A General's Sword.

After the events of yesterday, Amara found herself consumed by thoughts of how she could possibly defeat an Imperial Knight. Doubts swirled in her mind, but amidst her anxiety, a glimmer of hope flickered within her.

She strode confidently towards General Vallen's office, recalling his instructions from their last conversation. "I'll be in my office tomorrow morning. Drop by, and I'll teach." 

As she approached the door to his office, the sound of silence greeted her. She knocked softly. No answer. After waiting a moment, she tried again, louder this time. Still nothing.

Liora appeared from around the corner, her boots tapping sharply on the stone floors. "Looking for Vallen?" She asked, almost as if she already knew the answer.

"Yes," Amara replied, glancing back at the closed door. "He said he'd be here."

Liora's lips curved into a wry smile. "Vallen was supposed to be here. But he went to General Dracon's office,who will definitely talk him out of the whole thing. So don't worry about the duel."

"Amara asked, relieved. "So, what should I do now? Vallen said that he will teach me."

"Forget about what he said." Liora suggested. "Go and sit in a class that you want to." 

Amara paused, unsure of where to start. She had never been in a formal educational setting before. The idea of just walking into a class felt foreign. "A class? Like, which one?"

"Go to Professor Shern's Military history lesson. She's a good start. Knows her stuff and can be... entertaining." Liora winked.

With a nod of thanks, Amara turned and began navigating her way to the lecture hall.

It was spacious, the seats arranged in tiers that allowed everyone to see the professor clearly. At the front, a woman stood with her back to the class, scribbling something on the massive board. Amara's eyes were immediately drawn to her Professor Shern.

Amara took a seat near the middle, her back straight, eager to absorb whatever came next. She noticed the other students lounging in their seats, some barely paying attention, as if this was just another day in their routine. But for Amara, this was anything but ordinary.

Professor Shern finally turned around, revealing her sharp features and striking outfit or lack thereof. Amara never thought that a highly educated professor would dress like that. Shern's clothes were form fitting, leaving little to the imagination, but her demeanor was confident, almost as if she dared anyone to question her authority. And by the way she commanded the room, no one did.

"Today, we'll discuss the Imperium's first ever victory," Shern began, her voice smooth but commanding. "I know most of you couldn't care less, but try to keep up."

As Shern spoke, Amara found herself entranced. This was more than just facts and figures; it was a story of leaders making decisions that shaped history. For the first time in her life, Amara was truly learning and it felt like the world had opened up.

Her hand moved almost unconsciously, scribbling notes as fast as she could. The wars, the key figures every word Shern said was gold. Amar could hardly keep up, but she didn't care. This was what she had been missing, and she was going to make the most of it.

As she wrote, she noticed a few of the other students glancing her way. One of them, a boy a few rows up, nudged his friend and whispered something, both of them looking at her with raised eyebrows. She ignored them and kept writing, but she couldn't shake the feeling of standing out.

When the lecture ended, Shern closed her book with a satisfied snap. "Class dismissed. If you weren't paying attention, that's your problem." She glanced around the room, her eyes scanning the faces of the students. Then, her gaze fell on Amara.

"You," Shern called, pointing directly at her. "New face. You seem to be taking this seriously."

Amara froze for a second, then nodded. "Yes, professor. It's... my first time learning about this."

"Really?" Shern walked over, crossing her arms as she studied Amara. "And here I thought you were just another slacker. What's your name?"


Sehrn's expression totally shifted. "Ah, Vallen's pupil, right, you so cute girl." She petted her head. "I'm sorry for my rude behavior." She smiled and got too close to Amara like with Vallen.

Amina said nothing, just blushed, thinking about how someone could have watermelons that big. She was kinda jealous, not just because of the size but the professor's whole body was perfect.

"Oh darling, you like this?" She backed up and started posing.

Amara blushed more and covered her eyes. Shern professor burst into laughter.

"Vallen finds the cutest girls to be with him, you are still growing and my body is an outcome of a Royal Library book."

Amara looked astonished, she knew that books could provide strength if one was able to learn them, but she didn't know they could also change the body. She was fired up thinking about the first book he was going to learn.

"Goddess of Beauty. There are actually three copies if you fast with Levels you might get it." Said professor Shern, seeing the light in the girl's eyes. "But there's a catch to it, you can't have kids."

Amara's expression suddenly changed, and she realized that the professor valued beauty above a child.

"I see the judgment in your eyes, but I couldn't have had a child anyway."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, but let me ask a question about Vallen, do you like him?" She went again closer to Amara pressing her melons to her.

"I don't know him well enough for any feelings to develop, but so far he seems like a good person." She answered.

"I suggest that you don't get to know him better because you'll just fall for him like I did. So, what I mean is, you know, outside of class, we are or will be rivals, that's up to you." She let go and started towards the exit, then turned back. "Oh, and Vallen likes the big ones." She stuck out her tongue.

Amira couldn't quite comprehend the whole situation, at least not the part where the professor was definitely at least ten years older than Vallen. The other thing is that she really changed her to who's gonna get Vallen's heart first. She thought about everything that might happen, but for this to happen was simply unbelievable, as if she were dreaming.

Meanwhile, Vallen was in Dracon's office as if he owned the place casually sitting with his legs up on the polished desk.

"I want Amara to take on Heimfell's son." Vallen said, his voice flat, as though he were discussing something as trivial as the weather.

He sat up straighter in his chair, his eyes locking onto Vallen with a mix of shock and confusion. "You want… Amara? That girl? Absolutely not. There's no way." This isn't some academy duel, Vallen. Nobles fight to the death. There's no first blood or withdrawal."

Dracon stood up from his desk, pacing the room now, frustration and disbelief boiling over. " Vallen, she hasn't even held a real sword yet. And you want her to go up against a knight? The Count's son isn't some academy student. He's a Skill user, someone who could crush her in seconds.

Vallen finally sat up, lowering his legs from Dracon's desk, his face more serious now, but still calm. "Then what should I do?"

"Why don't you take the fight yourself? You're a seasoned warrior, you could handle the Count's son easily. If she's under your command, the credit falls to you anyway."

Vallen frowned, genuinely confused now. "What do you mean?"

Dracon sat back down at his desk, leaning forward with a serious expression. "This duel is outside of the academy's jurisdiction, but the academy's rules still apply to the staff and students. If you fight and win, you'll get the points."

Vallen blinked, processing the information. "So, if I take the fight myself, I get the points?"

Dracon nodded. "Exactly."

He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed as he stared at Dracon.

"Oh that's good."

Vallen stood up, stretching lazily as if the entire conversation had worn him out.

"You can't use your sword." Dracon stood up, opening a hidden wardrobe where his battle worn sword was. It was a little dusty but when he unleashed it a little it was still shining."Take it." 

Vallen stood like he was trying to be invisible. 

"What?" Dracon stepped closer.

"You really want to give me your sword which has slain many enemies?" 

"I mean just for the duel, I know there is a 'myth' that if you take a warrior 's bloody sword it will curse you with the soldiers it slained, but don't worry it is sitting there years now." He pointed at the wardrobe which also had his beaten up armor.

Vallen took the sword and said "It's heavy."

"Yeah it is." Darcon replied, and I was suddenly filled with a heavy, unsettling feeling.

 When he arrived Liora and Amara were sitting there and chatting.

Before even stepping in he heard a name in their conservation.

"Please, Liora, you didn't send her there, did you?" He asked, then let out a big sigh.

 "Why, she's a really good person."

"She is an emotional manipulator and a shapeshifter and was a spy. So don't listen to her outside of class." 

There was silence after Vallen told the girls, but Amara's focus was on the sword that he was holding.

"Is that for the duel?" 

"Oh this is Dracon sword he gave it to… I mean as a gift. About the duel I was dumb so I will forfeit it." He lit a cigarette.

Amara was visibly relieved, but Liora knew he was lying, but said nothing, instead she snatched the sword from his hands.

" Wow." She started swinging, " I wouldn't have thought that General Dracon had such a light sword." 

"Give it back before you cut your self." 

She handed it back and the blade immediately dropped to the floor. Vallen's hand began to tremble as if he were trying to lift something heavy.

"Are alright should I call somebody?" Amara stood up.

"No I'm fine just I feel the…nothing forget it." He lifted the sword, putting it back to its sheath. "Liora, in a few days they will have the first-years take tests, go and teach Amara the most important things she needs to know about the Battle of Bsau and the Siege of Lugver.

"Isn't that cheating—"

"Just go." 

As the girls closed the door, Vallen fell to his knees, holding his head from the dull pain throbbing in his chest and said "A myth huh Dracon." 

The next day Amara's heart raced with excitement as she prepared for her first lesson with Vallen. She had spent the night barely sleeping, her mind running through everything she had learned so far, every expectation she had built for this moment.

Dressed and ready, she made her way to his office, her steps quick with anticipation. When she reached the door, she took a deep breath, knocking once before pushing it open. The sight that greeted her wasn't exactly what she'd imagined.

Vallen was slouched in his chair, asleep.

Amara blinked in surprise, standing awkwardly for a moment. She had heard rumors of his laziness, but this felt... ridiculous. Trying not to disturb him too suddenly, she stepped closer.

"Um... Vallen?" she called softly


With a little more boldness, she reached out and lightly tapped his shoulder. "Vallen?"

His eyes fluttered open, and he groaned, rubbing his face. "Wha... What time is it?" he mumbled, squinting at her.

Amara straightened, trying to suppress a laugh. "It's time for my lesson."

Vallen blinked a few times, trying to shake off his drowsiness, then leaned back in his chair. "Right... your lesson." He sighed, clearly wishing he could return to sleep.

He stood up, stretching lazily, while Amara tried to hide her smile. This was definitely not how she imagined her first day with the General, but she had a feeling it was going to be unforgettable.

As Vallen made his way toward the door, Amara called out again. 

"The sword." 

Vallen looked confused, but Amara pointed to Dracon sword.

"Oh, I don't need that." He waved it off and headed for the door, leaving Amara slightly puzzled weren't they supposed to be learning swordsmanship?

To her surprise, once outside, Vallen headed in the opposite direction of the training grounds. She didn't say anything, only followed, her curiosity growing. 

As they walked, they passed only a few students since most were in class, and after a short detour through a wooded path, they arrived at an open grassy area. 

"Alright, your training begins here." Vallen rubbed his still sleepy eyes, to which Amara nodded confidently. 

"Do you have any experience with swordsmanship?" He asked.

Amara shook her head. "No, sir."

"Good. Now, draw your sword."

She quickly unsheathed her sword and stood in a stance she had seen other students use on the training grounds.

"First off, forget that stance." Vallen said bluntly. "Second, is the sword heavy?"

"No, I'm just nervous," Amara replied, realizing her hands were shaking.

"Nerves will get you killed, Amara," Vallen said as he crouched down, picking up a thick branch from the ground. "Do you have your secondary weapon with you?"


"Great. Now, throw your sword at me and attack with your knife."

Amara stared at him, completely confused. Vallen, however, remained serious, so she did as instructed, tossing her sword toward him. It landed by his feet, and she rushed at him with her knife.

Vallen easily sidestepped her attack and tapped her head with the branch.

"What was that?" He asked, laughing.

"That's what you asked for!" Amara exclaimed, picking up her sword again.

"Focus. Now, throw the sword again, and attack me with everything you've got. Go!"

A little frustrated but determined, Amara threw the sword again and charged at him like a crazy woman with her knife. Once again, Vallen dodged effortlessly, sending her tumbling to the ground.

Amara quickly scrambled back to her feet, her body aching from the fall.

"What's the point of all this?" She shouted, her anger flaring. "I thought you were teaching me swordsmanship, not playing games!"

"In battle, there's no honor if your opponent has power from the Royal Library, you trick them. Throw your sword, disrupt their focus, then attack with your knife. Take them down and stab until they surrender or can't fight anymore. Now, again!" Vallen ordered, and Amara, despite her frustration, repeated the exercise over and over.

For an hour, she threw her sword 67 times and still couldn't land a single hit on Vallen.

"Now that you've had a bit of a workout, it's time to learn your stance." Vallen said, stepping in front of her with his branch.

Amara, exhausted from the constant falls and hits, gripped her sword tightly, knowing this was her chance to finally learn something. 

"It's simple," Vallen explained. "I'm going to attack you, and you can take two steps in any direction. Block my attacks. If you can block fifty, we're done for the day. If I hit you, we start over. Understood?"

Barely had she nodded when Vallen lunged at her, aiming a quick thrust toward her stomach. She managed to parry it with her crossguard, but in her pride, she forgot the task and was promptly whacked on the head by Vallen's branch.

She collapsed to the ground, clutching her head as tears welled up. "You could be a bit gentler, you know."

"It won't kill you. Now, up. Again."

Vallen continued his assault, and Amara struggled to keep up. "Don't stand still! Move! Stick to the two-step rule. Grip your sword tight.," He coached between strikes.

Despite her exhaustion, Amara kept going, blocking a few attacks. "Beautiful," Vallen praised as she dodged and defended.

After twenty three successful blocks, her strength gave out. She couldn't hold her sword anymore. 

"There's a stream behind those bushes." Vallen pointed. "Wash your face, drink some water, and we'll continue."

Too tired to reply, Amara dragged herself to the stream, feeling a renewed sense of determination as she splashed cold water on her face. She had to keep going, no matter what.

When she returned, Vallen noticed the fire in her eyes. As soon as she drew her sword, he attacked, moving faster this time. Amara could barely keep up, her feet moving frantically as she tried to count how many strikes she'd blocked. The General kept closing in, leaving her trapped with the two step rule.

Then, instinct took over. Just as Vallen raised his branch for another strike, Amara stepped forward, spun around him, and dodged the blow completely. Even she was shocked at what she had done, but before she could react, Vallen turned and tapped her with the branch.

"I can't do this anymore." She collapsed to the ground, not even trying to get back up.

"Perfect timing, because you just reached fifty." Vallen said, tossing his branch aside.

"Really?" Amara asked, her face red from exhaustion, not daring to move.

"Nope, but you get ten points for that dodge. Now, stand up. We're heading back."

As Amara tried to stand, her legs wobbled, and she realized she couldn't. 

"Here." Vallen offered his hand and hoisted her up onto his back.

"Oh, you don't need to—" 

"Quiet." He cut her off and started walking back to the academy.

On the way, Amara dozed off, embarrassed as they passed students who stared at them, wondering why she was being carried. She felt weak, ashamed she couldn't even handle one training session. But her thoughts were interrupted by Vallen's voice.

"You did well. You may not have noticed, but you've already learned your defensive stance." He said, adjusting her as she slid down his back. "Now we just need to work on offense. Then comes the real training. Want me to take you to the infirmary?"

"No." Amara quickly replied. "Pain is part of progress."

"Really? Then I'll put you down."

"Not now," She clung tighter to him, and Vallen just shook his head, carrying her all the way to his office. By the time they reached the office, even Vallen was sweating.

Opening the door to his office, the white envelope on his desk immediately caught his eye, and of course, Amara noticed it too as she leaned against the wall.

Sitting down in his chair, he sighed, already knowing what it was about as soon as he saw the seal. Opening the envelope, he could only laugh bitterly.

"I have to go to Count Hoffiehelmez, so our lesson is canceled. You can rest until your other classes."

Despite what Vallen said the other day she still was worried about the Count.

"Don't go—"

"Take a bath. I can smell you from here." Vallen cut her off, making Amara freeze in disbelief. Had he really just said that?

Her exhaustion was replaced by a burst of anger slamming the door behind her.

Vallen sighed, knowing he had more to worry about. The envelope contained a duel challenge. It came sooner than he thought.