Fear Domain Unleashed

“Now that you have said your peace, let us kill each other.”

Zian Yi’s words were filled with killing intent and a willingness to burn everything to the ground. He had not come to become the new emperor of the Cloud Empire. He had come to tear everything to the ground and establish an empire of death. This empire would serve him and all his needs ranging from cultivation skills to food/people.

He had no consideration for the glory of the empire and how it might fall after his attack.

The Prime Minister saw the glee in his eyes and he knew that he had come face to face with a maniac intent on bringing death and destruction to the empire .If the prime minister truly cared about the empire ,he would find a way to negotiate directly with Zian Yi but he wanted Zian Yi dead more than he wanted to stop the war .Besides ,he was sure that his victory was already in hand .All he had to do was grab on tight and he would emerge victorious .