10: The Game Begins

[As you receive the news of Jessica Moore's death, the Paleblood within you begins to stir in its slumber...]


Soren kept an eye on things at Stanford since he graduated and this did not prevent him from learning that the plot of the show was beginning to take root. This meant he was beginning to feel the bloodline of a Great Old One flow within his very being—a sign of a new Hunt.

Despite him originally taking this at Character Creation just for access to the Hunter's Dream and having a type of respawning mechanism that even Death himself could not break, Soren held this new sensation in his blood with mild contempt. The System had assured him that he could live a normal human life until the Angel arc—which wasn't for some time now—but it seemed like the Paleblood he gave himself had other plans. Fortunately for Soren, he understood that his quiet life in Sioux Falls needed some variety of adventure.

Knowing full well that Blackwater Ridge was the setting of the second episode's plot, Soren wondered if the blood of the Old Ones in his veins would be appeased with the Wendigo. Considering his magical abilities with his wand and knowledge that a Wendigo was loose in Blackwater Ridge—soon to claim human lives as it nears the end of this cycle—Soren could tell that this would lead him down a path that would further awaken the Paleblood.



Originating from the Bloodborne universe, it is a perfected state of blood cursed by madmen who sought to use the blood of eldritch beings hidden deep beneath the city of Yharnam to cure any disease. Once believed to be a myth by the city's inhabitants, this state of eldritch blood enables one to become an Old One upon completing certain requirements.


+ Access to the Hunter's Dream/Nightmare.

+ Respawn after death as if by waking from a bad dream (Beds can be used to set respawns)

+ Access to the [Summon Messenger Shop] skill.

+ Ability to use any and all Hunter items from the Bloodborne universe without any drawbacks.

+ Can evolve into an Old One.


Considering that this universe had hunters that were just normal humans or metahumans with inherent powers, Soren had wanted a bloodline that would make him able to survive against the supernatural far more easily. Admittedly, he could have chosen a {Supreme Force Sensitivity} trait that would enable him to use The Force or something else that could have granted him a far easier time than run risks with an eldritch bloodline, but the reason why he chose the Paleblood instead?

He knew that this trait along with scant few others enabled infinite respawns.

'Like Hell would I let Chuck be able to smite me out of existence on a whim,' was his thought when he chose this trait or whenever he reminded himself why. Even a survivor of a walking hell would be angry at anything that could make him die with a snap of their fingers or even a single word.

Anyways, as he felt the Paleblood within him begin to crave the thrill of a Hunt, Soren began to pack his things. He told his subordinates that he'd be gone for a couple of weeks and wanted to take some time off from work to 'appreciate nature' so he would go to Blackwater Ridge.

Unsurprisingly, they were okay with that and one of them even suggested to bring plenty of insect and bear repellant. Apparently, they were giving good advice because they made a mistake of not bringing any repellant one time—causing them to get bitten by mosquitos and learn that they were allergic.

With a lighthearted chuckle, he agreed to such things and, after work that day ended, he began packing. The only thing he insisted on bringing with him regardless was his wand so he could use it against the Wendigo.

After all, he wanted to do some tests with his magic.

Another thing he would take with him, but not in his bags, would be his Hunter garments. The stuff he would like for his hunts would be in his [Inventory] and available at all times. He was no fool to leave his hunting equipment out for anyone to see because he did not want police to pull him over for any reason.

He wasn't that fool of a Hunter who liked to divide the world into black and white—even trying to kill Sam just because he was there at the wrong place and time. Soren even knew that if he met that Hunter, he was going to get blasted with a Killing Curse.

'Some Hunters just don't deserve to breathe,' Soren thought to himself as he remembered the episode with the harmless vampires that were being unjustly vilified.

After some time to pack the essentials for camping and a Wendigo, Soren got into his truck and began driving off towards Blackwater Ridge.