Zian Yi sat in his carriage with his eyes wide open. Even he could not believe what had just achieved.
He had extrapolated the Corpse flame skill up to level 16. This was when he had reached the limit of his knowledge in regard to fire. He could not extrapolate it beyond this level until he gained more knowledge relevant to the corpse flame.
He had upgraded the skill and this had cost him far more corpse qi than he had anticipated.
He was now left with zero units of corpse qi and this was just from working on this one skill. All 300,000 units of corpse qi that he had left after upgrading the Death Evolutionary techniques had all been used up.
This was not something that he had expected.
He had at first been enraged but when he summoned a ball corpse flames in his palm, all his anger disappeared like smoke.
The flame that he conjured was darker than black and the power it casually gave off was enough to make even him feel trepidation.