9: Time Moves Forward

Some time later...


After going through Hogwarts for three years—as he had started school as a fifth-year—Soren returned to the exact week before school began in the world of Supernatural. He went to normal school until he turned 18 and graduated with honors from the local high school before signing up for Stanford.

While attending university at Stanford, he took his time to lay out some detector spells using his ancient magic to make them unseen save for his sight. He knew that by the time Sam rolled into school, he'd be in his thirties. This meant that it was only during his tenure at Stanford as a student could he set up parts of his plan to slightly influence the Winchesters in the future.

Alas, this did mean that poor Jessica still had to die by the demons' hand. The thought of her death weighted heavily on Soren's mind, but he was not able to really convince himself that her life was able to be saved from the demons' plot.

Not to mention Chuck's designs for the Winchesters to be natural hunters.

Aside from using his magic to ensure the fire would not cause much else damage to their dorm room or spread beyond the confines, Soren kept a very average lifestyle. He made friends at Stanford and even learned plenty in his studies to potentially go to Harvard to study law.

He eventually decided to go to Harvard and become a lawyer as Soren needed to keep up his human lifestyle at least until things got crazy with Dean being retrieved by Castiel. Once he passed and graduated with honors—in partial thanks to the Eidetic Memory skill he learned through his Occlumency training—Soren decided to move to Sioux Falls.

He knew that this place was a quiet little town from the show and had both Bobby Singer along with sheriff Jodi Mills whom were two prominent characters in the Winchesters' life. This meant that he had a easy access to the Winchesters once they uncovered Bobby's existence.

Then, as the stage was set for it, Soren soon heard from an old friend of his about the fire and Jessica Moore's death.


Sam was devastated and angry that his girlfriend burned in front of his eyes just like how his mother died. Dean had come in to help get him out just after they had completed a hunt, but this had cemented his desire to seek vengeance against the one who killed his lover.

This had been keeping to the canon storyline of the show as expected with her death being the trigger to get him back into Hunting, but both brothers remained unaware that there had been two spectators that night. One had obviously been the demon who killed Jessica, but the other was someone else whose gaze was going exceedingly mad with a possessiveness beyond any mortal understanding.

Zach Levin had been growing more and more frustrated with his own kind of hunt. He and his family knew about the existence of the supernatural world, but while they too—much like our own protagonist—were keeping a low profile, they were not above using their abilities whenever it was needed.

In fact, when Zach turned 18, his parents soon came out to him that they were a special kind of family that had distinct advantages in both the human and supernatural worlds. Despite being myths in the supernatural world—even having strength that reached beyond the Angels and Demons—they are meant to only act when they deem fit. Zach learned that his Kitty—the very one he was hunting for now—was a Seraphim that couldn't be seen by normal humans and his parents indeed noticed the cat when he was playing outside.

As for why he was hunting for his Kitty now? He was beyond mad when he learned that Soren had left to go to Stanford when he hadn't been paying attention to his mischievous cat's antics. It took him some time to track down his cat's trail to Stanford, but even then it was a stroke of luck he witnessed the dorm fire that claimed Jessica's life. He knew that his cat seemed to be fascinated with the Winchester boys—as he knew from when he witnessed him watching that night back in Lawrence—so Zach made it a task for him to pay attention to the duo's adventures.

This meant that he had to wait until he could see his cat again. Luckily for him, his parents did raise him well to be patient for anything he desired.


The stage is set and the game begins...