5: The Lonely Boy


Name: Zach Levin (Male)

Age: 5 (Born 10/31/1968)

Race: Human

Description: Born as an only child to Mark and Sarah Levin, young Zach has very little social interactions with other children due to his moderate lifestyle. As an unassuming background character not shown in the series, Zach had no idea that there are hidden abilities of his particular ancestry.

There is no angel in Creation—by Chuck's design—that would have him as a true vessel.


Soren had just finished reading the basic [Examine] of the young boy who could see him in his true form. It surprised him that he stumbled upon a child with a similar life to his own, but young Zach seemed to be quite resilient. Soren felt bad for Zach who seemed to go through like a lot for someone at five.

This made him decide not to use his body as his true vessel.

Soren continued to play with Zach until his mother came out to get him for dinner. Zach looked a bit sad towards Soren as he had to stop playing now, but that did not mean that they couldn't play more in the coming days.

When Zach and his family finished having their dinner, Soren had already appeared in the house to watch over Zach. He seemingly took up the role of a guardian angel quite quickly as he looked over the young boy while staying out of sight from his vision.

He did not want Zach to notice how he appeared easily in his house nor have his parents notice him.

"I don't know why this child can see me in my true form nor if his parents can too," Soren thought to himself as he watched Zach be put to bed and kissed goodnight by his mom, "but I should be careful. Maybe I should deploy my human vessel?"

Soren pondered what his next course of action was while Zach slept throughout the night. Just as he was about to choose what he wanted to do next, a System prompt appeared.


Quest Completed: From Dark Times I

Upon arriving in the world of Supernatural, you are granted freedom to live your life as a Human—free of the machinations of the supernatural world. Within the time you are given, your choices define and shape your future.

This quest is meant to act as a Hidden Quest and thus not been revealed until its completion.

You have made a choice to be Human until the Winchesters begin their deep dive into the Angel/Demon War. This choice has been remembered by the System and will affect your choices.

At midnight of November 3rd, 1972, your human body will be deployed within 25 meters of the Winchester family home in Lawrence. Once deployed, you shall automatically be placed within it and begin your life as a normal human.

All memories shall be retained irrespective of automatic deployment.

Be warned as this decision shall prevent you from using your [Seraphim] racial abilities until the predetermined time.


He looked over on the System Clock in his vision—mentally cursing the damned System—as Soren noticed it was already ten minutes to midnight. Despite having to wait until his human form is deployed then live as a Human again, he felt that there was a mystery in Zach and his family's line.

One only he could solve.

As the clock struck midnight and began a new day, Soren felt a strong pull leading away from Zach's house and he couldn't resist it. Just as the world turned black for him, young Zach too felt something.

A soft ripple echoed throughout Lawrence. Undetected by Angel, Demon, God, or normal Human, this ripple carried a dark hint of a grim future.

A future in where a single man shall fight even the gods of his world and beyond for the one he loves most.

The one he calls "Kitty."