Quit straying from the Sasuke-character Archetype!

Theo hesitated for a while before speaking. I’ve thought about this before, but does this guy really have no friends?

“…I have never had any friends,” Theo said, as if answering my internal question, “it has always been me and Thera. Even in school, people seem to find me repulsive and stay away.”

I think I know why.

“Have you tried talking to them? Maybe you were mistaken about -”

“I’m not mistaken! They always… Sigh, anytime I lock eyes with any of them, they immediately look away with a dreaded expression. Once, a girl walked to me and said, ‘hello, there!’ I thought I’d finally make a friend, so I immediately replied, ‘What!?’ but that girl, she shrieked and apologized before storming away, like I was some serial killer.”

This guy seems really smart, but maybe he is actually not?

Theo continued, “like you said, I tried to make a move; I went towards a group of boys talking about this great novel that I had also read, so I wanted to share opinions with them. When I reached their presence, they all yelped, ‘w-we didn’t do anything, we promise, it wasn’t us!’ I was taken aback, wondering if they were talking to someone at my back, so I pointed at my back, indicating, ‘were you talking to someone at my back?’ but they all wore relieved faces, thanked me profusely, and ran out of the class. That was the last time I ever saw them. I heard they transferred or something. but you get what I mean, right? So I was thinking if I was unpleasant to people.”


You won’t blame me for being silent, right? Therapists just got a new-found respect in my heart.

And Theo can speak this casual? I didn’t know.

I wanted to say, “Theo… you’re really… weird, you know?” but even if he doesn’t strangle me, I won’t be able to sleep at night.

Now I understand why they wouldn’t leave me alone – I was the only one who could tolerate their mishandling.

"Uhm... What about Thera?" I ventured, trying to steer the conversation in a safer direction. She was a very pretty girl, and I bet she’ll be popular, unlike Theo.

But Theo said, “oh, her? She dug her own grave.”


He continued, “She’s a bonafide Delinquent. As an elementary scholar, she ruled both our turf and the middle-school section. Including some high school sections, too. They call her “the skull cracker,” – literally because she cracked a teacher’s skull on the first day of P.E.; He told her to put on the girls’ P.E. uniform instead of the boys’ uniform, but she said he was a pervert, jumped up and kneed him on the face.”

Yeah, that's a great way to make friends.

Theo carried on, “So yeah, she is synonymous with terror, and thus, has no friends. Just some lap dogs who aren’t given any other option but to serve her.

Let me give you a short story on what she did that cemented her reputation;

This happened about 3 years ago…”

Hmm, Theo was really enjoying blabbing to me. I wonder what he’ll do if I said, “Shut up! You talk too much – were you this weird all along? Quit straying from the Sasuke-character Archetype!” I best not try world-destroying experiments.

Theo gave me a short report on what happened 3 years ago;

A guy in her class (both her and Theo are in the same class) hugged her from behind.

This boy obviously saw a black cat cross the road, on his way to school that day – sheer bad luck. I wondered what was the guy’s problem, poking a tiger like that, but it turned out that he thought she was his girlfriend.

It beats me why an elementary scholar was in a relationship, in the first place.

“Oh, sorry! I thought you were someone else,” he said, but was too late – Thera broke off the metal leg of a chair and struck him on his head., as expected of a wild tiger.

How she was capable of such a feat is beyond me.

The guy (a kid, let me remind us) fell to the ground bleeding from his head, he was scared and trembling, “p-please, I said I’m sorry!” he cried, but mercy seemed to be on vacation that day – this guy’s luck was just too good; Thera silently raised the metal rod in the air again, aiming for another strike. It’s apparent she was trying to end the guy! How come I haven’t been killed by her yet?

The other kids were all scared and shaking too, some running away in tears – they were elementary scholars after all.

Back to the story, a pretty girl with short blonde hair (I see where the confusion came from) ran into the class where the attempted murder was taking place.

“What do you think you’re doing to my boyfriend!!” the ELEMENTARY SCHOLAR said shielding her “boyfriend” (probably 9 yrs. old, I’ll speculate).

“Leave…” Thera threatened her.

“I’m not leaving! Who do you think you are? Whatever he did, he apologized but you still hit him, you rascal! Don’t you have a heart? How did your parents raise you? Maybe they were also scum and you inherited their gene, you scum!”

“Shut up.” Thera warned with bloodthirsty eyes.

“Go ahead, hit me if I’m annoying, that’s the only thing you can do, I bet. People like you grow up to become villains and murderers. That’s why you don’t have any friends! You get off on fear, don’t you?”

“I said shut up, you…” Thera warned again, with a dark shade of an expression.

“No, I refuse to bend to your tyranny! You like hurting others to feel big. Get over yourself, you wild animal!” as the girlfriend trash talked Thera (she really knew how to trash talk, for a 9 yr. old), a gush of wind erupted in the class and she fell down.