This creature is Evil, Lukas

Hm...? What a strangely Vivid dream; Kaguya? Guardians? I watch too much anime.


"Lukas, we have something to show you." My mother said, upon barging into my room, "Come to the underground level, now."

Huh? My mother's expression seemed so serious. She was smiling, but I could still tell. I hope I'm safe.


In this world, supernatural things occur, and supernatural creatures, called monsters, creep around. Though, I myself, hadn't seen one before... Until now.

Before me was a large bear-looking thing, its claws about 4 inches long, fur covering its exterior, blue glowing eyes, and terrifyingly large teeth. A nightmare, is what I'll call it; its growl will continue to echo in my mind for a long time.

It was chained up and held down by 4 men. My father, who stood beside it, was completely dwarfed. It was around 3-4 times his size.

"Watch, Lukas! This is the fate of a monster like this, when we find them," my father spoke serenely and brought out a knife- Oh, sorry, it's a dagger, and faced the giant.

"Hmph! It tried to hunt me like a prey this evening... Little did it know I would be it's dead end." My father darkly spoke as he moved forward.

It saw my father coming towards it and recoiled. It immediately stopped struggling and slowly started to change its shape; its hair went back into its body, its height and size reduced drastically, and what remained was a young naked girl with brown hair and eyes. She seemed to be older than me, just a bit. Actually, a lot; I was 6, but she looked like a high school girl, maybe 16.

"P-Please! I didn't do anything... Let me go?!" She pleaded, trembling, to my father, who was standing before her with the dagger and emotionless eyes.

"Your sin, little lady, was accepting the change. You could have killed yourself when you were turned. You're corrupted, so let me purge you," with his eyes filled with contempt, as if looking at that one mosquito that had been disturbing him for a while, my father chillingly responded.

The 4 men held the girl in place, and my father pierced her chest with the dagger, as seamless as dipping a finger in water. It was very sharp.

"ARRGGHHH!! Stop, stop, please stop! Not Silver, not Silver! Oh no, please have mercy! I was just hungry, please!!" She screamed and struggled, but the men holding her were apparently strong. The ground beneath her was cracking and sinking in as she struggled.

When she screamed, her eyes would turn blue and revert back to brown on occasions; her nails would jet out unnaturally and retract. I was supposed to be scared of her, scared of her abnormality, despise her for being a monster and wanted her to die, but Instead, I wanted them to stop already; I felt bad for her. She said she was just hungry, was there no other option but to slay her?

"This creature is evil, Lukas. It is called a werewolf." My mother behind me commented, "They feast on human flesh, you know, so this is what we do to them… Your father is being quite merciful, today." my mother behind me stated with a loving smile, as if saying, "Lukas dear, this is your 1st cousin, Amelia."

Is this what she refer to as "merciful?" Then what normally happens to monsters?

My father, like opening a zipper, pulled the dagger downward and opened the girl's bowels, brutalizing her.

Something a father should never let a 6 yr. old see, talk less of his own.

Her eyes were bloodshot and as wide as they could get. Her mouth, agape and seemed like it had given all its wail and had none left to offer. As tears streamed from her eyes one last time, she coughed out blood, stopped moving, then looked at me, "help... Please... Help me..." she begged one last time before the light of life left her eyes.

...Why would my father show a 6-yr-old such a gruesome sight? Well, apart from he's a scumbag, it all started yesterday, when I asked him to let me go to school;

"You want to leave the safety of the mansion?" he asked.

"N-no, I just want to play with kids my age and experience the world outside this mansion-"

"I refuse!" He didn't even let me finish, that old man!

I glanced at my mother, seeking help, but this was what I got,

"Look dear, there are a lot of dangers in the world. Your father and I specialize in eliminating these dangers. We would really hate it for you to get caught up in -"

In a roundabout way, she's refusing, isn't she?!

It turned into a back-and-forth argument for some minutes, until my father said, "Fine, if you won't understand, then we'll show you. You're 13 now, I think it's time."

"He's 6, dear." My mother corrected with her never-leaving smile.

I slept peacefully, but this morning I was taken into one of those restricted rooms in the basement and shown a drama that would leave a bad taste in my mouth for god-knows how long!

They haven't told me yet, but I think my parents are hunters or something. Every now and then I hear screams of agony in our underground rooms. Sometimes, loud noises like what you would hear when two superheroes are duking it out. It's a world I don't wish to enter if I could.

My mother is a Japanese woman; Black, long, silky, and straight hair, a petite nose, almond-shaped, black eyes, with an upward tilt at the outer corner. Slender figure with subtle curves, pale porcelain skin with a smooth, even complexion. Heck, I could go on and on about how beautiful she is, and 3 chapters wouldn't be sufficient. Sigh...! I would really want to marry a woman like that... minus the murderous tendencies.

Hayase Atar is her name. She told me that it meant "stream" or "current." Though, it can be interpreted as "swift."

Japanese names, or words rather, can be written with different kanji characters, each with its own meaning and interpretation.

Despite my mother's goddess-ranked beauty, to tell you the truth, she is scary.

We hardly see her eyes because they are always closed, but when we do... Gulp! It, most of the time, doesn't end well. Don't fear the apparent evil, fear the one that hides behind a mask of smile and tenderliness.

My father, the scumbag I was talking about, is a native American, from the Ojibwe Tribe (Anishinaabe). His name is Flynn Atar.

I wonder who gave him that sweet sounding name. My family's history is completely Greek to me. I sort of hate Greek - it's complicated.

He has dark hair, long and flowing with a subtle wave and curl. He has intensely sharp green eyes, a tall, lean build, with broad shoulders. His skin is a warm, golden brown color, like the rich soil of the earth.

Tch! As much as I hate it, he is a good-looking man. I can wait for him to turn 70 so I can laugh at his old age!

"What's the issue, Father? Can't find your walking stick because you're old and blind?" I'll tell him.

Forgive my vulgarity, but I have a thing against men who are more handsome than I am. And actually, I don't even see my father as someone getting old quickly - maybe I'll age before him.

I usually wonder how my parents met, but considering their dark nature, it's probably something I don't want to hear. My father would butcher a kid if they're not human, and my mother would watch on with a smile. Something tells me she would do an even more sadistic job than my father.

But ultimately, they seem to really cherish each other.

They shamelessly French-kiss if front of me, and they are almost never apart. What's unfair is that, when they are alone, their darkness subsides, and they start acting normal and sweet.

Sometimes ago, my mother angrily ran out of the house with a katana. I say "angrily," but she was smiling. It was her eyes that were scary... They were open.

She returned in 15 minutes time;

"Ah! Hayase. You returned quicker than expected. Did you take down the Youkai all by yourself?" My father said, raising my mother like a kid as she walked into the living room.

"He-he-he, Of course, dear. Anything that comes in between me and my private time with you, is already lost for death and disaster," she happily responded, and they kissed, going upstairs.

What they went to do upstairs is narrated in the "pink book" version of this story, which doesn't exist, Perverts!

They go at it like rabbits, but I've never gotten any siblings! I hope I myself wasn't a mistake?!

They are the reason I became somewhat perver- I mean, knowledgeable for a 6 yr. old.

Though, my parents must have gone a long way together, I guess. They are both good looking, too.

Well, me? I'm as handsome as they come!

Sigh! Actually, I'm just average; I don't have brown skin or pale skin, just normal skin (no offense, people with "normal skin"). I don't have beautiful green eyes, but ordinary, bland brown eyes. The kind where, if the police were to ask, "what was the color of his eyes?" You'll respond with, "I don't know, it was the kind that didn't have any color."

And the police would still get what you mean.

My only pride was my soft-like-fur brown hair. I'm sure I'm their kid, right?! I wasn't adopted, was I?!
