
Sometime ago, the gods became bored (more like lazy), and slowly ceased at their work of maintaining the world’s balance. Eventually they desisted and the world fell into chaos.

In order for balance to be restored, some group of humans, 12 of them, sought out the gods and requested that they be given the power to maintain balance in the world, themselves. Lazy and lethargic as the gods were, they readily relinquished their authority and power to these 12. these 12 individuals became known as the 12 Original High Humans.


In this world, diverse creatures coexist with humans; Whether under the shadows or blending with them; Ghouls, Vampire, Werewolves, even demons, and many more.

They were all created by the gods at the dawn of time. These beings are divided into 2 generations: The old generation and the new generation.

The old generation were the ones initially created by the gods, while the new generation are offspring or off-shoots from the old generation. Lycans are an original race, while some are not, they are very different from regular werewolves. The same can be said about Upirs; they are an original race, but their offshoots are Vampires and ghouls.


The gods used to handle everything concerning the world. They operate in a realm beyond what any being normally can fathom. Some are antagonistic towards earth, some are antagonistic towards humans, and some are just docile or uninterested. But the fact is that they all enjoy the events and activities in the world. It serves as their entertainment.

Except for the moon god, who bears a deep-seated grudge against humans.

To the moon god, all humanoids count as "humans," the moon god is specifically hostile with the high humans, the ones who sealed her.

These high humans are people that have either trained their bodies to the maximum, or were born with powerful abilities that can affect the rules and laws of the world.


Centuries past, the moon god, Kaguya, attempted to destroy the world due to heartbreak and rage. But she was ultimately stopped and defeated by the combined effort of the original High humans, and sealed inside the same moon that stands as her authority.

Till date, she is still trapped inside her own jurisdiction. But Kaguya is a god, after all - as powerful as she is, she could not be completely sealed.

Furthermore, by the law of the cosmos, gods cannot be killed or sealed for long; they'll inevitably revive or release themselves at some point.

Though, it wasn't applied in this context, because the moon god only managed to squeeze out her consciousness to earth, to give commands to her children and underlings.

Her underlings' ultimate goal: to retrieve their god and master.

The god's goal: to destroy everything that is human.

Part of the requirements for her release involves the massacre of human population, which would have to reduce by half, in one fell swoop.

When that happens, the moon god in her anger towards mankind, and excitement upon being freed, would plunge the remaining half into Abadon - she is deranged.

But her children haven't succeeded yet, for various reasons - vampires need humans as livestock, demons need humans for their dark emotions, and, well, humans don't want to die. A lot of factors play at protecting the continued existence of humanity.

High humans also remain till this day. And they fight against and foil the plans of the Moon god's children: Moonyrs, they call themselves, encompasses a large variety of races; Lycan, Vampire, Demon and even fellow humans. They all love and worship the moon god. They know what would happen upon her release, and they know that she's deranged. They know, but they still serve her that way - their Divine, insane moon god, Kaguya.


Some centuries ago, in a dimension of pure white, 12 figures floated facing a chained up woman with a crescent moon shape on her forehead. Their exchange went as follows:

"Farewell, Kaguya. May your imprisonment prompt reflection on your misdeeds," a brown-haired man with green eyes muttered in a deep vibrating tone.

"You can't do this to me, Atar... I-I am the great Kaguya," the white, chained woman protested, disbelief palpable in her eyes as she eyed the chains that bound her.

"Silence, save your strength for your futile attempts to escape!" A blonde haired man with green eyes retorted with a look of disdain towards the white woman.

"I had faith in you, Kaguya, I thought you weren't like the other gods... your actions have greatly hurt me," said a pretty braided woman, her braids extending from her crown to the back of her head. Her hair was quite blonde, almost looking like white.

"I couldn’t care less! Release me!" The white woman growled, then glanced at the brown-haired man that initially spoked, "Atar, please, don't be like this... It was for you. At the end, I did everything because of you... My love," a drop of tear, trickled from her eyes, down the white woman's face as she started to weep.

"I'm sorry, Kaguya; Humanity is a far weak race to serve as your playthings," Atar, the brown-haired responded, his voice slowly becoming laced with sorrow.

With that, the 12 individuals departed the white realm, leaving Kaguya to her fate.

Kaguya, upon realizing she had truly lost and would be sealed away, begged, "Atar, I beg you! I'll be obedient this time, i swear! I...I..." The white woman desperately muttered, looking at her surrounding like creepers were around her. Trembling, she spoke, "Atar please, I don't want to be left alone... For old times’ sake, please forgive me..."

Lucian, the blonde-haired man, intervened, sensing Atar's hesitation, "Desist at once! So you would resort to begging?!”

“N-no! let me-”

“Atar, don't listen to what she has to say. This woman, just like the other gods, sees us as things to be toyed with."

Atar composed himself, reassuring the blonde, "Lucian, it's okay... I will never trust Kaguya again, rest assured."

Determination and ultimate honesty could be perceived from his eyes as he said that, the white woman perceived it too and broke into more tears, but her pleas turned to enraged screams and curses, "Ahhhhh! Mark this day, Atar, Lucian, all of you humans! I will surely return, and when I do..." derangement was visible on Kaguya's expression, she was smiling an evil, upside down rainbow, but unending sorrow, in form of tears, bled from her eyes.

She said, "Humanity itself will pay the price... I promise you... No stone will be left unturned, I swear on my authority as god of the moon and night!!"

As she screamed upon scream and trashed, the 12 people heroes left the white encased world through a gate opened in space.

"Atar... please don't abandon me..." Was a soft, pitiful whisper within the loud cries all of them heard, but thought it must have been their imagination.


As the 12 heroes arrived on earth through the spatial gate, Lucian expressed concern, "Atar, what do we do if she eventually breaks out? She is particularly intent on destroying our race,"

The other 12 made exasperated expressions as they brainstormed.

"I doubt it will be anytime soon. Our combined powers seal her, and unless we perish, she shouldn't be able to break free on her own." Atar calmly explained to his comrades.

However, a fiery, red-haired man, among the 12, in an animal-fur coat countered, "Don't be naive, Atar. Remember, by the law of the universe, gods cannot be dead or sealed for long. Even if we remain, Kaguya will eventually break free - It is a rule."

The 12 individuals exchanged worried glances, aware of the impending threat of Kaguya's eventual return.

"I have an idea," a spiky, green-haired woman, whose hair was braided down to her legs, proposed, "with the help of Libra's balance, Virgo's precision, and my ultimate spatial ability, we could combine all 12 of our powers once more to make a new rule, one where all 12 of us would reincarnate after death. This way we would always exist and wait for the inevitable danger of Kaguya's awakening."

A deep red-haired woman, Capricorn, recoiled in shock. "You're suggesting we become slaves to the world, then?"

Atar intervened, "Calm down, Capricorn. Cancer, please elaborate on this 'reincarnation'."

She explained at depth how they would reincarnate with every generation, if they perished. And that there were risks to consider, like memory loss and weakening. But with strong conviction and ambition, that could be mitigated.

The 12 Guardians were divided – some opposed, others torn, and a few in agreement. But at the end;

"When we accepted this power and authority from those lazy gods, we were ready, at that point, to die for the sake of the world’s balance," Atar looked them all in their eyes and spoke with the charisma of a leader, "we became slaves of the world, right then. So because of our families, our next generation, because of the continued existence of our world... I, Aries of the 12 Guardians, suggest we go through with this. We would both keep an eye out for Kaguya's revival and keep the world’s balance, at the expense of our spirits’ freedom."

The 12 Guardians met Atar's resolute gaze - his ambition, palpable and infectious.

"Goodness! Well, I go anywhere the leader takes me," the blonde haired man laughed and stated.

They shared a moment of levity, their banter and smiles a testament to their unity.

"Well, if you'll take responsibility as the leader when something major occurs, then I'm in," one of them said.

"...Do as you like... But please, don't over work me to death... Though, I can't really die," another added.

The Spiky, green-hair who proposed the reincarnation theory spoke in glee and excitement, "Hahaha, we'll deal with whatever comes up! We're the guardians of the world, keeper of balance! Don't mean to toot our horn, but we're basically the gods of the world. We can do this, everyone!"

Atar's warm smile encompassed his companions, "Alright Cancer, Libra, Virgo! We're ready!"

Under the luminous moon, they held hands, formed a circle circling 3. These 3, Cancer, Virgo, and Libra, opened their eyes and like a white sun dwelled behind their Soul's window, their eyes glowed brightly. Strange, eerie winds started to blow. The clouds became unsteady, with lightning flashing here and there. Then they started, harmonically chanting something like a spell. It was like a thousand people were speaking at once;

“Realm of power, where laws reside,

A new path unfolds, let it slide.

By the power of the original 12, a new reality is spelled.

With every thought, and every deed,

We pierce existences' fabric.

Let the essence of our collective will,

Reshape the law, and make it established.

Let the new law manifest, and be,

A reality that has become meant to be.

Now! Let the power of our resolve,

Bring forth change, and change... Bend to our resolve!!”

Myriad colors of light started to bloom forth from heaven, and it blanketed the 12 of them. Now, they felt an even more closer connection to each other and the world. The ritual was a success. The world recognized these 12 as individuals that cannot truly be destroyed - beings like the gods, in the truest sense.


The ritual was a success, and a new rule was born... But, while everyone else reincarnated throughout the years, after their deaths... Aries of the guardians, Atar, did not reincarnate even once after his death.

All the guardians, except for one, lost their memories of their origin past, with only fragments of it left. But still, balance was held in place. The guardians, though imperfect and incomplete now, still remain active till this very day. But will Aries ever return?

All we can do is hope and wait patiently.