Vallen's Bold Strategy.

"Why don't we simply charge them with another legion and buy enough time for the general to flank them?" One of the commanders asked during the 2 hours of the meeting.

"We've already discussed this," replied Corvinus, standing up from his chair, completely exhausted, and approaching the map. "Even if we do manage to overrun them, they'll immediately send out an alert. That would end everything. They'll stall the troops at the Panjam mountains and slowly wear down the general's legion."

"But surely, we have someone with the skills to block their signal?" The commander responded.

"We do," Vallen began, "but they're needed with the main legions in the west, along with every other Skill user. If our plan fails, they must prevent the Republic from breaking through there."

Sitting back down, Vallen quietly observed the others as they debated the plan amongst themselves, realizing the commander had a point.

"Horses." He said suddenly, standing up and hurrying back to the map.

"Sir, horses are impossible. First, they'd have to cross the valley, and in this season, that's even harder than in winter. The mud, the collapsed rocks." The commander gestured to the map. "Even if they make it through, by then they'd be exhausted and starving."

"Not if we don't ride them." Vallen replied with a sly smile. "The horses will be led to the valley two days before we depart, ensuring they're fresh and full of energy." He pointed to the map. "From there, we lead them by the reins through the valley and use speed-enhancing and concealment skills."

"There's something to that." Corvinus leaned over the map. "But the armor will slow the horses down, and the speed enhancement won't increase their speed by more than half."

"No, because we won't be wearing armor."

At Vallen's words, the entire room exchanged silent glances, realizing the plan was a suicide mission.

"Wait, sir" The cavalry commander stepped forward. "If you plan to go without armor, you will only have a chance to take the Panjam mountains if there's an uprising, but we can't afford to hand the soldiers and your life into the prisoners hand."

"The commander is right, Vallen." Corvinus began. "If it fails, you'll be surrounded."

"And besides," the cavalry commander continued, "I can't give you ten legions' worth of horses. We need them in the west." He gestured at the map.

"How many can you spare?" Vallen asked, fire in his eyes, a look everyone knew meant he was preparing for madness.

"At most, six thousand horses."

"Can a single horse carry two soldiers without armor?" Vallen asked, studying the map intently.

"Yes, sir."

"Then we won't need ten legions." Vallen slammed his hand on the table. "With twelve thousand soldiers and six thousand horses, I'll take the Panjam mountains."

"But, General, that's sheer madness!" Valerius stepped forward, having quietly joined the meeting moments earlier. "I understand your plan, but even if you succeed, there's still the Panjam mountains themselves." He pointed at the map. "You'll have to go up 500 meters to the gates, which are at least ten meters tall and forged from iron. Even if an uprising occurs, it'll take time to open the gates, and by then, the forces stationed at Étsien will spot you. Without armor and shields, you'll be slaughtered."

"Your concerns are valid, but there's a second step." Vallen lit a cigarette, his eyes sharp. "Once we reach the gates and the forces from Étsien close in, we'll drive the horses toward them. You've used this tactic before, haven't you, cavalry commander?" Vallen glanced at him.

"I have, sir, but only with a few hundred horses, not six thousand."

"What tactic?" Corvinus asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Well." The cavalry commander began. "This can be either an offensive or defensive tactic. In this case, the idea is to unleash the horses on the advancing enemy forces, buying us time. These battle-hardened horses are wild enough to trample and scatter the enemy."

"And why are you so sure the horses will charge at the enemy?" Corvinus questioned again. "There's almost a plain in front of the mountains, they could run off to the right or left."

"Yes, horses that haven't seen battle might do that. But for this, we'll need six thousand horses that have fought before. Horses that know exactly who the enemy is and what to do."

Everyone exchanged glances, as if the suicidal plan had suddenly gained clarity.

"So, we have to sacrifice six thousand horses for this?" Corvinus asked.

"No." Vallen began, "Based on the reports, there shouldn't be more than two thousand soldiers in Étsien, which means thousands of horses could charge unharmed directly into the valley and then into the Imperium. Plus, the speed-enhancing ability will still work, making the situation even better." Vallen exhaled smoke as he spoke.

"Alright, let's go over the whole plan again. Please, come closer." Corvinus said as everyone gathered around the table, studying the map with the small figurines used to represent the strategy.

"So," Corvinus began, moving the figurines closer to the valley, "General Vallen will lead twelve thousand men and six thousand horses through the valley, all the way to Étsien, where he'll activate two skills, and they will start galloping toward the Panjam Mountains." He moved the pieces as he spoke. "Likely, the concealment skill will wear off halfway," he glanced at Vallen, who nodded in agreement. "That's when the prisoners inside will see the banner of the Imperium, and if all goes well, they'll rise. Meanwhile, the troops stationed in Étsien will notice General Vallen's forces and begin their advance." He dragged more pieces on the map. "When they get close enough, the General will send the horses charging at them, slowing and breaking their formation." He knocked over the figurines to indicate their defeat. "Once that's done, and we hope the prisoners inside succeed and open the gates," he paused to wipe sweat from his head, " the western troops will likely receive the news, and the Republic forces will start to reposition. This is where the real battle begins." He moved the figurines of the Imperium forces forward. "The main legions will strike the Republic forces, and General Vallen will secure the Panjam Mountains, gaining a massive strategic point for the Imperium essential even if we lose the battle in the west, but we hope it won't come to that." The general finished, pushing the Imperium pieces all the way to the Republic's capital.

As the generals and commanders mulled over the plan, deep in thought, they were interrupted by the new minister, who had been sitting silently until now.

"The plan is brilliant, General Vallen, but which of our soldiers has this speed-enhancing Skill? I've never heard of it." The minister asked, echoing the same question that was on the minds of the others.

"Well, no one has it yet." Vallen responded calmly. "but she will have it soon. Her name is Amara Elari, she will be my successor as Imperial General when the time comes."