Let's play a game called "Try Not to Get Beheaded"

As the pretty maid-san left the room, I started observing it, it was quite large and extravagant. But as I pondered, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Forgive my intrusion, you must be Lukas, son of that monster, Flynn, right?”

I turned to see a super pretty girl, around my age. She had big, sharp green eyes (just like my dad's, creepily enough). She also had long black hair, about knees-length, and she wore a casual outfit; brown baggie pants, some cool black slippers, and a white tank-top, which exposed her moderate muscular physique and figure. She must have done a lot of gym work to get those toned muscles.

She basically looked like a miniature version of a college student as she smiled with her hands in her pockets.

Mischievous Imp: Detected. I hope she is not like the other women in my life, right now.

“Oh! Someone else identifies my father as a monster, which he definitely is!” I replied, and she giggled.

If my father was to hear this conversation, I seriously cannot imagine what he’d do to me.

“He-he, energetic, are we not?” she said, removed her right hand from her pocket and slowly faced it towards me.

Is she trying to high five me?

“I’m Lu -”

“Hey, old lady!! If you don’t come right now, I swear I’m leaving!”

Just as she was about to say her name and we were about to become fast friends, a loud, manly voice boomed from outside the room.

The girl flinched and rolled her eyes.

“Such an impatient child… Hank! Wait for me, I was just welcoming the visitor!” She yelled back and ran out.

Why is she being called an old lady when she’s obviously a tween? And why was she calling that person a “child?” his voice sounded very-much as manly as they came.

“Well, the visitor should be thanking me for saving his life just now.”

Eh! What does he mean by that?

“You worry too much, his eyes seemed special, maybe he would have survived…” the girl’s voice trailed off, as if going far away. Which probably meant they left.

Wait, wait, wait!! What did they both mean by “survive?” I’m beginning to get bad vibes from this house. Survive what?! I did not stumble into some kind of danger zone, did I?


I wonder what the twins have in store for me. Maybe a Guillotine? Stuffing me in a punching bag? It’s all painful to imagine…

Mother!! How would you sell your own son like this?!

Thanks to Mr. Nico's spatial door (which I have yet to question him about), I had no clue of where I was, in the map. I headed to the balcony to get my bearings. The view was breathtaking: lush greenery, mountains, foggy hills, and a town or village in the far distance.

Hm… From the surroundings, I can surmise this place to be located in…… yup! No idea.

By the way, the room was nice, though – like a luxury suite (that I’ve never been to). The bed was definitely too much for a person my size, but it was still massive for a regular person. The room was red-themed, and mostly everywhere in it was traditionally furnished. It did had air-conditioning and a big TV, also a bathroom. My room wasn’t losing that much to it (okay, my own room seemed like a monk's cell in comparison), but this room was more focused on comfort for guests, I assume.

As I was trying to get accustomed to my new room, I heard footsteps coming.

“Shriiiiimp!! Sorry to keep you waiting, you miss me already, don’t you?”

Thera with an ear to ear grin barged into my chamber with her dark clone, Theo. She wore a light blue top which emphasized those cream puffs nicely, and a jeans skirt, very unlike the image I had of her – I thought she'd rock a bad-girl, rock-band-inspired look. Theo sported a grey shirt and black shorts. Hmmm, almost there; I figured he would wear all black, or even a black robe with a pentagram in the chest region like a cult Don.

Thera's conclusion-jumping skills were still unmatched – How can I miss you? we were together minutes ago! Or, don’t tell me… that is her plan? To make sure I can’t survive minutes without her?

Then I noticed Theo smiling ominously.

"Hey, Twig... let's play a game called 'Try Not to Get Beheaded'."

What a reassuring game title. And strangely, I feel like this game will be my last, my endgame.

Sigh… so my time has come… farewell, unseen world shrouded in mystery and secrets I’d never get to uncover!


It turned out, the game "Try Not to Get Beheaded" was ACTUALLY a video game, and not a fancy name for my execution.

The game was simple: collect rare stones and deliver them to the village chief. You would have to kill monsters and bandits in your way, though. Easy peasy, right? Wrong! If you failed, you'd get beheaded in the village square. Because, you know, that's a reasonable punishment for not finding a rare stone.

The makers of the game were rather severe, weren’t they? Just for not finding a RARE stone? It is HARD to find because it is RARE, but no, the village chief must draw blood. Let him find it himself, then. Damn tyrant! He reminds me of my Father. I wonder if he was one of the creators.

Theo and I were engrossed in the game, frantically collecting rare stones to save our virtual necks. Meanwhile, Thera had cozied up to me on the bed. We were all seated on the huge bed, facing the huge TV, but Thera was adding to the difficulty of the game by embracing me, almost obstructing my view.

She previously fixed herself on my back, like a tick. But that wasn’t enough, she switched from snuggling my back to my frontage, smiling creepily.

I knew better than to protest, I might get whacked, so let’s persevere.

And is she sniffing me again? Personal space, Thera!

I wonder what we’ll do next; “Try Not to Get Hanged?” “Try Not to Get Sacrificed?” I just hope I will be in one piece before summer ends.

And I need a "Thera-repellent" power-up.