Unleashing the Power

Prince Hima looked directly at Rawa, his gaze intense but calm. "These are the magics that don't require chanting," he explained. "But if you want to amplify their power, you can use chanting."

Rawa furrowed his brow, tilting his head slightly. "Chanting?"

"Yes, chanting enhances the magic's potency." Hima's voice carried a note of seriousness as he continued. "Some mages can make it appear as if they aren't chanting, but they've practiced so much that the words have become instinctive. By adding a chant, the power of a spell increases through levels: 1. Academy Level, 2. Unitery Level, 3. Mage Level, 4. Military Level, 5. King Level, and 6. Emperor Level."

Rawa's eyes widened, and he leaned forward slightly in his seat. "So many levels just by chanting…"

"Exactly." Hima nodded, a faint smile playing at his lips. "Even beyond that, with advanced chanting, a mage can master the Sage Level, God Level, and even the Divine Level."

Rawa's brows furrowed in confusion, his gaze fixed on the prince. "But you said the highest is Emperor Level…"

"Yes," Hima agreed, waving his hand dismissively. "That's true for today's standards. But thousands of years ago, during the Great War, even the highest levels were surpassed."

Rawa nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "I see… understood."

Hima leaned back, his expression shifting as if considering his next words. "Now, I'm going to tell you about one last type of magic that exists."

Rawa raised an eyebrow. "There's more?"

"Yes," Hima affirmed, his gaze steady. "But this is the final one."

Rawa sighed softly, bracing himself. "All right, I'm listening."

"Ice magic, crystal magic, even dark and light magic—they're all classified as elemental magics."

Rawa straightened, his expression shifting as something clicked. "So… they're connected to my healing magic?"

"Correct," Hima replied, nodding thoughtfully. "But your healing magic is categorized as Prakriya magic. It's activated through chanting."

Rawa's eyes narrowed slightly, his lips pressing into a thin line. "An exception in magic, then."

Hima smirked, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Exceptions exist in every form of magic. However, your healing ability is what we call Ksheer magic. Some believe it's a variant of Divine magic, though we lack solid proof."

Rawa crossed his arms, frustration flickering in his gaze. "This is getting confusing…"

"It's because your healing magic works without chanting," Hima clarified, his tone softening. "And that contradicts what we know about Divine magic—it always requires a chant."

Rawa sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is all going over my head."

"Don't worry about it right now," Hima reassured him with a dismissive wave. Then, he leaned forward and raised his voice slightly. "Stop the carriage."

Rawa glanced up in surprise as the carriage came to a halt, the knights outside shifting into a defensive stance. "Training? Here? In the middle of a forest?"

"Yes," Hima replied briskly, standing up and gesturing for Rawa to follow. "I want to see your magic capabilities firsthand."

Rawa rolled his eyes but stood up obediently. "Very well, Your Majesty. I suppose I don't have much of a choice."

They exited the carriage and walked a short distance into the forest, the knights following at a respectful distance. After about a hundred meters, they set up a small area for training. Rawa glanced around, frowning as he noticed the sun still high in the sky. "But it's still noon… Why are we stopping now?"

Hima turned, meeting his gaze with a serious expression. "Your training is more important right now. Tell me—how many spells do you know?"

Rawa puffed out his chest slightly, smiling smugly. "Zero."

Hima raised an eyebrow, his expression turning skeptical. "Then, try something simple," he suggested. He gestured towards a nearby boulder. "Target that rock and say, 'Fire.'"

Rawa blinked, taken aback. "But I told you, I don't know any magic."

Hima's gaze remained steady. "Fire is an elemental magic," he explained calmly. "You have an affinity for it, so just say the word—'Fire.'"

Rawa sighed but stepped forward hesitantly. He raised his right hand, focusing on the boulder. "All right… Fire."

To his shock, a bright red and yellow circle appeared in front of his hand, and a blazing jet of flame erupted from it, incinerating the rock completely. Rawa's eyes widened as he stared at the spot where the boulder had stood.

"Well…" he murmured, his voice trailing off.

Prince Hima observed Rawa's surprised expression as the remnants of the rock crumbled to ash and scattered across the forest floor. A flicker of curiosity crossed Hima's eyes, but he maintained his calm composure.

"You see?" Hima said softly, "Even when you claim to know nothing, your magic obeys you." He crossed his arms, watching the lingering flames dissipate into the air. "This is just the beginning. With your potential, I can't even fathom your true limits."

Rawa stared at his own hand, his heart pounding. It wasn't just the magic—he felt something stirring deep within him, a latent power struggling to break free. "But… I've never used magic like this before," Rawa murmured, more to himself than to Hima. "How could I...?"

Hima smiled faintly, stepping forward. "Your body remembers," he stated simply. "Even if your mind doesn't, your essence—your soul—is tied to this magic. That's why Sutra believes in you, despite everything."

Rawa looked up, meeting the prince's gaze. "So you're saying I just have to say a word and it'll work?" There was a trace of skepticism in his voice.

Hima nodded. "Yes. For elemental magic, it's as simple as that. Just one word: 'fire,' 'water,' 'earth,' 'wind.' These magics are the building blocks of everything. They are innately tied to a mage's spirit, and once you awaken to them, they respond naturally."

"But why a circle appeared in front of my hand?" Rawa inquired, his curiosity piqued. "It wasn't just fire; there was a strange pattern before it."

"That's your magic circle," Hima explained, his tone patient. "Magic circles are like a mage's signature, unique to each individual. They channel and shape your spells, amplifying their power and making them more precise. The shape, color, and complexity of your circle will evolve as you master higher levels of magic."

Rawa's gaze lingered on his hand. "So this was just… basic?"

"Yes," Hima confirmed, his smile widening. "If you can produce that much destruction with a basic command, imagine what you'll be able to do when you learn to chant."

Rawa took a step back, shaking his head slightly. "This is crazy," he muttered. "A few days ago, I was just—"

"—a different person?" Hima finished softly. "No. You've always been this person, Rawa Vols. The strongest God, as you say. It's only now that you're starting to remember."

Rawa frowned, lowering his hand. He felt a pang of uncertainty, a deep-rooted fear of what lay hidden within. Was this power really his? Could he control it, or would it consume him? He glanced up at Hima, searching his expression.

"And what happens if I can't control it?" Rawa asked quietly.

Hima's eyes softened. "That's what this journey is for," he said gently. "I'm not here just to use you, Rawa. I'm here to guide you, to help you unlock your true potential." He turned slightly, gesturing to the dense forest around them. "This training isn't just for me to see your strength. It's for you to understand who you are—and to prepare you for what's coming."

Rawa was silent for a moment, weighing his words. He glanced back at the charred ground where the rock had been. The fire had felt natural, almost instinctive, as if he were merely releasing something that had been trapped inside for far too long.

"All right," he said finally. "I'll give it a shot. What's next?"

Hima's smile widened. "Good. We'll start with something simple." He pointed to a cluster of boulders a few meters away. "Try the other elements. Call for 'water,' 'earth,' and 'wind.' See what happens."

Rawa narrowed his eyes, focusing on the first boulder. He raised his hand again, mimicking the gesture he'd used before. "Water," he said firmly.

A shimmering blue circle formed instantly, intricate patterns swirling within. A jet of water shot forth, striking the boulder with such force that it cracked down the middle. The knights and mages observing from a distance exchanged startled glances.

"Next," Hima urged, his voice steady.

Rawa exhaled, turning to the second boulder. "Earth," he commanded.

This time, a deep green circle appeared, the ground rumbling beneath his feet. Thick vines erupted from the soil, twisting around the boulder and crushing it with a powerful squeeze before retracting into the earth.

Rawa felt a surge of exhilaration. It was as if each element responded to his will, eager to be unleashed. He turned to the final boulder, his heart racing.

"Wind," he whispered.

A silver circle flashed into existence, and a gust of wind roared forward, sharp and swift. The boulder shattered under the impact, fragments flying in every direction. Rawa stood there, breathless, his entire body tingling with the rush of magic.

"Well done," Hima said approvingly, clapping his hands once. "You're a natural."

Rawa lowered his arm slowly, staring at the destruction he'd caused. "This… this is real," he murmured. "I can control it."

"Yes," Hima agreed. "And that's why we're taking the long route. To refine your abilities, to push you further."

Rawa turned to face him, his gaze steady. "So, what's the next step?"

Hima's smile was almost mischievous. "Next, we'll test your limits," he replied. "Let's see just how powerful Rawa Vols really is."

The knights and mages tensed as Hima raised his own hand, a glowing gold circle forming in the air before him. "Prepare yourself, Rawa," he warned, his tone sharp. "This will be no ordinary training session."

Before Rawa could react, Hima's magic exploded forward, a golden spear of energy shooting straight towards him. Rawa's instincts kicked in, and without thinking, he thrust his hand out.

"Barrier!" he shouted.

A shimmering wall of light erupted around him, the golden spear colliding with it in a burst of sparks. Rawa gritted his teeth, struggling to maintain the shield.

"Good!" Hima called over the roar of magic. "Now, show me your true strength, Rawa! Let it all out!"

Rawa's eyes blazed with determination. "If that's what you want, then…!"

With a surge of power, he pushed back, the barrier shattering the golden spear and sending shockwaves rippling through the forest. The ground trembled, the trees swaying as Rawa unleashed the full force of his magic.

And for the first time since arriving in this world, he felt truly alive.