Prophecy in Motion

After everyone accepted Vallen's plan regarding the assault on the Panjam Mountains and were quite astonished by what Vallen had said about Amara but regardless they took their final decision to the Emperor, who approved it and then invited Vallen to dinner.

Seated on the balcony, the two appeared as though they were strangers to one another, the breeze carrying Vallen's cigarette smoke far into the distance.

"Have you suddenly started to hate me?" Vallen asked, his gaze fixed on the bustling capital below.

"I had a dream, Vallen." He replied, turning his gaze toward him. "Or perhaps I should call it a prophecy."

"I can't even remember how to dream anymore,+." Vallen chuckled, but the Emperor continued to stare, his expression unreadable.

"In this vision, I saw you dying." He replied, her voice somber. At this, Vallen merely smiled, taking a drag from his cigarette and exhaling the smoke into the starry sky.

"Well, two years from now, for sure." He replied with a smirk.

"I saw you bleeding out, lying on the ground. There was no emotion on your face, not even a hint of a smile. You just lay there as the blood flowed from you."

Vallen's expression suddenly shifted, growing serious as he continued to meet the Emperor's gaze.

"I'm a soldier, Gaius. A soldier who is destined to die."

"Indeed, you are." Sighed the Emperor, his eyes turned skyward. "You must marry my daughter and have a child with her before you depart to Panjam."

Vallen erupted into laughter, his face flushing red at the Emperor's serious words.

"I have already informed my daughter as well. You are the greatest general of our age, and it is likely that your son will inherit your talents. This way, when I am gone, there will be someone to take my place."

"I will not die—"

The Emperor slammed his hand on the table, his voice booming. "I am the Emperor, endowed with the divine strength from our gods, who has unrestricted access to the Royal Library and can issue Levels to anyone." He turned his intense gaze back to Vallen. "What I saw was a prophecy, a prophecy that you will fall in the battle."

Leaning back, Vallen stared up at the starry sky again.

"You know, I'm not afraid of death, because I understand that when my time comes, I will be with those I loved the most. If I die, my mother will die too, perhaps there is no greater thing than this. To die together with someone you have loved all your life. When the time comes, my family name will be forgotten. The only name that will remain is Vallen, a name that will be tied to a single man, the general who triumphed even when it seemed impossible. The general who caused countless deaths, I will be the only one remembered. Neither my mother nor my sibling will be. That's why I wish to be forgotten, I want you to erase my name from everything. I want to be a myth, a tale spoken of only by a few. Wouldn't that be the best, Gaius?"

"As long as I and my bloodline live, the name of Vallen Casuss will be shouted from every corner, in every land. You will be the role model for every soldier; you will be the one who defended the Imperium, who forced every enemy on their knees. The name of Imperial General Vallen Casuss will be remembered for centuries."

Vallen chuckled, lifting his wine glass and extending it toward the Emperor.

"Let us toast then, to you and my future son, the Emperor."

"To the Emperor." They said in unison, clinking their glasses together, the sound resonating through the night.

The wine they drinked that night was exceptionally aged and flavorful, so much so that they finished two bottles.

The next day, Vallen slept through almost the entire day, as if he were back at the academy forgetting about Amara who had arrived at the Imperial Palace.

She knew that there must be a significant reason for her summons, especially after the 100 Levels had suddenly appeared a few days prior. In a panic, she had rushed to wake Liora up, who, in a half-asleep state, explained that since Vallen shared their System, the Levels likely came directly from the Emperor himself. This realization only heightened Amara's anxiety, driving her to sprint straight to General Dracon, who confirmed Liora's words. He added, with an edge of concern, that Vallen must be up to something grand if the Emperor had bestowed him with Levels

"Be prepared," he advised her, his tone serious, "because Vallen will likely send you a message about what book you should study in the library."

Of course, the Emperor's summons arrived sooner than expected, catching both Amara and General Dracon off guard. The tension in the air became palpable, and Amara noticed that Dracon's was cracking, revealing his own rising anxiety. 

With her heart pounding and a swirl of thoughts racing through her mind, Amara felt as if the ground beneath her was shifting. What does this mean for me? She wrestled with the idea that her life was about to change rapidly. 

When she arrived in the capital, she was immediately amazed by the vast array of people and goods, but what struck her the most were the aromas of food that suddenly filled the air. She had to focus, though, as they were nearing the palace, a colossal structure she had never seen before, but it would be forever etched into her memory from that moment on. Towering columns, gilded fences, and statues loomed as her carriage drew closer to the entrance. It was almost too surreal to believe that a former slave like herself would soon be kneeling before the Emperor.

Her carriage slowed to a stop before the grand, gold-plated doors, which creaked open with a loud, imposing sound. However, what greeted her was not at all what she had expected. She had been certain that Vallen would be waiting for her, but he was sound asleep in his quarters, nursing a hangover and completely forgetting that Amara was due to arrive that day.

Instead, it was General Corvinus who stood behind the door, and even more surprises followed. As Amara stepped out of the carriage, dressed in her uniform, she felt slightly overwhelmed by the imposing figure of the general before her. His rank patch was unlike anything she had seen at the academy, adorned with symbols that only high-ranking officers would have. Unsure of how to address him, she hesitated, but Corvinus spoke first, sparing her the trouble.

"Commander Amara, welcome to the palace. I am General Corvinus Augustus please follow me. The Emperor has summoned you." Corvinus said softly, but Amara could only stare wide-eyed and open mouthed at him.

"Is there a problem?" Corvinus asked, noticing her bewildered expression.

"No, General." Amara quickly straightened herself, responding with formality. Corvinus allowed himself a slight smile, then gestured for her to follow as he led her into the grand hall, a vast space covered in gold and marble, with paintings and statues lining the walls.

As she followed the general toward the throne room, her mind wandered. Everywhere she looked, there were paintings and gold, symbolizing a level of wealth and power that was worlds apart from where she had once been as a slave. Her eyes were still drifting over the paintings when she suddenly stopped so abruptly that her boots squeaked against the marble floor.

She stood in awe of one painting in particular, which she was almost certain depicted Vallen.

"Ah, do you recognize General Vallen?" Corvinus asked, glancing at the painting.

"It's strange seeing him on a horse, and in a painting no less." Amara responded, her eyes still fixed on the image of Vallen riding a black horse.

"This portrait was painted just before the Northern battle. The horse was named Romulus, a real beast, or so I've heard." Corvinus explained.

"Did the horse die?"

"Yes, it was buried in an avalanche along with Vallen, though he, of course, survived. But we should go, the Emperor is waiting for us."

They barely reached the entrance to the throne room when the doors began to open, and Amara's anxiety finally surged to the surface. All the terrifying stories she had heard about the Emperor, his bloody executions flooded her mind, filling her with dread as she realized she was about to meet him in person.

With her head bowed, Amara fixed her gaze on the edge of the red carpet as they approached and knelt before His Majesty. The tension inside her had built up so much that she had begun to tremble.

"Where is Vallen?" The Emperor's voice rang out, his question directed at the guards. Amara and Corvinus exchanged a brief glance.

"He has not yet awakened, Your Majesty." Corvinus responded.

The Emperor suddenly burst into laughter. "He doesn't taste anything, but still drinks like a beast" He whispered to himself, laughing even harder.

Amara felt no relief at hearing the Emperor's laughter. She knew well enough that his mood could shift at any moment, and the laughter could quickly turn into the wrath of a bloodthirsty ruler.

"Stand and look at me, Commander Amara." The Emperor ordered her and Amara quickly rose to her feet.

The moment she looked at the Emperor, she instantly averted her eyes back to the ground. What she had seen in that brief glance was fire and power radiating, an overwhelming presence.

"I see you're a bit frightened, but there's no reason to be. After all, you are Vallen's pupil." The Emperor said, his tone soft but with undeniable authority. Amara dared to look up at him again.

"Well, you may not be aware of this yet," The Emperor continued, "but you are now Vallen's second-in-command for the Panjam Mountain campaign. So, I wish you good luck."

Amara stood frozen, processing the magnitude of the Emperor's words. She had just been given a position of immense responsibility, a role she hadn't expected at all.

"What…?" The word slipped out of Amara's mouth, completely on its own, due to the shock of what she had just heard. She immediately dropped to one knee. "Forgive me, Your Majesty."

The Emperor began laughing again. "No harm done," he said, rising from his throne and walking directly toward her, extending his hand.

When Amara took the Emperor's hand, she felt warmth, nothing like what she had heard about him. The stories of cruelty seemed distant at that moment.

"Well, you're needed for Vallen's mad plan, no matter how much you doubt yourself or think you're inexperienced," the Emperor said. "Vallen will guide you over the next two weeks and teach you how to think like a commander."

"I don't doubt Your Majesty's words," Amara began hesitantly, "but I am a woman."

"Well, I see that." The Emperor laughed, then sat back down on his throne, motioning with his hand that they could leave.

Amara felt a strange mix of disbelief and relief as she processed the Emperor's words. His demeanor had been far different from the terrifying stories, but the thing she could not process is that she is the second-in-command.

As they stepped out of the throne room, General Corvinus let out a heavy sigh, a smile spreading across his face before he turned to Amara.

"We're lucky he spent all night drinking with Vallen, otherwise the Emperor wouldn't have been in such a good mood. Well, Commander, it was a pleasure, and I'm sure we'll meet again." He started to walk away.

"Wait, General!" Amara called after him, her voice filled with confusion. "What does it mean that I'm a commander?" She asked, her eyes wide with confusion.

"It means exactly that, you're a commander." Corvinus replied with a grin. "In fact, you're Vallen's second-in-command. You'll play a key role in the capture of Panjam mountain. Be proud, you're the youngest ever to achieve such a position." He smiled again and started walking away, but Amara grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"Forgive me, but… me?" She asked, still in disbelief.

"Vallen requested you specifically, so if you want more details, you'll have to ask him. If I'm not mistaken, his quarters are in the eastern wing. Now, have a pleasant day." Corvinus said, giving her a final nod before continuing on his way.

Amara stood there, still trying to process everything. Her head spun with thoughts of the Emperor's order and Vallen's role in all of this. She had so many questions, but one thing was clear, her life had just changed forever at that moment.

With all her confusion swirling inside, Amara made her way toward the eastern wing but quickly got lost. After asking a nearby guard for directions, she finally found her way to Vallen's room.

Upon reaching the door, she burst into the room like an angry bull. The dark room was cloaked in shadow, every curtain drawn, and Vallen was peacefully asleep, looking as innocent as a child until Amara jumped on him.

Suddenly, Vallen sprang to life, more awake than ever, half-naked and startled. The guards standing outside peeked through the open door, their eyes wide in disbelief as they watched Amara furiously whack the General with a pillow.

"Commander? Out of nowhere, I'm a commander?!" She yelled, her frustration pouring out.

"Stop it already!" Vallen shouted back, now lying helplessly on the floor, trying to shield himself.

Amara abruptly stopped, not because she was scared of his voice, but because she was simply exhausted. For a few moments, they just stared at each other, wordlessly, until finally, Vallen pushed himself up from the floor.

"Let's discuss this over breakfast." Vallen said with a smile.

"It's nearly sunset." Amara replied, and right at that moment, her stomach growled loudly enough that the guards outside the door began laughing.

Blushing furiously, she tossed the pillow aside and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Well, get dressed then, and let's eat!" She barked at him, still embarrassed by the situation.

Vallen chuckled as he stood up, reaching for his clothes, while Amara, still fuming but a little relieved, but then when Vallen turned around she noticed what she never thought Vallen would have. A number on his back '701' followers by 'Republic' The burns had long healed, but the mark remained a twisted emblem of control and dominance. 

Amara bore a similar mark on her back, though hers was not a number. Instead, it was the crest of a noble house, seared into her skin like a cruel brand of ownership.That emblem marked her as property, no different from livestock or a tool, something to be used by her so-called masters.

"Are you coming, or are you going to keep staring into space for a little while longer?" Vallen asked, now fully dressed and looking quite composed.

"Lets go."

After a lengthy walk, they arrived in one of the palace's exquisite gardens, where delightful aromas of various dishes wafted through the air. Almost immediately, the attendants brought them delicious food. Vallen dived right in, consuming the meal as if he were a lion devouring its prey, while Amara sat quietly, poking at her meat with her fork.

"Are you that angry with me or what?" Vallen asked, glancing back at her, his hand resting on his bulging stomach, which was nearly ready to burst.

"I saw." Amara replied, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh, that's good…" Vallen responded, lighting up a cigarette, completely oblivious to what she meant.

"On your back, I saw it in the room." She spoke again, her head slightly bowed as if she had said something wrong. She worried that Vallen was still hurting from what had happened.

"Oh, you're talking about the mark?" He smiled, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "I got that at the Hague torture camp from a Republic officer who cheerfully pressed the hot iron into my back. It's ironic because a few days later, I also found myself smiling while burning the whole camp down."

Amara felt a mix of sadness and empathy for Vallen. The casual way he spoke about such a painful experience shocked her. But this was what connected Amara more to Vallen.

"I got one too, you want to see it?" Amara asked, starting to unbutton his uniform.

"What no!." Vallen rejected this strange offer and started to laugh while she blushed realizing what she wanted to do.

"What I want to see is you stepping in the Royal Library. You need to learn some Skills before we head out to Panjam mountain and also need to train a lot." 

"But why me? Liora is more experienced and you know her for years."

"Liroa is aiming to be a minister, while you already made your military oath. And I also believe in you. So let's go straight to the library." Vallen stood up.

"Right now?!" She panicked.

"Yeah get up and come here."

Standing side by side, holding hands, Vallen then closed his eyes tightly and concentrated. After a few minutes, the door appeared before them which led directly to the Royal Library.