's inner workings, a sharp, arrogant laugh broke through the air.

"Well, well, what do we have here?".

A group of young nobles, dressed in pristine uniforms, stood nearby, sneering at them. The leader of the group, a tall, pale skinned boy with combed hair, stepped forward. 

"Looks like the academy's taking in stray dogs now. "

Liora's expression darkened instantly, her jaw clenching tight. Amara shrank back slightly, her stomach knotting with fear. She had heard whispers about the arrogance of nobles, but she hadn't expected to face it so soon.

"Keep walking, Liora." Amara whispered, her voice shaky. "Let's just ignore them."

Liora, however, was already stepping forward, her fists clenched. "Watch your mouth," she hissed, glaring at the group. 

The noble brat sneered, taking a step closer. "Oh, and who's going to stop me? You?" He glanced at Amara, his eyes filled with fear. "Or maybe your little friend here?" Said it dont even bothering to check the rank patch on Liora.

Amara's heart raced faster, her hands trembling slightly. She could feel her breath quickening, panic rising within her.

Liora, however, wasn't backing down. She squared her shoulders, meeting the noble's gaze with fire in her eyes. 

"You're nothing more than a spoiled brat." She spat. "Do you think your family's name makes you better than anyone else here? You're pathetic."

The noble's face twisted with fury. His friends, snickering behind him, egged him on, their laughter cruel and cold. He pulled off one of his white gloves and threw it at Liora's feet.

"I challenge you to a duel." He said, his voice low and dangerous. "Or are you too much of a coward?"

Amara's heart plummeted. This was escalating too fast.

"Liora, don't." She whispered urgently, tugging at her arm. "Please, let's just go."

"Don't worry I'm not wasting my time on losers." She said with a calm voice.

As they turned their backs, Liora felt a sharp spike of fear, her senses screaming that something was wrong. Before she could even process it, there was a sudden small sound *shing* the unmistakable sound of a blade being unsheathed.

The noble dog had drawn his sword and was charging at Liora's back, his face twisted with anger and triumph. The blade came down, fast and furious. Liora barely had time to react. Instinctively, she threw up her arm to protect herself, but she wasn't fast enough to fully dodge the attack. Amara's heart stopped as she saw the sword slicing through the air, and her mind screamed for help.

But before the sword could land its blow, a firm hand reached out and stopped the blade mid swing. The air itself seemed to freeze as General Vallen stepped in, his grip like iron as he twisted the sword out of the brat's hands in one swift. The noble staggered back, shock and disbelief washing over his face.

"Enough." Vallen's voice was like thunder, his presence commanding absolute silence. It was completely strange to Amara the General's usual lazy face looked like a charging beast that was ready to take on prey. On the other hand Liora's face was full of concern, she looked like he was scared of Vallen.

He held the noble's sword in his hand, his eyes burning with anger as he looked down at the brat.

"You dare draw a blade on someone that is not ready?" Vallen's voice was ice, every word laced with danger. 

The noble brat, pale as a ghost, stammered incoherently, backing away as Vallen stepped closer. The other nobles quickly dispersed, their arrogance crumbling in the face of the general's wrath.

"I am the son of Count—" The noble started, but Vallen cut him off with laughter.

"You think I give a fuck who you are?" He started laughing more as something possessed him.

Liora was quick to understand the danger of this situation and grabbed Vallen's hand. Seeing what Liora did, Amara did the same.

But one thing was certain, the danger that Liora felt was real, Vallen's hands were on fire as he was ready to strike at any moment.

"Forget it you can't even look at me you, get the fuck out of my sight." The student tried to pick his weapon up, but Vallen stepped on it. "Leave it to me." Said and the noble brat ran straight away.

"Thank you, Vallen." Amara muttered, her voice barely a whisper, squeezing his hand tight.

Vallen in a moment transferred back to the lazy self and looked at the girls with a lazy half dead gaze.

"Don't thank me, I did it because if one of you gets hit as the boss of you two I need to write a big and suffering report."

The girls didn't react at first, but when they understood that he did it all just to minimize his work, both let go of his hand, and Liora began to hit him.

"I thought for a minute that you are a hero, you idiot." Liora punched and kicked him at every part of the body.

"Why are you blaming me?" He tried to dodge Liora." I teached you how to react in this scenarios and still mange to fuck up."

"It is not about me, but Amara." She shouted, " I can protect myself." She started crying "But if something happens to Amara something that almost happened back than I–"

Vallen, without thinking, hugged her hard, "I will always protect the two of you, dummy." Said and then Amara also hugged Vallen from the back crying.

When she heard the term "protecting" she wasn't able to hold it in, there was nobody in her life that ever said that.

Some time passed and the girls cried out everything they had and noticed General Dracon standing in front of them.

"That was really cute to see." He said, wiping off a teardrop. "Was it because of the noble kid who ran past me crying and swearing on his family that he would vanish from the world?" 

"Something like that." Vallen replied.

"That's great because that kid was Count Heimfell's third son." He looked smiling into Vallen's eyes.

"No" Amara grabbing Vallend's hand again. "His family is the second strongest in the Imperium."

"Yeah exactly, you're probably going to get hanged." Dracon said jokingly.

"At least I get my eternal sleep." Vallen responded and the two of them started laughing like it was nothing, but the girl didn't really get the joke.

"Vallen, you're probably going to have a trial, are you really just joking about death?" Liora raised her voice again.

"They will send a letter with a duel challenge, and you, girl…" He pointed at Amara. "As my pupil, you are going to fight his son, earning a lot of points."

He said confidently to the girl who had never held a sword in her life.