Loneliness vs Solitude

The sounds of pads clicking enveloped the red-themed room, as something unacceptable occurred. Theo and I were still on the video game “Try Not to Get Beheaded,” but something was bothering me… I wanted to complain, however, I found myself hesitating. Now that it had happened again, I won’t be silence!

“Uhm… Theo, would you stop killing me and stealing my rare stones? I’m going to be beheaded by our chief at this rate, you know.”

Yes, you read it right. I don’t know if it's a glitch in the games, but if my character gets killed by monsters, bandits, or my own ally, I'll suddenly revive when the time is up and face execution at the village square for not finding rare stones in time.

Theo's emotionless eyes remained fixed on the screen as he continued to stab my character.

“Shut up, Twig… if it bothers you, fight back.” Was what he declared before stealing my hard earned stones… again.

Sigh! Despite it all, the game was kind of fun; it turned out that playing with a partner was also wonderful. It would have been better if said partner didn’t turn on me, though. Thera was asleep on my Lap. When I tried to peel her off, she clinged so tightly to my abdomen, I instinctively understood the fatality that would arise if I kept pushing my luck, so I left her alone. At least she wasn’t obstructing my view anymore, not that it’s still helping anything – Theo’s character follows mine around, waiting for them to fight off monsters and bandits. Then when they amass the loot, his character attacks mine and robs them. I feared that if I fought back in the game and won, another battle will erupt here, in the real world – one that I’m not confident on winning, so I just let him do as he pleases.

“You think I’m unpleasant, don’t you?” Theo asked with an exasperated face, after my character got beheaded in the village square.

Now, I don’t know how to answer that…

“Well, I haven’t met a lot of kids my age, but I think you and Thera must be the worst out there.” I retorted, then used a recovery item to revive my character.

Oops, was that too harsh? Theo's cold glare is freezing the air.

Siiiiiigh, I better explain it in a way that would save me from potential misfortune.

“Okay, that’s not exactly true,” I backpedaled, “…Actually, it is true. But sorry, you and Thera can be cruel at times. But I don’t necessarily hate you guys for it.”

Theo raised an eyebrow and paused playing the game. So that I won’t be walloped for continuing without him, I also stopped and resumed speaking.

We both will lose our virtual heads for this, though.

“Ever since I was born, until 6 years ago, I had never stepped a foot out of my mansion. I wasn’t allowed to. All the fun I could get was in the mansion; games, books, and movies. I didn’t’ have friends or enemies, no one to wait for me in front of a school gate, no one to bully or practice judo techniques on me. I was alone. Just me, myself, and I.”

I turned from the large TV and faced Theo, who looked quite surprised.

“I’ll admit it, I hated you guys at first. But I noticed something – you guys never gave up on me. When I was alone, you talked with me… and bullied me… and abused me, but strangely enough, I started to feel good.”

Theo cringed covering his mouth, “you masochistic Twig.”

“No, no, no!! not that kind of ‘feel good.’” I clarified, "I meant it made me feel less lonely. My answer to your question is No, I don’t think you’re unpleasant. I found myself looking forward to meeting you guys everyday… well, the school itself is hell, actually, but let’s say you guys made it bearable by just being there. And Actually, I haven’t thanked you guys for all that, have I?”

Theo was getting red in the face and his eyes were slightly widened.

Considering all the torment he and his sister put me through, I guess he never expected that kind of response, huh?

“Thank you, thank you very much for not abandoning me… despite me being a ‘Twig’ or ‘Shrimp’. And thank you too, Thera. I know you’re not actually asleep.”

Thera had been fidgeting for a while now, as I spoke to Theo.

“H-h-huh!! I was sleeping, alright!” Thera protested, still clinging to my stomach, “Your Shrimpy voice woke me up, that’s all!”

See? More abuse… what does “Shrimpy voice” even mean? But I’m already used to it. However, I’m not a masochist. And Thera, if you’re awake now, stop clinging to my stomach, okay.

“I know, I know,” I said, trying to assuage her, “I’m thanking you guys for having my back. It’s rude of me not to, when you guys have been looking out for me for 6 whole years.”

Suddenly, Thera became super flushed.

This is the kind of reaction I should be receiving from these two. I’m starting to think if I play my cards right, I’ll have them groveling at my feet before long! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ow-ow-ow!!!

Just as the excitement of dominance was intoxicating me, Thera stopped clinging, and started to pulling my cheek.

Stop that!! My cheek isn’t supposed to extend that far!

“H-Hmph!! Even though you’re just a Shrimp!” she yelled and ran out of the room.

Sigh… does the universe have a problem with me? I’m starting to really think I was a terrible person who escaped karma in my past life.

As I rubbed on my excessively pulled cheek, Theo asked a surprisingly, unexpected question,

“I want to tell you something important… will you hear me out?”

Another drastic game? I thought feeling wary.

“Is it another game?”

“No! it has nothing to do with a game.” Theo retorted angrily.

“Relief… if it’s not another bizarre activity, then I’ll indulge you” I stated.