7: POV: ???

A wise man once said that "there are vast powers beyond the universe" and he was correct. In many stories or tales of heroes, there are always more than what is led to be written on the page or screen. DC has Darkseid, Marvel had Thanos for the Infinity Saga, the Wizarding World had Voldemort, and even one popular anime back in Soren's original world had a man in a world of alchemy called "Father."

What most people are not aware of is that most of these enemies are only what can be seen or written about while leaving much out of their preferred narrative. This tends to lead into fans of these franchises to write their own tales or variations of canon lore that expand the world they know little by little.

While I am not the Celestial Toymaker nor any of the Pantheon the dear Doctor fights with, I am certainly beyond the reach of God (or Chuck to the Winchester boys), Darkness, the Empty, and so many more in the worlds I visit. I had once sent an agent of mine to edit another fanfiction protagonist's journey into a world of magic and swords, but that was only a one-time deal.

As for who I am, dear Reader?

What you can refer me as is rather simple. I'm The Director.


Unlike the native people of the universe of Supernatural, I take great care to keep my presence in the background. Chuck played them all by inserting himself into the story and then revealing himself to be God to Metatron after the Winchesters stupidly unlocked the cage that kept God's sister away.

As for Soren, I just knew that he had potential to bring some upheaval to this world of Chuck's. Despite his inner caution from his time underneath the System's grasp in his original world, his cleverness to plan for the future made him a good candidate to cast him in a new role.

That role? Well, all I can say is that depending on the situation, he could either be a cruel tyrant, a dark anti-hero like John Constantine, or a noble knight in shining armor.

Perhaps he will be all three or none of them? Only time will tell.


I always adored gay romances. Despite you only having roughly six chapters of a starter into the world of Supernatural, there is much more happening behind the scenes than you may think.

While I could tell you what Zach's story is with our dear Soren along with why he went from this cute lonely kid that can see our protagonist's true Seraphim form to a more jealously possessive young teen in just ten years, I won't. All I can say for our young friend Zach is that there is a far greater reason why none of the angels in Chuck's little domain can have his bloodline as a true vessel.

A mystery that our dear Soren (and by proxy you, dear Reader) must solve as each chapter comes out.


The first change to the canon timeline won't happen for some chapters now. When that chapter comes, you'll know.

Ta, for now...