I stumbled backwards a little, when someone ran into me, and my hands reached out automatically to steady us both. It wasn’t until I looked down that I saw that it was Lily. My dear Lily.
She had been avoiding me for a while, and she got quite good at it too. After a while, I just gave up and let her to her own peace. I figured she would come to me when she was ready to talk to me. Lame, I know.
I felt Lily freeze in my arms, but I wasn’t ready to let her go. I looked into her eyes, and I felt my heart pound in my chest again. I felt alive again.
“Lily.”, I whispered.
“Lily!”, I heard someone yell from the porch. My hands squeezed her arms harder than I intended to, I just didn’t want her to leave me. One of my hands reached out to push a strand of hair behind her ear, and to caress her cheek. I might be deceiving me, but I think I felt her lean into my touch a little.
“Matteo…”, she whispered. I cupped her jaw and leaned in to give her a kiss on her lips.