8: Five Years Later; Hogwarts Letter

As the needle of Time skips forward, all things move onward...


It has been five years since that eventful night. Soren had swiftly left the scene before any demons—or Azazel—could have detected him and began to thoroughly enjoy his life.

Even made more connections to friends outside of Zach and—pleasing his parents—went to a decent public school. He still remembered how to do "simple math" as he called it, but in most other subjects, he wasn't too proficient in. Thankfully, even re-learning English from the perspective of a child helped immensely.

For five years, Soren had to re-train his body to keep himself athletically fit. Despite knowing he was actually a Seraphim in his own human body, that was a null point considering the System wanted him to enjoy life for the next 20-odd years. He also knew that once Sam grew up and went off to college, that would soon mark the true beginning of the series.

This would mean he'd be unable to save Jessica Moore from her canonical fate if he wanted Sam to stay on the path he took in the show. As luck had it, he did know that sooner or later, he'd receive his Hogwarts letter.

Despite the fact that Hogwarts Legacy had come out a year before the apocalypse descended and sold thousands of copies, Soren actually remembered most of the game's central plot. Despite that he got the same abilities as the game's central protagonist, he knew that his kind of ancient magic wouldn't be boosted by magical hotspots scattered around the Scottish Highlands.

That also meant he had to bulk up and train hard to protect himself before he got to Hogwarts.

He took strength training classes and practiced often to get his legs moving just right. While this did not immediately grant him a buff or Herculean build, the strength and agility in his body would have to be enough to fight against various monsters that are a part of the school grounds and beyond.


November 3rd, 1988

As the clock struck midnight on his birthday, his body underwent a massive change. Just like many times before, this very change flew under the Celestials' and most of the other universal inhabitants' radar. The System—which had been there with Soren the entire time—began to send this energy out towards the universe of Harry Potter and collect the letter for Soren to attend. It had even made sure to choose the right time period for this specific event.

As for Soren himself, he slept soundly without ever being aware that when he'd wake up, things would change drastically. Not even his parents knew that the young man they took in was going to be a wizard.

Then—as morning rose—Soren would read his notifications from the System.


Dear Mr. Soren Jackson,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As you are not typically arriving to Hogwarts as a first-year, you will be assigned a teacher to help you get caught up to your peers as a new fifth-year student. [...]


"So, it is time, huh?" Soren asked himself out loud with glee as this meant he'd go to Hogwarts. "Time for me to learn as much magic as I can while preparing ahead..."

He smiled to himself—pleased that he was going to the famous castle ahead of Harry—and he wanted to spend as much time as he could learning all the magic he could get. Soren knew that Rowena was a skilled witch, but something told him that while the magic system of Supernatural held a more realistic foundation based on old myths and religion, it was the power systems of both Harry Potter and Bloodborne that fit him most.

Plus, he could be able to stop a lot of monsters by using the basic spells taught at Hogwarts along with the Unforgivable Curses. He could already imagine defeating a Wendigo using the Fire-Making charm Incendio or blasting malevolent spirits with the Patronus Charm Expecto Patronum.

After daydreaming a little more about the potential he had with magic, Soren quickly brought himself back down to Earth and began to pack his things for the trip. The letter in the notifications mentioned that Professor Fig would be there to help tutor him in magic, so he had to make his way to London in the 1890's. Fortunately, the System was preparing to teleport him there.


Once more, the Needle of Time skips forward...